Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed Mythic Variant: Splash Art, How To Get & Release Date

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Zed is getting a new Mythic Variant skin in the form of Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed.

The Odyssey skin line is a group of alternate-universe skins that portray League of Legends champions as intergalactic Bounty Hunters, Templars, and Criminals in pursuit of the wondrous substance called ora.

Released alongside the popular PvE game mode called Odyssey Extraction, the Odyssey skin line remains one of the more popular skin lines in League of Legends. Over the years, the skin line has produced quite a lot of wonderful skins like Odyssey Kayn, and Odyssey Kha’Zix. However, the most popular skin line from Odyssey remains Galaxy Slayer Zed.

Galaxy Slayer Zed was released back in April of 2019 and still remains one of the most popular skins of the champion, even compared to the iconic Shockblade Zed. Now after years, the skin is getting a makeover in the form of Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed. The skin will be a Mythic Variant and will have some updated effects and animations. Unfortunately, it will have the same caveats as any Mythic Variants, its high price point.

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Splash Art

Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed
Image Credit: Riot Games

How To Get Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed

The exact method for obtaining this skin has not been revealed yet.

However, if it’s similar to the previous Mythic Variants, Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed should require players to open 30 Capsules. And with each capsule costing 750 RP, it should cost a total of 22500 RP to get the skin. So, it’s basically a 200 USD Chroma/Skin.

Release Date

The skin is currently in the PBE servers for testing and will arrive in the live servers in Patch 25.S1.4, which is scheduled to go live on February 20, 2025.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.