How To Get Heavy Wool In LEGO Fortnite?

Akib Aditya Khan
By Akib Aditya Khan
3 Min Read

Learn how to get Heavy Wool in LEGO Fortnite.

In LEGO Fortnite, players need to build their own LEGO World in a vast area. Players will make their village by collecting materials and crafting items one by one. This requires a lot of hard work as players will need to travel to distances to collect certain items. One of these items is Heavy Wool.

Heavy Wool can only be found in the Frostlands, which makes it very hard to obtain. The Frostlands are hard to find and also very hard to survive in. However, it is a must for players to collect Heavy Wool for crafting different types of items. In this guide, we will show you how to get Heavy Wool in LEGO Fortnite.

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Where to get Heavy Wool In LEGO Fortnite

Heavy Wool Chest LEGO Fortnite

Heavy Wool can only be found in Grey Sheeps in LEGO Fortnite. But to find these animals, players must explore and find the Frostlands first. The Grey Sheep can only be found in the cold regions of the ice biome. Once the players have found them, the Heavy Wool can be collected by petting the Grey Sheep. Moreover, they can also be found inside the chests scattered all across the world.

Now, finding the Frostlands might be a tough task for the players as this area is spawned randomly in different worlds. There is no specific location to find the ice biome, so it is also hard to predict where it will be. However, once in a while, an NPC villager will tell the players the direction in which the Ice Biome will be.

Moreover, players will need to take extra preparation before heading into the Frostlands. This area will be really cold, so the players must increase their cold resistance to survive there. For this, they can eat spicy pepper, spicy burger, or craft an Inner Fire Charm.

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By Akib Aditya Khan Guide Writer
Akib Aditya Khan is a Guide writer at GameRiv. He is also a university-going student who was born and raised in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Akib is an esports enthusiast, which made him passionate about writing on his favorite topic "Esports". If he isn't spending time writing some articles, you can almost always find him watching his favorite esports titles or being a terrible mid-laner in MOBA games.