Monster Hunter released their new DLC called Sunbreak. Here they added some new monsters. Every monster has a weakness in certain elements. Here is a list of all the monster weaknesses in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.
Monster Hunter Rise is the latest installment in the long-running Monster Hunter Series. And Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is the DLC that has been added to the base game. In this DLC, you can expect to fight quite a few new monsters.
But of course, every monster of Monster Hunter Rise has an element it is weak against. This is the game’s way of encouraging the players to try out different weapons or the same weapon of different elements.
Using an element that hurts the monster more can often be the deciding factor between winning or losing a hunt. So it is a good idea to use proper elements against the monster. Here is a list of all the monster weaknesses in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.
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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: All Monster Weaknesses
Different monster is weak to different elements. Some monster has more than one element they are weak against. Again, some monsters have a slight weakness against one element but are weaker against another. So, let’s go through them one by one to learn which element you should use against a certain monster.
1. Shogun Ceanataur

- Major Weakness: Thunder, Fire, and Ice
- Minor Weakness: Water
- Resistant: Dragon
2. Seregios

- Major Weakness: Thunder, Ice
- Minor Weakness: Dragon, Water
- Resistant: Fire
3. Shagaru Magala

- Major Weakness: Dragon, Fire
- Minor Weakness: Ice, Thunder
- Resistant: Water
4. Scorned Magnamalo

- Major Weakness: Water
- Minor Weakness: Thunder
- Resistant: Fire, Ice, and Dragon
5. Pyre Rakna-Kadaki

- Major Weakness: Water
- Minor Weakness: Ice
- Resistant: Thunder, Dragon, and Fire
6. Magma Almudron

- Major Weakness: Dragon, Ice, and Water
- Minor Weakness: Thunder
- Resistant: Fire
7. Malzeno

- Major Weakness: None
- Minor Weakness: Fire, Water, Ice, and Dragon
- Resistant: Thunder
8. Lunagaron

- Major Weakness: Fire
- Minor Weakness: Thunder, Dragon
- Resistant: Water, Ice
9. Gore Magala

- Major Weakness: Fire, Dragon
- Minor Weakness: Thunder, Ice
- Resistant: Water
10. Gaismagorm

- Major Weakness: Dragon, Thunder
- Minor Weakness: Fire
- Resistant: Water, Ice
11. Garangolm

- Major Weakness: Thunder, Ice
- Minor Weakness: Fire
- Resistant: None
12. Furious Rajang

- Major Weakness: Ice
- Minor Weakness: Water
- Resistant: Fire, Thunder, and Dragon
13. Espinas

- Major Weakness: Ice
- Minor Weakness: Water, Thunder, and Dragon
- Resistant: Fire
14. Daimyo Hermitaur

- Major Weakness: Fire, Thunder
- Minor Weakness: Ice, Water
- Resistant: Dragon
15. Blood Orange Bishaten

- Major Weakness: Water
- Minor Weakness: Thunder, Ice, and Fire
- Resistant: Dragon
16. Aurora Somnacanth

- Major Weakness: None
- Minor Weakness: Thunder, Fire
- Resistant: Water, Ice, and Dragon
17. Astalos

- Major Weakness: Ice
- Minor Weakness: Fire, Water, and Dragon
- Resistant: Thunder
Want to learn more about other DLCs of Monster Hunter? You can go through some other guides like Where to Find Golden Egg in Monster Hunter Rise | Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Battle guide