Everything you need to know about all the Mythic Essence skins in League of Legends.
Skins in League of Legends are purchasable items that alter the appearance of the champions you are playing. They are used purely for their cosmetic purpose and do not affect gameplay whatsoever. Riot offers tons of skin options to their player base, with each of them having different rarities.
Mythic Essence Skins are super exclusive skins that Riot introduced along with Hextech Crafting. Unlike most skins, which can be bought with RP, these skins require a special kind of currency called Mythic Essence or ME.
Players are required to spend 100 ME in the Mythic Shop in order to purchase the skins. However, these skins are not always available in the Mythic Shop. After a certain amount of time, usually three months, these skins are vaulted, and a new skin is introduced. The older skins come back periodically in the shop but require 125 ME instead.
With the introduction out of the way, let’s take a look at all the Mythic Essence Skins released so far.
Read More: All Upcoming Skins in League of Legends
All Mythic Essence Skins Released So Far
The earlier iterations of Mythic Essence Skins were called Gemstone skins or Hextech skins. They were somewhat lackluster skins with lackluster effects and animations. Also, fans were not terribly fond of them. This is why, in 2022, Riot introduced the Mythic Content Overhaul, which added not Mythic content and revamped older ones.
With that said, here are all the Mythic Essence skins that are currently available in League of Legends 2024,
Ashen Graveknight Mordekaiser

- Release Date: December 8, 2022
- Price: 125 ME
Ashen Graveknight Mordekaiser is one of his best skins. The skin has a really good model, has excellent effects, and, most importantly, It feels like you are actually playing a menacing Knight. But the problem is that you might need to wait a while for it to get unvaulted. Other than that, it’s a must-have skin for any Mordekaiser player.
Ashen Conqueror Pantheon

- Release Date: June 23, 2022
- Price: 125 ME
Ashen Conqueror Pantheon is probably one of the most disappointing skins In the Ashen skin line. Similar to the other Ashen skins, it has good animations and effects, but the problem is how it looks.
The skin makes Pantheon feel less like a Knight from a decayed kingdom and more like a soldier on the front lines. As a result, Riot even changed the skin name from Ashen Knight to Ashen Conqueror on the PBE server.
Ashen Knight Pyke

- Release Date: March 30, 2022
- Price: 125 ME
Pyke was once a renowned Knight, but now he wanders the ruins of the kingdom he once tried to protect. If it sounds like a story straight out of the famous Dark Souls series, then you are right. The skin is purely a reference to the Dark Souls series; it even plays Dark Souls-esque music when you get a kill.
Fanboying aside, it’s a really good skin with some of the best sound effects and animations out of all his skins. So, if you like Dark Souls and you like Pyke, definitely pick it up.
Ashen Slayer Sylas

- Release Date: September 22, 2022
- Price: 125 ME
Ashen Slayer Sylas has the same problem that Ashen Conqueror Pantheon faces; it’s not really Knight-like. But at the end of the day, it is fairly good skin and is a decent purchase if you like Sylas.
Ashen Guardian Shen

- Release Date: March 23, 2023
- Price: 125 ME
Ashen Guardian Shen is the last skin from the popular Asen skin line. The skin features some solid VFX/SFX and animations. Moreover, its splash art is fantastic. So, if you are looking for a Shen skin, it might be a great pickup.
Crystalis Indomitus Kha’Zix

- Release Date: March 20, 2024.
- Price: 150 ME
The first of the Crystalis Indomitus skin is out as Kha’Zix got a new skin. Unlike Crystalis Motus, this one is more of the dark side as Riot explores the universe through that skin line. As for the skin itself, Kha’Zix melds well with the color scheme of dark blue and purple. Riot is hitting the mark with this skin.
Crystalis Indomitus Xerath
- Release Date: March 20, 2024.
- Price: 150 ME
Following the villain arc, Crystalis Indomitus Xerath is the next skin coming soon. As per usual, the color scheme is the same for all Crystalis Indomitus skins. Also, Xerath quite fits the skin lore and the way his character and abilities meld with the color.
Crystalis Motus Ashe

- Release Date: December 6, 2023
- Price: 100 ME
Crystalis Motus Ashe is the newest Mythic skin that has been released. It’s currently in the Mythic Shop and will be available for the next three months. So, if you are looking to buy this skin, it might be the best time to do so.
But is it worth though? Well, if you have spare Mythic Essence, it probably is. Without including her Legendary skins, Crystalis Motus Ashe is probably her best skin. It is a fairly simplistic skin that captures the essence of Ashe as a champion fairly well, and it has a really good color scheme.
Crystalis Motus Leona

- Release Date: June 14, 2023
- Price: 125 ME
I’m pretty unsure about this skin; on the one hand, it looks really good visually, but she also has other visually stunning skins. But is it better than her other skins? It’s pretty hard to decide.
Crystalis Motus Taliyah

- Release Date: September 13, 2023
- Price: 125 ME
Out of all the Crystalis Motus skins, Crystalis Motus Taliyah suits her the best. Since Taliyah uses the earth as a weapon, her using crystals isn’t a farfetched idea. But what about the skin itself?
It is one of her better skins. It has great animations and effects, and it has a pretty decent chroma.
Dark Star Cho’Gath

- Release Date: July 13, 2018
- Price: 125 ME
Although Dark Star Cho’Gath is a very good Cho’Gath skin, it’s not really a good skin per se. The reasoning behind it is Cho’Gath’s model. It’s a 10-year-old champion with clunky animations and models. Even if Riot wanted to make the best skin possible, due to technical limitations they couldn’t. So, until Riot reworks Cho’Gath, we will have to put up with some lackluster Cho’Gath skins, including this one.
Dreadnova Darius

- Release Date: April 12, 2017
- Price: 125 ME
Dreadnova Darius is, by all means, a middle-of-the-pack skin. It features effects similar to an average Epic skin. It has decent animation and a decent model. But the question is, why buy this when you can just get a better and newer Darius skin?
Hextech Alistar

- Release Date: March, 2018
- Price: 125 ME
Now we come to the dreaded Hextech skin line. If you consider the price, it’s probably one of the worst skin lines. This skin line has some decent skins, but they are definitely not worth the asking price.
So, is Hextech Alistar any better? Well, no, but it is one of the better-looking ones, at least.
Hextech Amumu

- Release Date: Sepember 26, 2019
- Price: 125 ME
Hextech Amumu…exists? That’s all I can say about the skin. It’s not good and not bad, but it is definitely not worth 125 ME.
Hextech Annie

- Release Date: March 15, 2016
- Price: 125 ME
Despite being one of the earliest Hextech skins, Hextech Annie still remains the best. It has good animations and effects, but most importantly, Tibbers looks awesome in this skin.
Hextech Jarvan IV
- Release Date: April 4, 2019
- Price: 125 ME
Hextech Jarvan IV is one of his most disappointing skins, and I definitely wouldn’t recommend buying it.
Hextech Kassadin

- Release Date: October 15, 2020
- Price: 125 ME
If you are bored of all the other Kassadin skins, this one might be a decent choice. The Hextech theme really suits Kasssadin in this skin. His model is great; his abilities are well defined in this skin and it makes him look somewhat like an evil Power Ranger.
Hextech Kog’Maw

- Release Date: December 7, 2017
- Price: 125 ME
Hextech Kog’Maw is decent at best, but there are better Kog’Maw skins in his skin arsenal.
Hextech Malzahar

- Release Date: October 18, 2018
- Price: 125 ME
Hextech Malzahar feels kinda awkward. On the one hand, this skin has really good effects, especially sound effects; on the other hand, this skin makes Malzahar look like a dollar-store Iron Man.
Hextech Nocturne

- Release Date: June 11, 2020
- Price: 125 ME
No matter how much Riot tries, I don’t think they can make Nocturne look good. Until Riot reworks him, we will be only getting lackluster Nocturne skins.
Hextech Poppy

- Release Date: July 23, 2018
- Price: 125 ME
Ok, Hextech Poppy is actually good, especially in the hammer department. Usually, Poppy’s hammer makes or breaks a skin, and they nailed it in this skin. Not only that but the sound effects and animations are top-tier.
So, if you like playing Poppy, try giving it a shot.
Hextech Rammus

- Release Date: August 15, 2019
- Price: 125 ME
Hextech Rammus suffers the problems most of the Hextech skins have. It’s just average, and there are better skins out there.
Hextech Renekton

- Release Date: December 20, 2018
- Price: 125 ME
I don’t know why, but every time I see this skin, it reminds me of Metal Seadramon from the Digimon series.
Reminiscing aside, it’s a fairly decent skin. It has some decent effects and animations, and the hextech aesthetics really suit Renekton.
Hextech Sejuani
- Release Date: March 5, 2020
- Price: 125 ME
Hextech Sejuani in-game looks pretty decent. It also has good effects and animations and has a very cool Splash Art.
Hextech Tristana

- Release Date: September 9, 2021
- Price: 125 ME
Hextech Tristana is average at best, and I suggest you don’t buy this skin if you are not a skin collector.
Hextech Swain

- Release Date: December 12, 2019
- Price: 125 ME
As a skin, Hextech Swain is pretty good, but it doesn’t really match the “Evil-Mastermind” vibe Swain gives off with his other skins and even the base skin.
Hextech Ziggs

- Release Date: September 3, 2020
- Price: 125 ME
Hextech Ziggs feels like an acquired taste. It is a good skin, but until you try it, you won’t really feel it. But that said, it’s pretty hard to recommend it with how much it costs. Additionally, Ziggs has a pretty solid collection of skins.
Lancer Zero Hecarim

- Release Date: August 16, 2017
- Price: 125 ME
Lancer Zero Hecarim is yet another one of the disappointing hextech skins. The skin features lackluster effects and animations. But the most disappointing part of the skin is its Lance. Hecarim usually spins around a Halberd to attack his enemies, but imagine him spinning a thrusting weapon such as a Lance; awkward, right? Yep, in this skin, Hecarim does exactly that.
Soulstealer Vayne

- Release Date: July 28, 2016
- Price: 125 ME
Soulstealer Vayne is one of the earlier mythic skins to be added to League of Legends. It offers new animations, VFX/SFX, and recall animations, but they are nothing too special compared to her other skins. You can definitely get better skins for Vayne at a fraction of the cost. So, if you are not collecting skins, you might want to avoid this one.