Learn how to find and craft all 171 TM Moves in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and help your Pokémon to be the very best.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have introduced many changes and upgrades to make the true open-world experience much smoother and better and bring a fresh breath of air into the signature RPG gameplay of Pokémon.
Some of the most praised features are freedom of order of gym battles, mini-map, Legendary Pokémonfrom early on, mountable, and much more. Without these, of course, a Pokémon would’ve felt very tedious.
Furthermore, another welcome addition is the way how TM or Technical Machine moves work in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. TM is once again a one-time-use item, but now they can be crafted, so you don’t have to worry about losing them forever. TMs can also be obtained in the usual way of picking up items in the world or receiving them from NPCs. Hence, you can use your hard-earned Pokédollars to buy other valuable items.
The game also offers a lot of different types of TM to make your Pokémon stronger, faster, and smarter. 171 of them, to be exact. For players, knowing what types of these TMs are available beforehand is essential. This allows you to plan your strategy better. Our guide lists all the TM moves in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, what they do, where to find them, and how to craft them. The only other way to learn about them is through whatever you obtain while playing the game and exploring the massive Paldea region. Therefore you can use our list as a handy guide.
Read more: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How to Fix Performance Issues
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: How To Craft TM Moves

TM moves can be crafted in Pokémon Centers, and you can start crafting from the first Pokémon Center. Moreover, there’s no limit to how many TM you can craft.
To craft TMs, you need League Points and the required crafting materials. League Points are earned from Starfall Street, Gym Battles, and Tera Raids. So there’s also some grinding required if you’re keen on crafting for TM moves in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Inside a Pokémon Center, you’ll find a TM Machine (green side of the counter). Interact with it to turn it on and select the “I want a TM made” option. This brings up the crafting list and all the TM moves you owned and its details. Additionally, the TM moves will also show the required League Points (LP) and resources needed to craft them. To craft something from here, press the “Craftable” button.
The crafting materials you never obtained will appear as question marks, “???”. Obtain them once, and they’ll appear on the appropriate TM moves. Crafting materials are obtained by defeating wild Pokémons as drops. It isn’t always too hard to figure out where to find what since these item drops are related to a specific Pokémon. Like Azurill Fur only comes from Azurills, etc.
All TM Moves in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

TM No. | Move Name | Move Type | Move Description | Location | Resources needed to Craft |
001 | Take Down | Normal | A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. This also damages the user a little. | South Province (Area 5) | 400 LP, 3 Lechonk Hair, 3 Yungoos Fur |
002 | Charm | Fairy | The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers the target’s Attack stat. | 400 LP, 3 Azurill Fur, 3 Teddiursa Claw | |
003 | Fake Tears | Dark | The user feigns crying to fluster the target. This harshly lowers the target’s Sp. Def. stat. | 400 LP, 3 Bonsly Tears, 3 Teddiursa Claw | |
004 | Agility | Psychic | The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. This sharply boosts its Speed stat. | 800 LP, 3 Fletchling Feather, 3 Oricorio Feather | |
005 | Mud-Slap | Ground | The user hurls mud in the target’s face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy. | South Province (Area 2), northern area | 200 LP, 3 Wooper Slime |
006 | Scary Face | Normal | The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat. | West Province (Area 1) Central, South of Pokemon Center | 400 LP, 3 Stantler Hair, 3 Sandile Claw |
007 | Protect | Normal | This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. | Alfornada Cavern | 400 LP, 3 Lechon Hair, 3 Scatterbug Powder |
008 | Fire Fang | Fire | The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with a burn. | West Province (Area 1) | 800 LP, 3 Houndour Fang |
009 | Thunder Fang | Electric | The user bites with electrified fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with paralysis. | West Province (Area 3), edge of Glaseado Mountain | 800 LP, 3 Shinx Fang |
010 | Ice Fang | Ice | The user bites with cold-infused fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it frozen. | 800 LP, 3 Cubchoo Fur | |
011 | Water Pulse | Water | The user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water. This may also confuse the target. | Socarrat Trail | 1,500 LP, 3 Buizel Fur, 3 Magikarp Scales |
012 | Low Kick | Fighting | A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. The heavier the target, the greater the move’s power. | South Province (Area 2) | 400 LP, 3 Mankey Fur |
013 | Acid Spray | Poison | The user attacks by spitting fluid that works to melt the target. This also harshly lowers the target’s Sp. Def. stat. | South Province (Area 1) | 800 LP, 3 Toxel Sparks, 3 Wooper Slime |
014 | Acrobatics | Flying | The user nimbly strikes the target. This attack does massive damage if the user isn’t holding an item. | 3,000 LP, 3 Wattrel Feather, 3 Bombirdier Feather | |
015 | Struggle Bug | Bug | The user attacks the target with an electric charge. The residual electricity may also boost the user’s Sp. Atk stat. | Levincia | 400 LP, 3 Tarountula Thread |
016 | Psybeam | Psybeam | The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. This may also confuse the target. | 800 LP, 3 Psyduck Down | |
017 | Confuse Ray | Ghost | The target is exposed to a sinister ray that causes confusion. | West Province (Area 1) Central, Southeast of Pokemon Center | 400 LP, 3 Gastly Gas, 3 Mareep Wool |
018 | Thief | Dark | The user attacks and steals the target’s held item simultaneously. The user can’t steal anything if it already holds an item. | West Province (Area 1) Southwest of Pokemon Center | 3,000 LP, 3 Houndour Fang, 3 Shroodle Ink |
019 | Disarming Voice | Fairy | Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses. | 200 LP, 3 Ralts Dust | |
020 | Trailblaze | Grass | The user attacks suddenly as if leaping out from tall grass. The user’s nimble footwork boosts its Speed stat. | Artazon Gym reward | 800 LP, 3 Petilil Leaf, 3 Hoppip Leaf |
021 | Pounce | Bug | The user attacks by pouncing on the target. This also lowers the target’s Speed Stat. | Cortando Gym reward | 800 LP, 3 Nymble Claw, 3 Tarountula Thread |
022 | Chilling Water | Water | The user attacks the target by showering it with water that’s so cold it saps the target’s power. This also lowers the target’s Attack stat. | Cascarrafa Gym reward | 3,000 LP, 3 Psyduck Down, 3 Surskit Syrup |
023 | Charge Beam | Electric | The user attacks the target with an electric charge. The residual electricity may also boost the user’s Sp. Atk. stat. | West Province (Area 1) | 800 LP, 3 Mareep Wool, 3 Dedenne Fur |
024 | Fire Spin | Fire | The target becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for four to five turns. | 800 LP, 3 Gorwlithe Fur, 3 Torkoal Coal | |
025 | Facade | Normal | This attack move doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed. | Medali Gym reward | 5,000 LP, 3 Komala Claw, 3 Tinkatink Hair, 3 Stantler Hair |
026 | Poison Tail | Poison | The user hits the target with its tail. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit and may also poison the target. | 800 LP, 3 Seviper Fang, 3 Shroodle Ink | |
027 | Aerial Ace | Flying | The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. This attack never misses. | Cortando East Pokemon League rep | 800 LP, 3 Starly Feather, 3 Fletchling Feather |
028 | Bulldoze | Ground | The user strikes everything around it by stomping down on the ground. This lowers the Speed stats of those hit. | Socarrat Trail | 1,500 LP, 3 Mudbray Mud, 3 Sandygast Sand |
029 | Hex | Ghost | This relentless attack does massive damage to a target affected by status conditions. | North Province (Area 1) | 3,000 LP, 3 Mimikyu Scrap, 3 Greavard Wax |
030 | Snarl | Dark | The user yells as if it’s ranting about something, which lowers the Sp. Atk stats of opposing Pokémon. | West Province (Area 6) | 800 LP, 3 Maschiff Fang, 3 Squawkabilly Feather |
031 | Metal Claw | Steel | The target is raked with steel claws. This may also boost the user’s Attack stat. | West Province (Area 1) | 400 LP, 3 Teddiursa Claw |
032 | Swift | Normal | Star-shaped rays are shot at opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses. | South Province (Area 1) | 200 LP, 3 Fletchling Feather |
033 | Magical Leaf | Grass | The user scatters curious leaves that chase the target. This attack never misses. | South Province (Area 4) | 1,500 LP, Smoliv Oil, 3 Petitil Leaf |
034 | Icy Wind | Ice | The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This also lowers opposing Pokémon’s Speed stats. | 800 LP, 3 Snom Thread, 3 Snover Berries | |
035 | Mud Shot | Ground | The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud at the target. This also lowers the target’s Speed stat. | 800 LP, 3 Sandile Claw, 3 Whooper Slime | |
036 | Rock Tomb | Rock | Boulders are hurled at the target. This also lowers the target’s Speed stat by preventing its movement. | 1,500 LP, 3 Rockruff Rock, 3 Klawf Claw | |
037 | Draining Kiss | Fairy | The user steals the target’s HP with a kiss. The user’s HP is restored by over half of the damage taken by the target. | South Province (Area 4) East of Alornada Gym, on river bank | 800 LP, 3 Igglybuff Fluff, 3 Flabébé Pollen |
038 | Flame Charge | Fire | Cloaking itself in flame, the user attacks the target. Then, building up momentum, the user boosts its Speed stat. | Team Star Fire Base reward | 800 LP, 3 Fletchling Feather, 3 Torkoal Coal |
039 | Low Sweep | Fighting | The user makes a swift attack on the target’s legs, which lowers the target’s Speed stat. | 3,000 LP, 3 Croagunk Poison, 3 Mankey Fur | |
040 | Air Cutter | Flying | The user launches razor-like wind to slash opposing Pokémon. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit. | 400 LP, 3 Combee Honey | |
041 | Stored Power | Psychic | The user attacks the target with stored power. The more the user’s stats are boosted, the greater the move’s power. | South Province (Area 2) west of Pokemon Center, in olive field | 800 LP, 3 Gothita Eyelash, 3 Ralts Dust |
042 | Night Shade | Ghost | The user makes the target see a frightening mirage. It inflicts damage equal to the user’s level. | South Province (Area 2) North, in ruins | 400 LP, 3 Gastly Gas, 3 Murkrow Bauble |
043 | Fling | Dark | The user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move’s power and effects depend on the item. | 3,000 LP, 3 Sneasel Claw, 3 Happiny Dust | |
044 | Dragon Tail | Dragon | The target is knocked away, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon. | East Province (Area 3) | 1,500 LP, Dratini Scales, 3 Sandile Claw |
045 | Venoshock | Poison | The user drenches the target in a special poisonous liquid. This move’s power is doubled if the target is poisoned. | 3,000 LP, 3 Toxel Sparks, 3 Salandit Gas | |
046 | Avalanche | Ice | The power of this attack move is doubled if the target has hurt the user in the same turn. | 1,500 LP, 3 Bergmite Ice, 3 Snorunt Fur | |
047 | Endure | Normal | The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. This move’s chance of failing rises if used in succession. | Beating Team Star base | 200 LP, 3 Scatterbug Powder |
048 | Volt Switch | Electric | After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting. | Levincia Gym reward | 3,000 LP, Dedenne Fur, Shinx Fang |
049 | Sunny Day | Fire | The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves. | ||
050 | Rain Dance | Water | The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves. It lowers the power of Fire-type moves. | South Province (Area 1) | 3,000 LP, 3 Shellos Mucus, 3 Azurill Fur, 3 Wattrel Feather |
051 | Sandstorm | Rock | A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except Rock, Ground, and Steel types. It raises the Sp. Def stat of Rock types. | East Province (Area 3) Watchtower | 3,000 LP, 3 Hippopotas Sand, 3 Silicobra Sand, 3 Sandygast Sand |
052 | Snowscape | Ice | The user summons a snowstorm lasting five turns. This boosts the Defense stats of Ice types. | Glaseado Mountain | 3,000 LP, 3 Snover Berries, 3 Delibird Parcel, 3 Snom Thread |
053 | Smart Strike | Steel | The user stabs the target with a sharp horn. This attack never misses. | 3,000 LP, 3 Chewtle Claw, 3 Heracross Claw | |
054 | Psyshock | Psychic | The user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target. This move deals physical damage. | 5,000 LP, 3 Meditite Sweet, 3 Spoink Pearl, 3 Drowzee Fur | |
055 | Dig | Ground | The user burrows into the ground, then attacks on the next turn. | 5,000 LP, 3 Diglett Dirt, 3 Greavard Wax, 3 Orthworm Tarnish | |
056 | Bullet Seed | Grass | The user forcefully shoots seeds at the target two to five times in a row. | Asado Desert | 3,000 LP, 3 Sunkern Leaf, 3 Hoppip Leaf |
057 | False Swipe | Normal | A restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP. | 400 LP, 3 Kricketot Shell, 3 Chewtle Claw | |
058 | Brick Break | Fighting | The user attacks with a swift chop. This move can also break barriers, such as Light Screen and Reflect. | 5,000 LP, 3 Makuhita Sweat, 3 Hawlucha Down, 3 Crabrawler Shell | |
059 | Zen Headbutt | Psychic | The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. This may also make the target flinch. | 5,000 LP, 3 Veluza Fillet, 3 Girafarig Fur, 3 Dunsparce Scales | |
060 | U-turn | Bug | After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting. | 3,000 LP, 3 Nymble Claw, 3 Scyther Claw | |
061 | Shadow Claw | Ghost | The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. Critical hits land more easily. | Tagtree Thicket | 3,000 LP, 3 Mimikyu Scrap, 3 Komala Claw |
062 | Foul Play | Dark | The user turns the target’s strength against it. The higher the target’s Attack stat, the greater the damage this move inflicts. | Team Star Dark Base reward | 3,000 LP, 3 Murkrow Bauble, 3 Sandile Claw |
063 | Psychic Fangs | Psychic | The user attacks by biting the target with its psychic capabilities. This move can also break barriers, such as Light Screen and Reflect. | 10,000 LP, 5 Bruxish Tooth, 3 Basculin Fang, 3 Veluza Fillet | |
064 | Bulk Up | Fighting | The user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, boosting its Attack and Defense stats. | South Province (Area 5), on the east coast | 3,000 LP, 3 Makuhita Sweat, 3 Axew Scales |
065 | Air Slash | Flying | The user attacks with a blade of air that slices even the sky. This may also make the target flinch. | South Province (Area 1) | 5,000 LP, 3 Noibat Fur, 3 Wingull Feather, 3 Flamigo Down |
066 | Body Slam | Normal | The user attacks by dropping onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis. | 5,000 LP, 3 Skwovet Fur, 3 Alomomola Mucus, 3 Chewtle Claw | |
067 | Fire Punch | Fire | The target is punched with a fiery fist. This may also leave the target with a burn. | 5,000 LP, 3 Meditite Sweat, 3 Charcadet Soot | |
068 | Thunder Punch | Electric | The target is punched with an electrified fist. This may also leave the target with paralysis. | 5,000 LP, 3 Toxel Sparks, 3 Meditite Sweat | |
069 | Ice Punch | Ice | The target is punched with an icy fist. This may also leave the target frozen. | 5,000 LP, 3 Cubchoo Fur, 3 Meditite Sweat | |
070 | Sleep Talk | Normal | The user randomly uses one of the moves it knows. This move can only be used while the user is asleep. | Cascarrafa | 400 LP, 3 Hippopotas Sand, 3 Slowpoke Claw |
071 | Seed Bomb | Grass | The user attacks by slamming a barrage of hard-shelled seeds down on the target from above. | 8,000 LP, 5 Shroomish Spores, 3 Brambling Twig, 3 Smoliv Oil | |
072 | Electro Ball | Electric | The user hurls an electric orb at the target. The faster the user is than the target, the greater the move’s power. | West Province (Area 1) Central, South of Pokemon Center | 5,000 LP, 3 Pachirisu Fur, 3 Voltorb Sparks, 3 Tadbulb Mucus |
073 | Drain Punch | Fighting | An energy-draining punch. The user’s HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target. | River island between East Province (Area Three) and East Province (Area 2) | 8,000 LP, 5 Croagunk Poison, 3 Mankey Fur, 3 Crabrawler Shell |
074 | Reflect | Psychic | A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns. | Medali | 800 LP, 3 Drowzee Fur, 3 Flittle Down |
075 | Light Screen | Psychic | A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns. | Northeast of Artazon | 800 LP, 3 Magnemite Screw, 3 Voltorb Sparks |
076 | Rock Blast | Rock | The user hurls hard rocks at the target. Two to five rocks are launched in a row. | South Province (Area 1) | 3,000 LP, 3 Nacli Salt, 3 Chewtle Claw |
077 | Waterfall | Water | The user charges at the target and may make it flinch. | North Province (Area 1) | 8,000 LP, 5 Magikarp Scales, 3 Basculin Fang, 3 Arrokuda Scales |
078 | Dragon Claw | Dragon | The user slashes the target with huge, sharp claws to inflict damage. | South Province (Area 6) East of Alornada, middle of Casseroya Lake | 8,000 LP, 5 Axew Scales, 3 Noibat Fur, 3 Gible Scales |
079 | Dazzling Gleam | Fairy | The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash. | Team Star Fairy Base reward | 8,000 LP, 3 Hatenna Dust, 3 Swablu Fluff, 3 Fidough Fur |
080 | Metronome | Normal | The user waggles a finger and stimulates its brain into randomly using nearly any move. | South Province (Area 3) Watchtower | 400 LP, 3 Igglybuff Fluff, 3 Happiny Dust |
081 | Grass Knot | Grass | The user snares the target with grass and trips it. The heavier the target, the greater the move’s power. | West Province (Area 1) | 3,000 LP, 3 Cacnea Needle, 3 Shroomish Spores |
082 | Thunder Wave | Electric | The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target. | Mesagoza (South) Pokemon League rep | 400 LP, 3 Mareep Wool, 3 Pawmi Fur |
083 | Poison Jab | Poison | The target is stabbed with a tentacle, an arm, or the like steeped in poison. This may also poison the target. | 5,000 LP, 3 Shroodle Ink, 3 Seviper Fang, 3 Mareanie Spike | |
084 | Stomping Tantrum | Ground | Driven by frustration, the user attacks the target. If the user’s previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles. | Levincia Pokemon League rep | 5,000 LP, 3 Mudbray Mud, 3 Phanpy Nail |
085 | Rest | Psychic | The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user’s HP and heals any status conditions. | 400 LP, 3 Drowzee Fur | |
086 | Rock Slide | Rock | Large boulders are hurled at opposing Pokémon to inflict damage. This may also make the opposing Pokémon flinch. | 5,000 LP, 3 Nacli Salt, 3 Rockruff Rock, 3 Bonsly Tears | |
087 | Taunt | Dark | The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns. | Socarrat Trail | 3,000 LP, 3 Meowth Fur, 3 Sableye Gem, 3 Sneasel Claw |
088 | Swords Dance | Normal | A frenetic dance to uplight the fighting spirit. This sharply boosts the user’s Attack stat. | West Province (Area 1) | 5,000 LP, 3 Zangoose Claw, 3 Gible Scales, 3 Scyther Claw |
089 | Body Press | Fighting | The user attacks by slamming its body into the target. The higher the user’s Defense stat, the greater the damage this move deals. | 8,000 LP, 5 Cetoddle Grease, 3 Hawlucha Down, 3 Pawniard Blade | |
090 | Spikes | Ground | The user lays a trap of spikes at the feet of the opposing team. The spikes will damage the opposing Pokémon that switch into battle. | Between West Province (Area 1) Central and Alfornada | 3,000 LP, 3 Pincurchin Spines, 3 Quilfish Spines |
091 | Toxic Spikes | Poison | The user lays a trap of poison spikes at the feet of the opposing team. The spikes will poison opposing Pokémon that switch into battle. | Tagtree Thicket | 3,000 LP, 3 Mareanie Spike, 3 Pineco Husk |
092 | Imprison | Psychic | If opposing Pokémon know any move also known by the user, they are prevented from using it. | 3,000 LP, 3 Bronzor Fragment, 3 Zorua Fur | |
093 | Flash Cannon | Steel | The user gathers all its light energy and releases it at once. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def stat. | 8,000 LP, 3 Varoom Fume, 3 Kelfki Key, 3 Tinkatink Hair | |
094 | Dark Pulse | Dark | The user releases a horrible aura imbued with ill intent. This may make the target flinch. | North Province (Area 2) | 8,000 LP, 3 Zorua Fur, 3 Impidimp Hair, 3 Spiritomb Fragment |
095 | Leech Life | Bug | The user drains the target’s blood. The user’s HP is restored by up to half the damage taken by the target. | 8,000 LP, 3 Suskit Syrup, 3 Venonat Fang, 3 Kricketot Shell | |
096 | Eerie Impulse | Electric | The user’s body generates an eerie impulse. Exposing the target to it harshly lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat. | 400 LP, 3 Voltorb Sparks, 3 Shinx Fang | |
097 | Fly | Flying | The user flies up into the sky and then strikes its target on the next turn. | 5,000 LP, 3 Squawkabilly Feather, 3 Bombirdier Feather, 3 Rufflet Feather | |
098 | Skill Swap | Psychic | The user employs its psychic power to exchange Abilities with the target. | 3,000 LP, 3 Girafarig Fur, 3 Flittle Down | |
099 | Iron Head | Steel | The user slams the target with its steel-hard head. This may also make the target flinch. | 8,000 LP, 5 Cufant Tarnish, 3 Pawniard Blade, 3 Rookidee Feather | |
100 | Dragon Dance | Dragon | The user vigorously performs a mystic, powerful dance that boosts its Attack and Speed stat. | North Province (Area 1) | 5,000 LP, 3 Tatsugiri Scales, 3 Gible Scales, 3 Noibat Fur |
101 | Power Gem | Rock | The user attacks with a ray of light that sparkles as if it were made of gemstones. | 8,000 LP, 3 Spoink Pearl, 3 Sableye Gem, 3 Mareep Wool | |
102 | Gunk Shot | Poison | The user shoots filthy garbage at the target to attack. This may also poison the target. | 5,000 LP, 3 Grimer Toxin, 3 Croagunk Poison, 3 Varoom Fume | |
103 | Substitute | Normal | The user creates a substitute for itself using some of its own HP. The substitute serves as the user’s decoy. | 5,000 LP, 3 Mimikyu Scrap, 3 Azurill Fur, 3 Falinks Sweat | |
104 | Iron Defense | Steel | The user hardens its body’s surface like iron, sharply boosting its Defense stat. | 1,500 LP, 3 Bronzor Fragment, 3 Pineco Husk | |
105 | X-Scissor | Bug | The user slashes at the target by crossing its scythes, and claws as if they were a pair of scissors. | Socarrat Trail | 5,000 LP, 3 Fomantis Leaf, 3 Tarountula Thread, 3 Kricketot Shell |
106 | Drill Run | Ground | The user crashes into the target while rotating its body like a drill. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit. | 8,000 LP, 5 Pineco Husk, 3 Dunsparce Scales, 3 Arrokuda Scales | |
107 | Will-O-Wisp | Fire | The user shoots a sinister flame at the target to inflict a burn. | 3,000 LP, 3 Salandit Gas, 3 Shuppet Scrap | |
108 | Crunch | Dark | The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target’s Defense stat. | 8,000 LP, 5 Maschiff Fang, 3 Bruxish Tooth, 3 Yungoos Fur | |
109 | Trick | Psychic | The user catches the target off guard and swaps the target’s held item with its own. | 5,000 LP, 3 Shuppet Scrap, 3 Sableye Gem, 3 Sinistea Chip | |
110 | Liquidation | Water | The user slams into the target using a full-force blast of water. This may also lower the target’s Defense stat. | 10,000 LP, 5 Arrokuda Scales, 3 Wiglett Sand, 3 Buizel Fur | |
111 | Giga Drain | Grass | A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target. | 8,000 LP, 5 Capsakid Seed, 3 Hoppip Leaf, 3 Skiddo Leaf | |
112 | Aura Sphere | Fighting | The user lets loose a pulse of aura power from deep within its body at the target. This attack never misses. | Dalizapa Passage | 8,000 LP, 5 Ralts Dust, 3 Riolu Fur, 3 Charcadet Soot |
113 | Tailwind | Flying | The user whips up a turbulent whirlwind that boosts the Speed stats of itself and its allies for four turns. | West Province (Area 1) on river | 5,000 LP, 3 Rufflet Feather, 3 Rookidee Feather, 3 Bombirdier Feather |
114 | Shadow Ball | Ghost | The user attacks by hurling a shadowy blob at the target. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. stat. | 8,000 LP, 5 Gastly Gas, 3 Sandygast Sand, 3 Sinistea Chip | |
115 | Dragon Pulse | Dragon | The target is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user’s gaping mouth. | West Province (Area 2) | 8,000 LP, 5 Goomy Goo, 3 Swablu Fluff, 3 Tatsugiri Scales |
116 | Stealth Rock | Rock | The user lays a trap of levitating stones around the opposing team. The trap damages opposing Pokémon that switch into battle. | 5,000 LP, 3 Rolycoly Coal, 3 Rockruff Rock | |
117 | Hyper Voice | Normal | The user attacks by letting loose a horribly loud, resounding cry. | West of Montenevera | 8,000 LP, 5 Litleo Tuft, 3 Tandemaus Fur, 3 Skwovet Fur |
118 | Heat Wave | Fire | The user attacks by exhaling hot breath on opposing Pokémon. This may also leave them with a burn. | West Province (Area 2) | 10,000 LP, 5 Growlithe Fur, 3 Torkoal Coal, 3 Larvesta Fur |
119 | Energy Ball | Grass | The user draws power from nature and fires it at the target. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. stat. | North Province (Area 1) | 10,000 LP, 5 Deerling Hair, 3 Applin Juice, 3 Bramblin Twig |
120 | Psychic | Psychic | The target is hit with a strong telekinetic force to inflict damage. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. stat. | Alfornada Gym Reward | 10,000 LP, 5 Rellor Mud, 3 Indeedee Fur, 3 Ralts Dust |
121 | Heavy Slam | Steel | The user slams into the target with its heavy body. The more the user outweighs the target, the greater the move’s power. | 5,000 LP, 3 Cufant Tarnish, 3 Bronzor Fragment, 3 Dondozo Whisker | |
122 | Encore | Normal | The user compels the target to keep using the move it encored for three turns. | 3,000 LP, 3 Hawlucha Down, 3 Slakoth Fur | |
123 | Surf | Water | The user attacks everything around it by swamping its surroundings with a giant wave. | South Paldean Sea | 10,000 LP, 5 Finneon Scales, 3 Finizen Mucus, 3 Wiglett Sand |
124 | Ice Spinner | Ice | The user covers its feet in thin ice and twirls around, slamming into the target. This move’s spinning motion also destroys the terrain. | Glaseado Gym reward | 8,000 LP, 5 Cetoddle Grease, 3 Bergmite Ice, 3 Frigibax Scales |
125 | Flamethrower | Fire | The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn. | North of Tagtree Thicket | 10,000 LP, 5 Litleo Tuft, 3 Houndour Fang, 3 Numel Lava |
126 | Thunderbolt | Electric | The user attacks the target with a strong electric blast. This may also leave the target with paralysis. | 10,000 LP, 5 Pachirisu Fur, 3 Tadbulb Mucus, 3 Pichu Fur | |
127 | Play Rough | Fairy | The user attacks by playing rough with the target. This may also lower the target’s Attack stat. | West Province (Area 6) | 10,000 LP, 5 Fidough Fur, 3 Tandemaus Fur, 3 Tinkatink Hair |
128 | Amnesia | Psychic | The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. This sharply boosts the user’s Sp. Def. stat. | 1,500 LP, 3 Slowpoke Claw, 3 Slakoth Fur | |
129 | Calm Mind | Psychic | The user focuses its mind and calms the spirit to boost its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def. | 3,000 LP, 3 Stantler Hair, 3 Indeedee Fur | |
130 | Helping Hand | Normal | The user assists an ally by boosting the power of that ally’s attack. | 400 LP, 1 Eevee Fur | |
131 | Pollen Puff | Bug | The user attacks the enemy with a pollen puff that explodes. If the target is an ally, it gives the ally a pollen puff that restores its HP instead. | East of North Province (Area 3) | 10,000 LP, 5 Rellor Mud, 3 Petilil Leaf, 3 Kricketot Shell |
132 | Baton Pass | Normal | The user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting and passes along any stat changes. | 3,000 LP, 3 Girafarig Fur, 3 Eevee Fur | |
133 | Earth Power | Ground | The user makes the ground under the target erupt with power. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. stat. | 10,000 LP, 5 Silicobra Sand, 3 Shellos Mucus, 3 Barboach Slime | |
134 | Reversal | Fighting | An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP user the user has. | Socarrat Trail | 3,000 LP, 3 Falinks Sweat, 3 Heracross Claw, 3 Mankey Fur |
135 | Ice Beam | Ice | The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. This may also leave the target frozen. | 10,000 LP, 5 Cryogonal Ice, 3 Shellder Pearl, 3 Delibird Parcel | |
136 | Electric Terrain | Electric | The user electrifies the ground for five turns, powering up Electric-type moves. Pokémon on the ground no longer fall asleep. | South Province (Area 3) | 3,000 LP, 3 Pincurchin Spines, 3 Tadbulb Mucus, 3 Pawmi Fur |
137 | Grassy Terrain | Grass | The user turns the ground to grass for five turns. This restores the HP of Pokémon on the ground a little every turn and powers up Grass-type moves. | West Province (Area 2) | 3,000 LP, 3 Flabébé Pollen, 3 Sunkern Leaf, 3 Fomantis Leaf |
138 | Psychic Terrain | Psychic | This protects Pokémon on the ground from priority moves and powers up Psychic-type moves for five turns. | East Province (Area 3) | 3,000 LP, 3 Slowpoke Claw, 3 Indeedee Fur, 3 Drowzee Fur |
139 | Misty Terrain | Fairy | This protects Pokémon on the ground from status conditions and halves damage from Dragon-type moves for five turns. | 3,000 LP, 3 Klefki Key, 3 Igglybuff Fluff, 3 Flabébé Pollen | |
140 | Nasty Plot | Dark | The user stimulated its brain by thinking bad thoughts. This sharply boosts the user’s Sp. Atk stat. | 5,000 LP, 3 Meowth Fur, 3 Spiritomb Fragment, 3 Tatsugiri Scales | |
141 | Fire Blast | Fire | The target is attacked with an intense blast of an all-consuming fire. This may also leave the target with a burn. | North Province (Area 2) | 12,000 LP, 5 Numel Lava, 3 Sandalit Gas, 3 Torkoal Coal |
142 | Hydro Pump | Water | The target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure. | 12,0000 LP, 5 Finizen Mucus, 3 Finneon Scales, 3 Luvdisc Scales | |
143 | Blizzard | Ice | A howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon. This may also leave the opposing Pokémon frozen. | 12,000 LP, 5 Snorunt Fur, 3 Snover Berries, 3 Cryogonal Ice | |
144 | Fire Pledge | Fire | A column of fire hits the target. When used with its grass counterpart, this move’s power is boosted and a vast sea of fire appears. | East Paldean Sea island | 8,000 LP, 3 Salandit Gas, 3 Numel Lava, 3 Capsakid Seed |
145 | Water Pledge | Water | A column of water hits the target. When used with its fire counterpart, this move’s power is boosted and a rainbow appears. | 8,000 LP, 3 Luvdisc Scales, 3 Alomomola Mucus, 3 Shellder Pearl | |
146 | Grass Pledge | Grass | A column of grass hits the target. When used with its water counterpart, this move’s power is boosted and a vast swamp appears. | 8,000 LP, 3 Applin Juice, Toedscool Flaps, 3 Deerling Hair | |
147 | Wild Charge | Electric | The user shrouds itself in electricity and smashes into the target. This also damages the user a little. | 10,000 LP, 5 Shinx Fang, 3 Pichu Fur, 3 Tynamo Slime | |
148 | Sludge Bomb | Posion | The user hurls unsanitary sludge at the target to inflict damage. This may also poison the target. | North Province (Area 2) | 10,000 LP, 5 Croagunk Poison, 3 Grimer Toxin, 3 Foongus Spore |
149 | Earthquake | Ground | The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it. | 12,000 LP, 5 Phanpy Nail, 3 Diglett Dirt, 3 Barboach Slime | |
150 | Stone Edge | Rock | |||
151 | Phantom Force | Ghost | The user vanishes somewhere, then strikes the target on the next turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself. | Asado Desert | 10,000 LP, 5 Sinistea Chip, 3 Shuppet Scrap, 3 Greavard Wax |
152 | Giga Impact | Normal | The user charges at the target using every bit of its power. The user can’t move on the next turn. | East Paldean Sea island | 14,000 LP, 8 Tauros Hair, 5 Zangoose Claw, 3 Slakoth Fur |
153 | Blast Burn | Fire | The target is razed by a fiery explosion. The user can’t move on the next turn. | 14,000 LP, 8 Houndour Fang, 5 Charcadet Soot, 3 Growlithe Fur | |
154 | Hyrdo Cannon | Water | The target is hit with a watery blast. The user can’t move on the next turn. | 14,000 LP, 8 Qwilfish Spines, 5 Dondozo Whisker, 3 Luvdisc | |
155 | Frenzy Plant | Grass | The user slams the target with the roots of enormous tree. The user can’t move on the next turn. | 14,000 LP, 8 Tropius Leaf, 5 Skiddo Leaf, 3 Cacnea Needle | |
TM156 | Outrage | Dragon | The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused. | 12,000 LP, 5 Axew Scales, 3 Dratini Scales, 3 Frgibax Scales | |
157 | Overheat | Fire | The user attacks the target with all its might. The recoil from this move harshly lowers the user’s Sp. Stk stat. | 12,000 LP, 5 Litleto Tuft, 3 Numel Lava, 3 Capsakid Seed | |
158 | Focus Blast | Fighting | The user heightens its mental focus and unleashes its power. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. stat. | Alfornada | 12,000 LP, 5 Flamigo Down, 3 Meditite Sweat, 3 Impidimp Hair |
159 | Leaf Storm | Grass | The user whips up a storm of leaves around the target. The recoil from this move harshly lowers the user’s Sp. Atk stat. | ||
160 | Hurricane | Flying | The user attacks by wrapping the target in a fierce wind. This may also confuse the target. | Casseroya Lake Watchtower (South) | 12,000 LP, 5 Swablu Fluff, 3 Oricorio Feather, 3 Wingull Feather |
161 | Trick Room | Psychic | The user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns. | 5,000 LP, 3 Hatenna Dust, 3 Bronzor Fragment, 3 Gothita Eyelash | |
162 | Bug Buzz | Bug | The user vibrates to generate a damaging sound wave. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. stat. | 10,000 LP, 5 Kricketot Shell, 3 Combee Honey, 3 Venonat Fang | |
163 | Hyper Beam | Normal | The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user can’t move on the next turn. | East Paldean Sea island, Porto Marinada lighthouse | 14,000 LP, 8 Dratini Scales, 5 Goomy Goo, 3 Tauros Hair |
164 | Brave Bird | Flying | The user tucks in its wings and charges at a low altitude. This also damages the user quite a lot. | Socarrat Trail | 12,000 LP, 5 Starly Feather, 3 Rufflet Feather, 3 Rookidee Feather |
165 | Flare Blitz | Fire | The user cloaks itself in fire and charges the target to inflict damage. This also damages the user quite a lot and may leave the target with a burn. | 12,000 LP, 5 Growlithe Fur, 3 Fletchling Feather, 3 Charcadet Soot | |
166 | Thunder | Electric | A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis. | 12,000 LP, 5 Dedenne Fur, 3 Pichu Fur, 3 Tynamo Slime | |
167 | Close Combat | Fighting | The user fights the target up close, inflicting damage without guarding itself. This also lowers the user’s Defense and Sp. Def stats. | Team Star Fighting Base reward | 12,000 LP, 5 Riolu Fur, 3 Crawbrawler Shell, 3 Makuhita Sweat |
168 | Solar Beam | Grass | In this two-turn attack, the user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the next turn. | East Province (Area 3), near the coastline | 12,000 LP, 5 Bounsweet Sweat, 3 Tropius Leaf, 3 Foongus Spores |
169 | Draco Meteor | Dragon | Comets are summoned down from the sky onto the target. The recoil from this move harshly lowers the user’s Sp. Atk stat. | 14,000 LP, 8 Goomy Goo, 5 Frigibax Scales, 3 Applin Juice | |
170 | Steel Beam | Steel | The user fires a beam of steel that it collected from its entire body. This also damages the user. | 14,000 LP 8 Magnemite Screw, 5 Orthworm Tarnish, 3 Cufant Tarnish | |
171 | Tera Blast | Normal | If the user has Terastallized, it unleashes the energy of its Tera Type. The move inflicts damage using the Attack or Sp. Atk stat — whichever is higher for the user. | After Medali Gym battle and Nemona’s fight | 8,000 LP, 8 Glimmet Crystal |
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