Riot Changes Jungle Buffs on LoL Patch 13.14

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
3 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Red and Blue buffs are getting some big changes in Patch 13.14.

The Jungle role has been a point of contention In League of Legends ever since the preseason. During the preseason, Riot Introduced Jungle Pets and added back Catch-up EXP, which led to the arrival of spam ganking jungle meta. Though Riot has managed to stabilize the meta over time, the early power of Junglers remains.

So, In Patch Riot is looking to take a swing at the early game gank power of Junglers. According to Riot, they believe that Jungler’s early game gank power is too high in its current state. And the reason for it is the Jungle buffs.

Due to the early-game power the Jungle buffs provide, Junglers are able to gank more effectively and frequently. Though Riot believes that early game ganks should be a valid playstyle for the Junglers, it should not take away from the lasing phase.

So, In Patch 13.14, Riot is taking away some of the Jungle roles’ early game ganking power by nerfing the Jungle Buffs.

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Jungle Buff Changes

Here are all the Jungle Buff changes coming in Patch 13.14,

Crest of Cinders (Red Buff)

  • Burn True Damage: 10-78 (linear scaling based on level) ⇒ 10-75 (remains at 10 damage for levels 1-5, then increases in increments of 5 per level)
  • Melee Slow: 10/15/20% (levels 1/6/11) ⇒ 5/10/15/20% (levels 1/6/11/16)
  • Ranged Slow: 5/7.5/10% (levels 1/6/11) (Note: Unchanged)

Red Buff burn true damage is getting nerfed, and its damage scaling is being changed. Melee slow is also being nerfed, while range slow remains unchanged.

The burn damage nerfs are overall pretty small and will not affect Junglers much. But the Melee Slow, on the other hand, should affect early-game ganks substantially.

Crest of Insight (Blue Buff)

  • Ability Haste: 10 ⇒ 5/10/15/20 (levels 1/6/11/16)

Blue Buff’s ability haste is going down early but is getting buffed in the late game.

The blue buff adjustments are overall pretty big late-game buffs. But some of the Jungler’s clear time may be affected by 1 or 2 seconds due to the early game Ability Hase nerfs.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.