How to Complete All Shogi Puzzle in Like a Dragon Gaiden

Tanim Hasan
By Tanim Hasan
4 Min Read
Credit: Sega

Like a Dragon: Gaiden has a lot of different activities for the player to mess around. Shogi is one of them. Here, we will show you how to complete all the shogi challenges in the game.

Like a Dragon: Gaiden gives the player a new map called Sotenbori for the players to explore. The Sotenbori area is full of things for the players to do. From Karaoke to golf and RC racing, everything can be found on this map. But one that stands out is the Shogi.

You will find two different Shogi players on the Stoenbori map. However, if you interact with them, both share the exact version of the mini-game. So you can access either one and continue from where you left off in your previous challenge.

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Completing All Shogi Challenges

The shogi mini-game in Like a Dragon Gaiden is not an actual match shogi you need to play. It is a challenge mode based on the shogi ruleset. There are 10 total shogi challenges in the game, and most of them can be completed by one or two moves. Here is a table breaking down all the shogi moves you need to do to win each challenge.

Challenge No.Moves
Challenge No. 1Move your Rook down and right one square so that it’s to the left of the Enemy King.
Challenge No. 2Take the Silver General from your captures and place it one square down and to the right from the enemy King.
Challenge No. 3Shift your Silver General (G) one square down and one square right. Promote the unit.
Challenge No. 4Move your Rook down and right one square, so that it’s to the left of the Enemy King.
Challenge No. 5Move the Knight up two spaces and right one.
Challenge No. 6Turn 1: Place the captured Knight (K) to the right of your Gold General (G).
Turn 2: Shift the promoted Pawn (P*) right by one square.
Challenge No. 7Turn 1: Move the upper Silver General (on the left side) down and to the right one square.
Turn 2: Move the lower Silver General up and to the right one square.
Challenge No. 8Turn 1: Move your Bishop down and right one space so that it’s next to the Enemy King. This will force the King to move up and to the right. 
Turn 2: Move your captured Rook to the space on the right of the Enemy King.
Challenge No. 9Turn 1: Move the upper Silver General (G) one square down and one square left. Do not promote the unit.
Turn 2: Place the newly captured Gold General (G) one square below the King (K).
Challenge No. 10Move your Gold General between the enemy King and your Silver General.

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By Tanim Hasan Guide Writer
Tanim Hasan is a Guide Writer at GameRiv working on various games which consists of mostly new releases. His favourite genre is Hack and Slash, and Souls Like. But he is open to play any game regardless of the genre. So he has experience with most genres of games.