How to Get Neo PAX Jax Skin in League of Legends

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
3 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

With Jax’s VU’s release, Riot will release a brand-new Neo PAX Jax skin.

Since the release of League of Legends, we have consistently gotten new reworks for champions. These reworks range from full VGU or Visual and Gameplay Update to mini-reworks.

One of the recent visual reworks Riot is releasing is Jax.

Released in 2009, Jax is one of the most popular characters in the game. Whether you are playing casually or ranked, you will always find people playing him. Thanks to his easy-to-learn and hard-to-master kit, he resonated with many players.

Due to this, even though many champions got reworked, Jax remained identical to his release version. The only major update he received was his mini-rework earlier this year.

In a dev log, Riot revealed that Jax was supposed to receive an entire VGU this year. However, due to the scope of the update, they couldn’t release all of it at once. So they released the gameplay version first as his mini-rework. And now, in the next patch, they will release the visual part.

In this upcoming patch, Riot will overhaul not only his base visual but also his entire skin arsenal. Furthermore, they will also make a purchasable version of Jax’s only unobtainable skin. And that skin is PAX Jax.

Originally released in 2010, PAX Jax was an exclusive skin for players who attended the PAX event. However, after Riot disabled the redeem code for this skin, it became unobtainable for newer accounts. And to celebrate the release of the upcoming Jax visual rework, they will make a new variant of this skin called Neo PAX Jax. Here’s everything you have to know about this skin.

Read more: LoL Worlds 2023 Event.

Neo PAX Jax

Splash Art

neo pax jax
Image Credits: Riot Games

How To Get Neo PAX Jax skin

If you already own the previous PAX Jax, then you will get the Neo PAX Jax skin for free. But it might take a few weeks to get into your inventory.

And if you don’t already have the PAX Jax skin, then you can get this skin from the mythic shop for 200 ME.

Release Date

This skin will be released alongside the Jax rework on Patch 13.20, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.