Cheat codes in video games are what keep games such as GTA alive after one finishes the main campaign. These codes let you control everything in the game. In recent years, developers have steadily decreased the amount of cheat code that is available to the players.
There was a time when cheat codes in video games were really interesting. It kept the game infinitely replayable. Gamers used to go to websites like CheatCC to get recent information about cheats. In the old times, during the PS1 era, they used the actual button combination to activate cheat codes. It was all about the mystery and the thrill of playing the game in any mode you want.
Now as far as we can see, these types of cheat codes are a thing of the past, especially for consoles. PC gamers get help from the modding community. On the other hand, console players do not have that kind of luxury.
Developers on the Subject
Developers when being asked why they are not shipping games with cheat codes in the console anymore. They replied that nowadays if they don’t document everything in the game, it might not get the approval of the rating board. Since undocumented features may be exploited, they decided it was not worth the risk.
PC gamers are lucky to have such a devoted modding community. Our console brethren are not so lucky on the other side of the aisle. At the same time, finding cheat codes in older video games made by the original developers is straightforward. Nowadays, you have to rely on hackers to exploit the game to get the cheat codes. For better or for worse, this has made PC a more lucrative platform. We, as hardcore PC gamers, aren’t complaining.