Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: All In-Game Trades

Tanim Hasan
By Tanim Hasan
5 Min Read
Credit: Game Freak

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have some NPC trades that you can do. These trades are a fun way to acquire some pokemon. So here are all the trades in the game.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduce us to the 9th generation of pokemon. The game takes us to a new region called Paldea. And taking inspiration from the previous game Arceus, this one also gets to be an open-world adventure.

There are tons to do in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. And this time, completing all the gyms and Pokedex is not the only thing you do. The game has three different main story quests you can tackle in whatever order you want.

But if you are trying to complete the Pokedex, you must hunt down all the pokemon. Trading Pokemon for a newer pokemon is one way you can get a pokemon you don’t have. And the game has some NPC trades you can do to acquire some pokemon too.

Read More: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Best Ways to Farm Gimmighoul Coins

All In-Game Trades in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

There are three NPS trades you can do in the game. All three trades give you different pokemon. And one of the trades is a way to evolve the pokemon you receive. So let us go through them one by one to see what each trade is in the game.

Trade 1: Flabebe for Snom

This first trade can be found in Cortondo city, one of the first cities you visit. If you follow the main road from there, you will come across a boy with a yellow chat bubble. This yellow chat bubble is the way to distinguish traders from normal NPCs.

Once you talk to the kid, he will ask for a trade. You will have to trade a Flabebe of any kind. In return, he will give you a Snom. If you don’t have a Flabebe, you can always return later for the trade.

Trade 2: Paldean Wooper for Wooper

For this trade, you will have to visit Cascarrafa. Again, the trader can be found by the fountain with a yellow speech bubble. This trainer, upon interacting, will tell you she caught a Wooper from another region. She is willing to trade it for a Paldean Wooper.

If you have played any other pokemon game, you will be familiar with it as it has been in a few games before. But this time, in the Paldea region, you cannot catch the other version of Wooper. So, this trade is the only way to get a Wooper that is not a Paldean Wooper. And since you are in Paldea, you can always find more Paldean Wooper. So this is not a bad trade to do at all.

Trade 3: Pincurchin for Hunter/Gengar

And the last and the best trade of the game can be found in Levincia. In the Battle court area, you will find the final NPC with a yellow speech bubble that indicates trade. This time, you will be trading a Pincurchin. And you will get a Hunter from the NPC.

However, if you are familiar with Hunter, you will know it evolves on trade. So as soon as you receive the Hunter, the pokemon will evolve to become Gengar. This is a very good trade to do. You will get a powerful pokemon that evolves upon completing the trade. So, we recommend doing the trade as soon as possible if you want a good early pokemon in your team.

Suppose you are looking for other guides on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Why not check out our articles on Every New PokemonAll Languages Midterm & Finals AnswersAll TM Moves, Locations, Recipes, and much more!

By Tanim Hasan Guide Writer
Tanim Hasan is a Guide Writer at GameRiv working on various games which consists of mostly new releases. His favourite genre is Hack and Slash, and Souls Like. But he is open to play any game regardless of the genre. So he has experience with most genres of games.