Fortnite recently announced the Zero Build Ali-A Cup where participants will have a chance to earn the Ali-A outfit for free before it hits the item shop.
It’s official, Ali-A is the next creator to get into the Icon Series skin league. The Fortnite official Twitter account announced the Ali-A Icon series skin just recently. The Ali-A skin will hit the Fortnite item shop on May 19, 2022, at 8 PM ET. Before that, there will also be a Zero Build Ali-A cup, and the prize for this tournament is the Ali-A skin and emoticon. The winners of this tournament will get the Ali-A skin for free before it comes to the item shop.
Epic Games revealed details about the Ali-A Cup in a recent blog post. Below you will find all its details, including the date & time, format, scoring system, prize distribution, and more.
Read More: Fortnite Ali-A Icon Series Skin: Release Date, All Styles, Accessories, Price, and More
Fortnite Ali-A Cup Details:
Date and Time:
The Ali-A cup will begin on May 18th- [All Regions]. The actual timing of the tournament for each region will show up in-game under the compete tab.
The Ali-A Cup will be a no-build tournament and played in a Duos format. All players on a Duos team must rank in the Open League (Division I, II, or III) or higher within Arena in their respective server region (“Region”) by the start of the Ali-A Cup to be eligible to queue up and compete during the Event window as listed in-game.
The event will last approximately 3 hours, and teams may participate in a maximum of 10 matches during this period. Players will earn points based on the scoring system mentioned below. At the end of the event, the top-scoring teams from each region will be eligible for the prize as denoted by the prize distribution section.
Scoring System:
Victory Royale: 25 Points
2nd: 22 Points
3rd: 20 Points
4th: 18 Points
5th: 17 Points
6th: 16 Points
7th: 15 Points
8th: 14 Points
9th: 13 Points
10th: 12 Points
11th: 11 Points
12th: 10 Points
13th: 9 Points
14th: 8 Points
15th: 7 Points
16th: 6 Points
17th: 5 Points
18th – 19th: 4 Points
20th – 21st: 3 Points
22nd – 23rd: 2 Points
24th – 25th: 1 Point
Each Elimination: 1 Point
Prize Distribution:
Event Prizes – Europe
Rank Prize
1st – 1,200th “Ali-A” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and “Ali-Tech Backplate” Back Bling
8 Points Earned “Ali-A Army” Emoticon
Event Prizes – NA East
Rank Prize
1st – 800th “Ali-A” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and “Ali-Tech Backplate” Back Bling
8 Points Earned “Ali-A Army” Emoticon
Event Prizes – NA West
Rank Prize
1st – 350th “Ali-A” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and “Ali-Tech Backplate” Back Bling
8 Points Earned “Ali-A Army” Emoticon
Event Prizes – Brazil
Rank Prize
1st – 350th “Ali-A” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and “Ali-Tech Backplate” Back Bling
8 Points Earned “Ali-A Army” Emoticon
Event Prizes – Asia
Rank Prize
1st – 100th “Ali-A” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and “Ali-Tech Backplate” Back Bling
8 Points Earned “Ali-A Army” Emoticon
Event Prizes – Oceania
Rank Prize
1st – 100th “Ali-A” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and “Ali-Tech Backplate” Back Bling
8 Points Earned “Ali-A Army” Emoticon
Event Prizes – Middle East
Rank Prize
1st – 100th “Ali-A” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and “Ali-Tech Backplate” Back Bling
8 Points Earned “Ali-A Army” Emoticon
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