R6S Patch Y6S2.1.0.1 hotfixes Windows cursor bug, Single melee hit, and more

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
3 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft will be releasing a small hotfix to Rainbow Six Siege today that will address some of the important issues PC users were facing.

The new Y6S2.1.0.1 Patch will drop today for PC, Stadia, and Luna users at 9 am EDT / 1 pm UTC with an estimated downtime period of 30 minutes.

Most of these fixes were scheduled to release with the Y6S2.2 Patch; however, Siege devs have decided to bring these bug fixes on PC servers as quickly as possible, thus releasing this new hotfix.

This patch is finally set to mitigate the windows cursor bug that was getting stuck on the screen, disabling camera movement. This issue was arising for multiple users since the release of this new season, leaving them completely frustrated.

The silent C4/Nade bug, which has been present in the game for years now, is finally set to be fixed. The bug allowed players to remove the deployment sound of Nitro Cells and Grenade, thus not allowing players to be indicated of a potential explosive coming their way.

Ubisoft also states on the patch notes that they will now be blocking PC users from turning on the new in-game HUD through console command. This command previously allowed players to turn on the revamped HUD for Siege, which was quite well-received by the community. Although Ubisoft previously said that they won’t stop players from playing around with this HUD, it seems like they have now reneged on their promises.

Find the Y6S2.1.0.1 Patch Notes down below:


Ubisoft Connect: 487.32 MB
Steam: 331.6 MB



FIXED – Players can vault through barricades after a single melee hit.

FIXED – If a player cancels the equipment of a weapon to perform another action, but is eliminated at the same time, it may cause someone else’s game to crash.


FIXED – Windows cursor on PC sometimes remains stuck on screen, blocking camera movement.

FIXED – Deployment SFX is silent when a player deploys a frag grenade or C4, then crouches or goes prone at the same time.

FIXED – New HUD can be activated through a game console command.

FIXED – Prompts may linger on screen over several rounds.

The Y6S2.2 Patch will bring all these fixes, alongside the balancing changes to consoles at a later date.

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.