How to Prevent Water from Freezing in Minecraft

Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
3 Min Read
Credit: Mojang Studios

Learn how to Prevent Water From Freezing so you can grow crops in Minecraft’s Snow Biome.

Minecraft is a sandbox survival game with a vast and dynamic world. It consistently presents its players with a range of unique challenges that test your persistence and your ability to think outside the box.

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Water is a crucial resource in Minecraft, as it has a variety of resources, including farming. Farms rely on water for irrigation, and its disruption can cause a number of problems. Furthermore, a lot of Redstone mechanisms rely on the flow of water. Usually, it is quite simple to have a reliable flow of water for these purposes.

However, in snowy biomes, water can very easily turn into ice blocks and cause many inefficiencies. In a game where resources must be carefully managed, it is critical to counter this problem effectively.

In this guide, we will look at how you can prevent water from freezing during cold temperatures and in high altitudes.

Preventing Water from Freezing

One effective way to prevent water from Freezing is to place a light around your water. You can do this using torches, jack-o-lanterns, etc. as long as the light level is 13.

Thus, make sure to replace whatever light source you choose regularly. Alternatively, you can place blocks that emit heat, such as magma blocks and glowstone, below or around the water to achieve the same effect.

Credit: Mojang Studios

Place these blocks in a line along the perimeter of your water source. You can surround the river you have with all your crops for irrigation, and you’ll have an efficient farm in no time.

Another method is to enclose the water using blocks such as glass or even completely enclosing them in a room. Without direct exposure to the open, the water will not be able to freeze.

These methods will work even in higher altitudes, so you will able to farm anywhere smoothly.

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By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury Guide Writer
Muhibul Alam Chowdhury is a Guide writer at GameRiv.