How To Change Difficulty In Destiny 2: The Witch Queen DLC

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
4 Min Read
image source: Bungie

Destiny 2’s latest addition is the Witch Queen DLC. It has two challenging modes, Classic and Legendary difficulty. Here’s how you can switch between them.

Destiny 2 is an action MMO with a single evolving world that you and your friends can join anytime, anywhere, absolutely free. Dive into the world of Destiny 2 to explore the mysteries of the solar system and experience responsive first-person shooter combat. Unlock powerful elemental abilities and collect unique gear to customize your Guardian’s look and playstyle.

Even though Destiny 2 is free to play, Bungie sometimes releases an expansion pack in the form of DLCs to keep up with the demand of the playerbase. With a new DLC comes new content, a new challenge, and occasionally new Difficulties.

In the brand new expansion of Destiny 2, “The Witch Queen,” Bungie introduced a new campaign with two different difficulty modes. Classic for those who want a more effortless campaign experience and Legendary for those who want a real challenge and double the rewards.

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A player will have two options in the difficulty department when first loading the game, such as brave and legendary. Players can choose either one to start their journey in the Witch Queen DLC. However, players can change the difficulty later if they think the brave is too easy or the legendary is too brutal for their taste.

Image source:

How to Switch Between Classic and Legendary difficulty

Players can launch the Witch Queen campaign mission from the destination map directly or by approaching a flag located anywhere in the world. It can also change depending on each mission. So you don’t have to worry about where to start the mission. A step by step process is given below:

  • Open the Map.
  • Click on destinations.
  • Click on Savathun’s Throne World.
  • Select Classic or Legendary based on your requirements.

If you have already completed the first mission, then follow these steps instead:

image source: Ordinary sense
  • The fireteam leader can start the mission by approaching the flag or clicking on the mission icon located on the map.
  • However, the mission won’t start immediately. The game will show a loading screen to the fireteam member. Members of the fireteam will be able to check the mission’s difficulty above the “Launch” button.
image source: Bungie
  • Click the section above the “Launch” button that shows the current difficulty.
  • It will take you to a select mode screen where you can choose the difficulty.
image source: Bungie
  • You can play any Witch queen campaign mission with both difficulties, so try and select the one you prefer the most.
  • After Changing the difficulty, you will be brought back to the mission launch screen to start the mission.
image source: Bungie

Once you are inside the mission, you can’t change the difficulty. If you want to change the difficulty, you have to abandon the mission, then switch the difficulty and start the mission all over again.

How to Change the difficulty for Replayable Missions

image source: Ordinary Sense
  • Open up the Map while on Mars.
  • Scroll to the bottom to find the Replayable Missions section.
  • You should see the icons which indicate Classic and Legendary. Click on the exact difficulty you prefer and select “Launch”.

If you follow these simple steps, you can change the difficulty quickly.

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By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.