Here is where you can find all the Skulls in Halo Infinite.
After six years, a brand new Halo campaign is finally here, and fans are more than excited to see what 343 Industries has to offer this time around. Halo Infinite campaign is filled with places to explore and secrets to unlock.
Collectables are always a significant part of a game, and even Halo Infinite comes with loads of easter eggs to discover, secrets to open, and collectibles to collect. Skulls are one of the collectibles inside the game where each of them will give you a different kind of change in gameplay. So we have made a complete guide on finding Skulls inside Halo Infinite.
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Where you can find all the Skulls inside Halo Infinite
Skulls inside Halo Infinite can change the way you play the game if you manage to find them throughout the campaign. Each of the Skulls will change the gameplay in a different way depending on the one you tend to collect. You cannot redo missions in Halo Infinite, so keep an eye out for these Skulls when playing the campaign. Moreover, we have added all the locations and the ability of each Skull in Halo Infinite below:
Boom Skull

You can find the first Skull in Halo Infinite during the first mission of Halo Infinite. The Boom Skull will double the explosion radius of your weapons. Regardless of it can be found on the first mission, it can be easy to miss it.
When you are on the Warship of Gbraakon, head inside the long room, which has floors above and three moving lifts, now use your Grapple shot to get to the second floor using the gap in the ceiling. After that, jump onto the middle lift, and you will see the Boom Skull waiting for you inside a container.
Cowbell Skull

You will find the Second Skull when you are at the Foundation. Cowbell Skull will accelerate the explosions you create. It can be challenging to obtain, so make sure you follow all the steps mentioned.
Once you get to the area with Holograms during your mission at the Foundation, keep going until you reach a vast room. Now go left till you the end of the room and use your scanner to locate the Skull above you. Use your Grapple then to get the Skull.
Catch Skull

After you reach Zeta Halo’s open world, you will be able to find the Catch Skull. Catch Skull will make enemies throw and drop more grenades in the game. It can be an annoying perk to deal with, but if you pair it up with Boom Skull or Cowbell Skull, it can be very destructive.
You will find this Skull just Northwest of the Outpost Tremonius. Players will find some enemies on their way, but they are straightforward to kill. Catch Skull will be waiting for you on the Tree Stump after you clear the area.
Fog Skull

Fog Skull can disable your motion tracker, so using the Skull while playing the game at a more significant difficulty could make it more challenging.
You can find this Skull inside a small cave in the western part of the second Zeta Halo island. Once you reach the place, look for Hexagonal columns and look for a ledge beside the western edge. You will find the Skull beside many abandoned helmets inside a narrow shelf.

IWHBYD Skull will give you the affinity of hearing more rare dialogues in the game. You will find the Skull inside the top of the Chak ‘Lok’s Tower. You can quickly get this Skull if you manage to get on a flying vehicle. Players can also use the Grapple shot to get to the top of the Tower if they don’t manage to get a flying vehicle.
Blind Skull

You can find the Blind Skull inside a fissure between two cliffs on the first Island of Zeta Halo. Fans will need to grapple their way onto the top of the cliffs then jump down to obtain the Skull. This Skull can increase the difficulty by eliminating the HUD and Weapon ammo display.
Famine Skull

Famine Skull gives the users less ammo every time they kill an enemy. It is one of the Skulls that increase the user’s difficulty in specific ways. This Skull is on the east side of the 4th Zeta Halo island. However, you can easily access this Skull if you use a flying vehicle to the island. You can find the Skull next to a Golden Elite on the island’s eastern side.
Black Eye Skull

Next Up is Black Eye Skull, which will make players avoid long-range battles as your shields will only recharge after performing a melee attack.
You will find this Skull on the Southwest of the Riven Gate on Island 4. You will have to find your way around the waterfall and look for a small opening that will lead to a cave. Inside the cave, you will see the Black Eye Skull waiting for you.
Thurderstorm Skull

Thunderstorm Skull will increase the rank of almost all enemies in the game. Meaning each of them will be tougher to deal with and kill.
However, you can find this Skull on Island 4 again on the Northernmost beacon. You will see a tall thin pillar there, which is east of the beacon, and you will see the Skull resting on top of it. Moreover, you can use a flying vehicle to reach this place and the Skull or use your grapple hook to reach the top of the pillar.
Mythic Skull

Mythic Skull will increase the Health of all the enemies you encounter in the game. This Skull is on the Island 4 of Zeta Halo. You can find it on the top of Spire’s processing rooms pillars.
Once you are in the Command Spire Mission after you reach a big processing room with golden light passing through the columns in the room. You will notice an opening inside the ceiling, and you will need to get inside it by using your grapple hook onto a moving column. Then again, using the grapple hook to get inside the hole. Explore inside, and you will see the Skull waiting for you.
Grunt Birthday Party Skull

This Skull will throw confetti every time you land a headshot on a Grunt. You can find this Skull on the 12th Mision “Repository.” After entering the massive room with a terminal center, activate it and hop on the light bridge created.
You will find the Power Seed just as you keep walking on the bridge. Across the bridge, you will see a Power Seed room, where you will need to deposit it. Now go ahead and progress through the mission. Furthermore, after you reach a large room with golden walls, grapple to the window above, and inside, you will find the Skull.
Bandana Skull

This Skull is probably the most overpowered one in the game. It will allow the user to have unlimited ammo, grenades and it also removes all the cooldowns on any equipment. It can be valuable if you are trying to get the Headmaster Achievement.
You can find this Skull on the Silent Auditorium. First, you will have to avoid killing any sentinel during the mission as this will lock the door which has the Skull.
Then make your way to the mission and when you get to a couple of light bridges, activate them and make your way across them. You will reach a long room and then grapple your way to the top of the structure in the center. It is where you will find the last Skull in the game.
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