Riot is making changes to how True Damage works in Patch 25.S1.3.
The League of Legends Patch 25.S1.2 dropped a few days ago, introducing several much-needed balance changes. One of the biggest changes was to Feats of Strength, which now requires a team to secure the first three kills instead of First Blood. Additionally, Riot adjusted Atakhan to make the Voracious form appear more frequently. Lastly, ADC champions received a buff to their armor penetration items.
However, one issue Riot has yet to properly address is the dominance of tanks and tank items. Since the Season 2025 update, tanks have been quite prominent in the meta. Changes to tank items, such as Unending Despair and Heartsteel, made them much more efficient, to the point where even AD champions like Jayce began exploiting these items.
To combat this, Riot is making changes to True Damage in Patch 25.S1.3. Riot plans to allow True Damage effects to be amplified, increasing the viability of champions with True Damage abilities. Thus giving, players more ways to deal with tanks.
Patch 25.S1.3 True Damage Changes
Here are all the changes coming to True Damage in the upcoming patch,
- All sources of true damage are now increased by damage amplification effects.
- True damage will still be unaffected by debuff effects.
- Pet and smite True Damage will not be affected by amplification effects.
So, what do these changes mean?
Starting next patch all true Damage from champion abilities such as Garen Ultimate, Fiora Ultimate, and Gwen Q will be buffed by Items such as Spear of Shojin, Horizon Focus, Liandry’s Torment, and Riftmaker. Moreover, Runes such as Coup de Grace, Last Stand, Cut Down, and Press the Attack will also amplify True Damage.
Release Date
The True Damage changes are expected to hit the live servers on Patch 25.S1.3, which will be released on February 5, 2025.