The max level Fortnite players need to reach in Season 6 to get all of the battle pass rewards and additional styles have finally been revealed.
Fortnite Season 6 already went live and players with fast internet are busy enjoying all the content the new season has to offer. On the other hand, players who have slow internet are still waiting for the massive download to finish.
In Chapter 1 of Fortnite, the battle pass rewards were only up to level 100 only. But for the last few seasons, we are getting rewards even after crossing battle pass tier 100. Who can forget the insane grind that some players had to do to get the Golden variant of the Agent Peely skin?
Seems like this season will also reward players who aim to beyond level 100. The Battle pass rewards beyond level 100 are still not revealed and will come to light at a later date. But for now, we know the max level you need to reach to get all the battle pass rewards.
Read More: Fortnite Season 6: First Look At The New Inventory UI and Weapon Crafting System
Fortnite Battle Pass Max Level:
Fortnite leaker iFireMonkey recently revealed the max level rewards for Season 6. In a Tweet, he said, “In order to 100% all of the level rewards this season, you will need to be level 215.”
He also added, “It appears that they will reveal the level reward stuff over time, so we might not see level style leaks until future updates.”
In Fortnite Season 6 we will have additional styles for the Battle Pass skins similar to the previous few seasons. The levels where we will be able to unlock new rewards are:
So it’s best to start grinding right away because reaching level 215 might be easy for some but people who have very little time to play will need to do a little bit of grinding.