LoR Upcoming Expansion: Awakening – Everything We Know So Far

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
6 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Riot Games have revealed new information about the upcoming “Awakening” Expansion, including an LoR exclusive champion Norra.

The “Forces From Beyond” Expansion, released on July 20th, was received very positively. It is the 2nd expansion for the Worldwalker set, including three new champions (Kai’sa, Gwen, and Evelynn). In addition, it expanded on the already established Shadow Isles and Shurima region.

This week Riot Games have teased a new Expansion for the Worldwalker set called “Awakening.” This expansion will focus on Ionia primarily. However, according to Riot, they wanted to show and explore the dark sides of Runeterra with this expansion.

Riot has confirmed that they will add 65 new cards and five new champions in this new expansion. Not only that, they will be adding a new card type, “Equipment,” and new keywords such as “Flow,” “Auto-Equip,” and a new origin, “The Shadow Reaper.

Read More: Is Norra Coming to League of Legends?

New Champions

According to Riot, we will be getting five new champions. So far, Riot has only revealed three new champions. They are:

  • Kayn
  • Master Yi
  • Norra (LoR Exclusive)


YouTube video

The weak must obey the strong.

Kayn is the first champion to be revealed for the upcoming Awakening Expansion. Even though he’s originally from Ionia, according to the reveal, he will be Runeterran.

His champion spell will be Kayn’s Shadowstep. It’s a slow-speed card that gives Kayn Quick attack the current round, and then he starts a free attack challenging an enemy. After this, the players gain a Kayn in the deck.

Kayn Card set 1
Image Credits: Riot Games

Kayn Level One

  • Mana: 5
  • Keyword: Challenger
  • Stats: 2|5
  • Origin: Shadow Reaper
    • Shadow Reaper: You may put any Cultist cards during deck building. Once you have summoned 3+ cultist units, draw a Kayn.
  • Equipment: The Darkin Scythe
    • The Darkin Scythe: Attack: Grant The Darkin Scythe +1|+0
  • Level up condition: I’ve struck twice. When I level up, recall me.

Kayn Level Two

Once Kayn reaches Level 2, the player can pick between Rhaast or Shadow Assassin once summoned. All the copies of Kayn will be transformed into the selected one.

Kayn Card set 2
Image Credits: Riot Games


  • Mana: 5
  • Keywords: Overwhelm and Challenger
  • Stats: 3|6
  • Equipment: Corrupted Scythe
    • Corrupted Scythe: Attack: Grant Corrupted Scythe +1|+1

Shadow Assassin

  • Mana: 5
  • Keywords: Elusive and Challenger
  • Stats: 3|6
  • Equipment: Shadow Scythe
    • Shadow Scythe: Attack: Grant Shadow Scythe +2|+0

Master Yi

YouTube video

The wise listen and learn.

Master Yi is the second champion to be revealed for the Awakening expansion. He will be hailing from Ionia.

His champion spell will be a Burst speed spell called Wuju style. It will give an ally +2|0, create a Meditate spell in hand and create a Master Yi in the deck.

Master Yi card set
Image Credits: Riot Games

Master Yi Level one

  • Mana: 3
  • Keyword: Quick attack
  • Stats: 2|3
  • Round Start: Reduce the cost of spell in your hand 1 this round and create Flow.
    • Flow: Grand all allied Master Yis out there +2|0
  • Level up condition: I’ve dealt 12+ damage.

Master Yi Level two

  • Mana: 3
  • Keyword: Quick attack
  • Stats: 3|4
  • Round Start: Reduce the cost of spell in your hand 1 this round and create Flow.
    • Flow: Grand all allied Master Yis out there +2|0
  • Attack: I immediately strike the weakest enemy.

Norra (LoR Exclusive)

YouTube video

There’s no place like home!

Norra is the third champion to be revealed for the upcoming expansion. She will be the first-ever exclusive champion for Legends of Runeterra. She will be a Yordle hailing from Bandle City.

Norra Card set
Image Credits: Riot Games

Norra Level one

  • Mana: 2
  • Keyword: Elusive
  • Stats: 1|2
  • Nexus Strike: Plant a Mysterious Portal randomly in the top 4 cards in your deck.
    • Mysterious Portal: the Mysterious Portal Boon will summon you random 2 or 3 cost followers upon drawing the Boon card
  • Level up condition: You’ve summoned 6+ created allies.

Norra Level two

  • Mana: 2
  • Keyword: Elusive
  • Stats: 2|3
  • Nexus Strike: Plant a Mysterious Portal randomly in the top 4 cards in your deck.
    • Mysterious Portal: the Mysterious Portal Boon will summon you random 2 or 3 cost followers upon drawing the Boon card
      • Mysterious Portal now summons 3-7 cost followers instead
  • Level up condition: You’ve summoned 6+ created allies.

New Mechanic and Keywords

There are two new keywords and a new card type in this new expansion.

New card type: Equipment

Equip to a unit to grant the listed bonuses. If the unit leaves play, the equipment will return to your hand.

You may play each equipment at most once per round.

LoR Equipment
Image Credits: Riot Games

New Keywords and Vocabs


Automatically equips this item from hand or play when summoned, creating it first if needed.

Legends of Runeterra Auto Equip
Image Credits: Riot Games


A card would trigger its flow ability if you played 2+ spells or skills last round.

Legends of Runeterra Flow
Image Credits: Riot Games

Release Date

Riot has confirmed that the upcoming “Awakening” Expansion is set to release on August 31st, 2022.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.