One of the most anticipated League of Legends events, Worlds 2022 Pick’em, is here alongside new missions and rewards.
League of Legends World Championship is an integral part of League of Legends. Ever since 2011, there has been a Worlds tournament every year. It is one of the most hype moments in League because players see the best team from around the world compete against each other.
The play-ins stage for Worlds 2022 will begin on September 29. Like the previous years, once the “Picks” unlock for each stage on the Pick’em Page, League players can “drag and drop” their predictions. And for the first time in the LoL Worlds Pick’em history, players can now predict Play-ins stage matches.
For Pick’em 2022, Riot has improved on the previously introduced Coin and Crystal Ball features. In addition, players will be awarded points for each correct pick. The more points the players have, the more rewards they will receive. Here’s how you can play League of Legends Worlds 2022 Pick’em.
Read more: Worlds 2022 English Broadcast Talent Announced
How Play Worlds 2022 Pick’em
To play, Worlds 2022 Pick’em:
- Go to the Pick’em page
- Sign in with your Riot Account
- Submit your predictions on the “Picks” page
Worlds 2022’s Pick’em is divided into Crystal Ball, Play-ins Stage, Group Stage, and Knockout Stage.
Crystal Ball
The Crystal Ball is back for Worlds 2022. The Crystal Ball allows you to predict the Finals winner before Worlds begins. If you predict correctly, you will be granted extra points at the end of Worlds.
This year’s Crystal Ball will challenge you even more when compared to the previous year’s. It will have 20 different prediction questions, mainly predicting the upcoming Worlds 2022 meta. The Crystal Ball predictions are open right now, September 23, to make picks for one week before the start of Worlds with Play-Ins at 1:15 PM PT on September 29.
Play-Ins Stage
Play-In Stage matches will be available to predict, starting with the Play-Ins Knockout Stage Bo5s.
The players must pick fast with the condensed time between all the Play-ins stage matches. Therefore, after the matches conclude on October 2, players can predict the two Bo5s being played on October 3.
Similarly, after the match concludes on October 3, players can make picks for the final two Play-In Bo5s being played on October 4.
Group Stage
For the Group Stage, it’s up to the players to correctly predict the order that teams will finish in each group.
Group Stage will be open for picks after Play-Ins conclude on October 4 until the start of Group Stage matches at 2:15 PM PT on October 7.
Knockout Stage
Once the Group Stage has finished, you’ll be able to pick the winners for matches at each step throughout the Knockout Stage.
- Quarterfinals: 2:15 PM PT October 16 until 2:15 PM PT October 20.
- Semifinals: 2:15 PM PT October 23 until 2:15 PM PT October 29.
- Worlds Finals: 2:15 PM PT October 30 until 5:15 PM PT November 5.
The Coin
The Coin is also back from the previous Worlds. It makes random selections for players who miss a pick stage, so they can always join late and let the RNG decide for them. However, points earned by The Coin in this manner will take a small deduction. But The Coin will not make selections for any missed Crystal Ball picks.
Coin Updates
The Coin generates a random selection for each use of The Coin by the player. If they want to use The Coin without going AFK and missing a stage, they can now choose to leave the fate of their pick to The Coin.
If the players flip The Coin to make their pick, they won’t be able to change it later. However, there will not be any no point deduction for any points earned by The Coin this way.
- Crystal Ball points: Scoring for Crystal Ball predictions will occur after the World Final concludes. All points earned for correct picks will be on a separate leaderboard than traditional Pick’Em points.
- Play-In Stage points: Correct predictions for Play-Ins Knockout stage picks each award 5 points.
- Group stage points: You’ll earn 2 points for each team correctly picked to advance to the Quarterfinals and an additional 3 points each for placing them in the proper order. Each correct pick for 3rd and 4th place gets you 2 points. Get the whole group in perfect order, and you get an extra 2 points for the maximum score per group — 16 points.
- Knockout stage points: Each correct pick during the Quarterfinals awards 5 points. Correct picks during the Semifinals earn 10 points each. And successfully picking the Worlds Finals matchup nets you a massive 20 points!

Missions and Rewards
Players can earn in-game rewards by completing the Worlds 2022 Pick’Ems.
Participation Rewards
Missions | Rewards |
Make 1 Crystal Ball Pick | 1 Worlds 2022 Capsule |
Make 1 Play-Ins Knockout Stage Pick | 1 Worlds 2022 Capsule |
Make 1 Group Stage Pick | 1 Worlds 2022 Capsule |
Make 1 Quarterfinals Pick | 1 Worlds 2022 Capsule |
Pick’em Performance Rewards
Tiers | Rewards |
Perfect Picks | All Ultimate Skins |
Top 5,000 Rank | Worlds 2022 Azir Skin + Champion |
S-Tier Rank (Top 5%) | 50 Event Tokens + 4 Worlds 2022 Capsules + Kassadin “Excuse Me?” Emote |
A-Tier Rank (Top 20%) | 3 Worlds 2022 Capsules + Kassadin “Excuse Me?” Emote |
B-Tier Rank (Top 40%) | 2 Worlds 2022 Capsules + Kassadin “Excuse Me?” Emote |
C-Tier Rank (Top 70%) | 1 Worlds 2022 Capsule + Kassadin “Excuse Me?” Emote |
Crystal Ball Performance Rewards
Tiers | Rewards |
Perfect Picks | All Ultimate Skins |
Top 5,000 Rank | Worlds 2022 Azir Skin + Champion |
S-Tier Rank (Top 5%) | 50 Event Tokens + 4 Worlds 2022 Capsules + Kassadin “Excuse Me?” Emote |
A-Tier Rank (Top 20%) | 3 Worlds 2022 Capsules + Kassadin “Excuse Me?” Emote |
B-Tier Rank (Top 40%) | 2 Worlds 2022 Capsules + Kassadin “Excuse Me?” Emote |
C-Tier Rank (Top 70%) | 1 Worlds 2022 Capsule + Kassadin “Excuse Me?” Emote |
Worlds 2022 Pick’em Perfect Picks
If you accomplish Perfect Picks in either Crystal Ball or Traditional Pick’ems, meaning that you were correct in every single pick for both Group Stage and Knockout Stage and won the maximum amount of points available. In that case, you will be earning a cache containing all 6 Ultimate Skins:
- Pulsefire Ezreal
- Spirit Guard Udyr
- DJ Sona
- Elementalist Lux
- Gun Goddess Miss Fortune
- K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine