Nickmercs’s Apex Legends Settings

Nazmul Hassan
By Nazmul Hassan
5 Min Read
Credit: EA

In this article, we’ll drive you through Nickmercs’s new and updated Apex Legends settings that you need to know. So you can tweak your settings accordingly and get even better at the game.

Born in 1990, Nick “NICKMERCS” Kolcheff is a full-time streamer, currently signed for FaZe Clan. He started his competitive esports journey as a professional Gears of War player in 2010. However, it was the Battle Royale genre that set NickMercs apart from the rest.

NICKMERCS primarily started to pop off after he made his debut in Fortnite. He loved and enjoyed the game, and he was really good at it. His energetic persona and staggering gameplay helped him garner a massive fan base within a short time.

But he was not one of them who would stick to one game for the rest of his career. Nick was a risk-taker, and he only did what he enjoyed doing. When CoD Warzone came out, he again switched to this new BR game. Rather than losing his previous fan base, he gained even more from the Warzone community.

After dominating Fortnite and Warzone, it was time for Nick to get a taste of Apex Legends. Even though Apex’s skill ceiling is way higher, Nick managed to reach the top within a brief time. Everyone was initially skeptical about Nick’s potential on Apex, but he again proved them wrong by reaching the top Predator rank and competing at the highest level.

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NICKMERCS’s New Apex Legends Settings

NICKMERCS is considered “The Controller God” of Battle Royal. To live up to his name, Nick uses specific Apex Legends settings. These settings definitely do not make Nick one of the best players in the world, but they surely help him stay consistent. Each video and controller setting in the game is adjusted to complement his playstyle.

NICKMERCS’s New Apex Legends Settings
Credit: NICKMERCS/ FaZe Clan

Also, keep in mind that players like NICKMERCS often change their Apex Legends settings. However, the changes are always minimal and remain in a specific range. So, it is always suggested to follow pro players’ Apex Legends settings but not mimic them strictly, as they might not fit your play style.

So, without further ado, let’s find out what Apex Legends settings NICKMERCS uses so you can tweak yours and take your Apex Legends mastery to the next level. You should go through each setting and find out what suits you best and use it just as it is or modify it to your liking.

Video Settings

NICKMERCS’s New Apex Legends Settings

Visuals are critical as it decides what you can or cannot see in the heat of the battle. Nick uses a mixture of high-resolution and low graphics quality settings to get maximum FPS without losing clarity.

Display ModeFullscreen
Aspect Ratio16:9 (native)
Resolution1920 x 1080
Field of View (FOV)110
FOV Ability ScalingEnabled
Sprint View ShakeMinimal
NVidia ReflexEnabled + Boost
Adaptive Resolution FPS Target0
Adaptive SupersamplingDisabled
Texture Streaming BudgetMedium (3GB VRAM)
Texture FilteringBilinear
Ambient Occlusion QualityLow
Sun Shadow CoverageLow
Sun Shadow DetailLow
Spot Shadow DetailDisabled
Dynamic Spot ShadowsDisabled
Model DetailLow
Effects DetailLow
Impact MarksDisabled

Controller Settings

NICKMERCS’s New Apex Legends Settings

NICKMERCS tweaked his controller settings based on many pros and content creators such as Daltoosh and Dezignful. However, he adjusted some settings based on his personal preference. NICKMERCS’s controller settings are as follows:

Stick LayoutDefault
Interact/Reload ButtonTap to Use and Reload
Crouch ButtonToggle
Aim ButtonHold
Survival Slot ButtonOn
Trigger DeadzoneModerate
Menu Cursor Speed55%
Movement/ Aiming
Look SensitivityHigh (4)
Look Sensitivity (ADS)Default (3)
Response CurveClassic
Look DeadzoneSmall
Movement DeadzoneSmall
Inverted LookOff

So, there you go! These are the new Apex Legends settings NickMercs is currently using. As mentioned earlier, you should always tweak your settings according to your preferences and accessibility. So, try out Nick’s updated Apex settings and adjust them to your own playstyle to get maximum results.

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By Nazmul Hassan FPS Editor
Nazmul is GameRiv's FPS editor. He is a marketing graduate with an immense passion for gaming. As an ex-professional CS:GO player, he holds a strong interest in other FPS titles like Apex Legends, VALORANT, and CoD. However, he also tries out other games when he is free.