The ADC with the highest win rate, Nilah, will receive massive nerfs in the upcoming patch 12.23b.
Nilah is one of the four champions who was released in season 12. She is the only melee ADC in the game.
She was released in League of Legends in patch 12.13. And ever since then, she only ever received one hotfix nerf. Besides that, she never got properly buffed or nerfed once, though Nilah did receive a slight buff to her mana regeneration.
While she wasn’t as strong before the preseason, she was still a formidable pick against certain matchups. But in this preseason, her win rate skyrocketed thanks to one item, Ravenous Hydra.
In this preseason, Riot updated many already existing items, and one of them is Ravenous Hydra. Ravenous Hydra is a bruiser item that specializes in Omnivamp. And with this preseason change, Riot added a new unique passive, Carnivorous. This passive gave its user 0.6 AD and 0.1% omnivamp whenever they killed a minion, and the AD and omnivamp doubled the user slayed a large monster or a champion. This simple change turned Ravenous Hydra into a snowball item.
Similarly to Zed, Nilah also synergized well with Ravenous Hydra. As Ravenous Hydra is receiving a nerf next update, Riot announced on their Twitter that Nilah would also receive a nerf in the upcoming patch 12.23b.
Read more: Rammus Receives Nerf On LoL Patch 12.23B.
Nilah Nerfs Patch 12.23B
- Q – Formless Blade
- AD ratio reduced from 90% – 130% to 90% – 120%
- Crit amplifier increased from 100% crit chance to 120% crit chance
- Healing increased from 15% crit chance to 20% crit chance
- R – Apotheosis
- AD ratio reduced from 140% bonus AD to 112%
- healing reduced from 30% + 15% crit chance champion damage to 20% + 10%% crit chance
Nilah currently has the highest win rate as an ADC, with 53.62%. Moreover, she also builds Ravenous Hydra as her first item, similar to Zed. Thanks to the healing Ravenous Hydra provides and with the help of the mythic item Immortal Shieldbow, Nilah has the strongest sustain in the game.
Moreover, she is a menace in the bot lane thanks to her Q-Formless Blade and R-Apotheosis. Additionally, she is at her strongest during the late game. And Riot will be nerfing her late-game potential.
Riot is nerfing her late-game AD ratio from 130% to 120%. However, her Q critical damage amplifier was increased from 100% to 120%. This change will cause the player first to buy crit mythic items instead of Ravenous Hydra.
Her ultimate received the most nerfs as it got its AD ratio and healing reduced. This is a sizable nerf to her R, as she won’t be able to deal as much damage as before and get more heals. This change overall nerfs Nilah’s late-game pressure while retaining her early-game pressure overall.