Get yourself a clown makeup and stop the kid from crying!
Like a Dragon Gaiden has embarked Kiryu, this time as a Yakuza turned secret agent helping the Daidoji clan. You get to play in missions with more furbished combat mechanics and explore new areas. Besides main story missions, you also get to partake in side quests that are both fun and easy to complete. Completing these short “Requests” will earn you a good amount of money and, most importantly, Akame Network Points. These points help you climb through the Akame Network level.
One such quest is the Turn That Frown Upside Down, Clown Request from the Sotenbori area. This quest requires you to get Joryu a clown makeup in order to stop a kid from crying. Getting the makeup is a very easy task, and it takes only a few minutes to complete the whole mission. So, without any further ado, delve into our guide about where to Get Clown Makeup in Like a Dragon Gaiden.
Clown Makeup in Like a Dragon Gaiden

In order to get the Request, you will have to go to Sotenbori Street and look for Club SEGA. If you open the map, you will find the Request mark popping just opposite the Club SEGA building. There, you will find a family with a kid crying, sitting by the side.
As you interact with them, the mother will inform you that the kid wants to see a clown or he will never stop crying. And from there, your mission starts. Before starting, make sure you have reached the Gold rank in the Coliseum. You need to meet this requirement beforehand, or else you will not be able to purchase the makeup.

Now, coming to finding the makeup part, you must first go to the Castle. There you will have to go to the Castle Boutique. You should know the place by now, and if not, then look for it on the map. After going inside, interact with the Clerk and go to the trial room. There, select any of your Outfit sets and look for the Makeup slot. Right at the bottom, you will find the Clown makeup. All that is left now is to make the purchase. The makeup will cost you ¥500,000, so make sure you have the amount with you.

Now that you have the makeup on, return to Sotenbori Street and talk to the mother. Seeing you, the kid will stop crying, and thus, your job there will be done.