LoL Patch 14.17 is coming soon, as it will serve as a precursor for the Worlds patch.
With Split 2 drawing to a close and Worlds 2024 approaching soon, Riot is working on Patch 14.17 in League of Legends. As the precursor of the Worlds patch, there are a bunch of nerfs in this patch.
However, there is also a lack of buffs in this patch, so Riot is taking out the ban hammer. That said, let’s talk about all of those changes coming in Patch 14.17.
Note: This article has been updated on August 21, 2024.
Read More: When Will LoL Ranked Season 2024 Split 2 End?
Release Date
League of Legends Patch 14.17 is expected to be released on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
LoL Patch 14.17 release time and server maintenance:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
Champion Buffs
A few buffs are coming to Champions, as the list is mostly ranged characters. Some AD junglers and some Mages are also getting the nod. Also, some target buffs are also coming to champions like Caitlyn. Thus, here are the champions getting buffs in Patch 14.17.
Given how much time has passed since Caitlyn has been relevant at a high level, Riot is giving her some buffs. Thus, Caitlyn is getting more Attack Speed increase over time while the trap cooldowns are being reduced.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.594 >>> 0.610.
- W – Yordle Snap Trap:
- Cooldown: 30/24/19/15/12 seconds >>> 26/22/18/14/10 seconds.
Riot is buffing AD junglers, including Graves. Thus, the core ability of Graves is getting a buff in terms of damage and cooldown.
- Q – End of the Line:
- Cooldown: 13/11.5/10/8.5/7 seconds >>> 13/11.25/9.5/7.75/6 seconds.
- Q1 Damage: 45/60/75/90/105 (+ 80% Bonus AD) >>> 45/65/85/105/125 (+ 80% Bonus AD).
Unlike Graves’ situation, Kindred is in a worse state as a jungler. The Kraken nerfs hurt Kindred quite a bit and Riot is giving back some of that power because it was not an expected effect for the changes.
- Q – Dance of Arrows:
- Attack Speed: 30% >>> 35%.
- E – Mounting Dread:
- Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds >>> 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds.
- Damage: 80/100/120/140/160 (+ 80% Bonus AD)(+ 5% (0.5% per Mark stacks) if the target’s Missing Health) >>> 80/110/140/170/200 (+ 100% Bonus AD)(+ 5% (0.5% per Mark stacks) if the target’s Missing Health).
Some buffs are coming to Lissandra to slightly improve her damage and her CC abilities. Riot intends to buff Lissandra for that purpose.
- Q – Ice Shard:
- Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+ 85% AP) >>> 80/115/150/185/220 (+ 85% AP).
- R – Frozen Tomb:
- Slow: 30/45/75% >>> 45/60/75%.
Like other Mage buffs, Ryze is getting a similar treatment. Some damage buffs and his roaming ability are getting improvements.
- Q – Overload:
- Damage: 70/90/110/130/150 (+ 55% AP)(+ 2% Bonus Mana) >>> 75/95/115/135/155 (+ 55% AP)(+ 2% Bonus Mana).
- R – Realm Warp:
- Cooldown: 210/180/150 seconds >>> 180/160/140 seconds.
Twisted Fate
Riot is buffing Twisted Fate’s Damage in his Q.
- Q – Wild Cards:
- Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+ 50% Bonus AD)(+ 85% AP) >>> 60/105/150/195/240 (+ 50% Bonus AD)(+ 85% AP).
After all of the changes to switch him to more of an attack speed build, Varus players started playing a tank build. Thus, Riot is going back to add more buffs to steer players away from that.
- Q – Piercing Arrow:
- Maximum Physical Damage: 15/70/125/180/235 (+ 125/130/135/140/145% Total AD) >>> 90/160/230/300/370 (+ 150/160/170/180/190% Bonus AD).
- E – Hail of Arrows:
- Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+ 90% Bonus AD) >>> 60/100/140/180/220 (+ 110% Bonus AD).
Champion Nerfs
The motherload of the changes is in the nerfs, as Patch 14.17 is getting a lot of them. Most of these changes are just nerfs to an ability for the champion. So, these seem to be targeted nerfs to bring the champions back to the mean. Thus, here is the champions list.
Survivability for Ashe in the lane has been too high, so Base Health is decreasing.
- Base Stats:
- Health: 640 >>> 610.
Given how players are still figuring out Aurora, her numbers on her Ultimate seem to be too high. Thus, Riot is rolling out a damage nerf to reduce potency.
- R – Between Worlds:
- Damage: 200/325/450 (+ 60% AP) >>> 175/275/375 (+ 60% AP).
Riot making Brand viable for jungle was a good idea, but it’s getting a bit too much at this point. Thus, more jungle nerfs are coming for Brand.
- Passive – Blaze:
- Damage Over Time Cap to Monsters: 0 >>> 30 per second.
- Explosion Damage Cap to Monsters: 0 >>> 250/325/400/475 (levels 1/6/11/16).
Ezreal is doing a little too well in the meta, thus a small AD nerf is being given to the champion.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Damage: 62 >>> 60.
Riot is rearranging the AP Ratio on Katarina’s passive is being reduced.
- Passive – Voracity:
- AP Ratio: 70/80/90/100 (levels 1/6/11/16) >>> 60/70/80/90 (levels 1/6/11/16).
A small nerf is coming for Kennen’s AP Ratio on her Q.
- Q – Thundering Shuriken:
- Damage: 75/125/175/225/275 (+ 85% AP) >>> 75/125/175/225/275 (+ 75% AP).
- Q – Sigil of Malice:
- Damage: 70/95/120/145/170 (+ 45% AP) >>> 70/95/120/145/170 (+ 40% AP).
- W – Distortion:
- Damage: 75/115/155/195/235 (+ 75% AP) >>> 75/115/155/195/235 (+ 70% AP).
Similar to Brand, Lillia is doing too well in the jungle.
- Passive – Dream-Laden Bough:
- Damage Cap to Monsters: 70 – 150 (based on level) >>> 70 – 100 (based on level).
A small armor nerf is coming to Pyke.
- Base Stats:
- Armor: 37 >>> 33.
A Maximum Health nerf is coming to Rumble’s basic attack damage.
- Passive – Junkyard Titan:
- Overheated:
- Damage: 5 – 40 (based on level)(+ 25% AP)(+ 6% of the target’s Maximum Health) >>> 5 – 40 (based on level)(+ 25% AP)(+ 5% of the target’s Maximum Health).
- Overheated:
Riot is rolling out some AP nerfs for Senna as there are builds where Senna is building a bit of AP to efficiency.
- Q – Piercing Darkness:
- Healing: 40/60/80/100/120 (+ 80% AP)(+ 40% Bonus AD) >>> 40/55/70/85/100 (+ 60% AP)(+ 40% Bonus AD).
- R – Dawning Shadow:
- Shield Strength: 120/160/200 (+ 70% AP)(+ 1.5 per Mist collected) >>> 120/160/200 (+ 50% AP)(+ 1.5 per Mist collected)
Similar to Senna, Seraphine is getting a Shield nerf along with the cooldown to apply said Shield.
- W – Surround Sound:
- Cooldown: 22/21/20/19/18 seconds >>> 22 seconds.
- Shield Strength: 60/85/110/135/160 (+ 20% AP) >>> 60/80/100/120/140 (+ 20% AP).
A small damage AP Ratio is being given to Sylas’ W.
- W – Kingslayer:
- Damage: 75/110/145/180/215 (+ 70% AP) >>> 75/110/145/180/215 (+ 60% AP).
System Nerfs
Three Runes and two items are getting changes as ADC mids and Supports are the targets. AD mids has been oppressing to play against them. Thus, Riot is finally addressing three of the biggest runes they use. On the flip side, two of the top tank Support items are getting nerfs.
Absorb Life
RIot is adjusting the healing based on the level breakpoints. This should definitely have a significant effect in games.
- Healing on Kill:
- Level 1 – 5: 1 – 5 (based on level) >>> 1 – 2 (based on level).
- Level 6 – 10: 6 – 11 (based on level) >>> 3 – 7 (based on level).
- Level 11 – 18: 12 – 23 (based on level) >>> 9 – 23 (based on level).
Cut Down
The damage threshold for extra damage is being increased. Hence, champions will have a smaller window to dish out the excess damage.
- Damage Threshold: 50% Health >>> 60% Health.
Fleet Footwork
Being the go to Rune for AD Mids, this offers too much sustain and utility. So, Riot is putting in some pretty good nerfs.
- Healing: 5 – 120 (based on level)(+ 10% Bonus AD)(+ 5% AP) >>> 5 – 100 (based on level)(+ 10% Bonus AD)(+ 5% AP).
- Bonus Movement Speed: 20% for 1.25 seconds >>> 15% for 1 second.
Celestial Opposition
Tank Support like to go up in your face and tank all that damage. Celestial Opposition has proven to be very good especially when it provides a lot of utility and slow effect when the linger pops.
- Unique Passive – Blessing of the Mountain:
- Slow: 60% for 2 seconds >>> 50% for 1.5 seconds.
Warmog’s Armor
Riot is nerfing the Movement Speed for Warmog’s while the price for the item is increasing.
- Cost: 3100 Gold >>> 3300 Gold.
- Unique Passive – Warmog’s Heart:
- Bonus Movement Speed: 10% >>> 5%.
There are two sets of skin releases coming in Patch 14.17. The first one is the new Battle Queen skins, while the other is the two new Mythic Variants. Here they all are.
Battle Queen Annie
Battle Queen Fiora
Battle Queen Gwen
Battle Queen Miss Fortune
Fallen God-King Garen and Divine God-King Darius