Dynasty Warriors: Origins – All Trophies and Achievements

Mahirul Alam Chowdhury
By Mahirul Alam Chowdhury
7 Min Read
credit: Koei Tecmo

All the trophies and achievements you can unlock while you play through Dynasty Warriors: Origins.

Dynasty Warriors is back with Dynasty Warriors: Origins, and it brings back all that made the series into a cult classic. The series has everything from stories of drama, and politics, to large-scale all-out war. Moreover, Origins improves the story, characters, and gameplay with deeper mechanics. A great entry for both newcomers and passionate old fans.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins also provides a slew of Trophies and Achievements to unlock, while you play the game and try to complete different challenges and feats. We list all of them below.

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Dynasty Warriors: Origins – All PlayStation Trophies

Dynasty Warriors Origins Trophies Achievements
credit: Koei Tecmo

On PlayStation, the game has 44 Trophies. 1 Platinum, 3 Gold, 12 Silver, and 28 Bronze.

Trophy NameHow To UnlockTrophy Type
True Warrior of the Three KingdomsObtained all trophies in the game.Platinum
The First BattleCompleted the first battle.Bronze
Suppressing the Yellow TurbansCompleted Chapter 1.Bronze
Bringing Down Dong ZhuoCompleted Chapter 2.Bronze
The Struggle for SupremacyCompleted Chapter 3.Bronze
To Each Their Own PathCompleted Chapter 4.Bronze
The Path to PowerCompleted the Wei story.Bronze
The True Path to PowerCompleted the Wei story with the true ending.Silver
The Future of WuCompleted the Wu story.Bronze
The True Future of WuCompleted the Wu story with the true ending.Silver
A Just WorldCompleted the Shu story.Bronze
A Truly Just WorldCompleted the Shu story with the true ending.Silver
Guardian of PeaceCompletely restored peace to every region.Gold
Supreme CompetenceCompleted all missions.Silver
Loyal AllyCompleted all requests.Silver
Avid LearnerCompleted all training.Silver
TravelerUnlocked all waymarks.Bronze
Peerless WarriorAcquired a Musou Rage.Bronze
The Pinnacle of ProwessAcquired all skills from the skill panels between Knight-Errant Rank and Musou Rank.Silver
Pyroxene HunterCollected 100 pyroxene.Bronze
WeaponsmithReforged the traits of a weapon.Bronze
Deadly PerfectionFully upgraded a weapon.Silver
Abundant ArmoryObtained all weapons.Silver
Accessory AddictObtained all accessories.Silver
Eminent EquestrianObtained all horses.Bronze
Officer of RenownLed a unit of 30 or more soldiers.Bronze
Unbreakable BondReached the maximum Bond Lv. with an officer.Bronze
Spirit of CamaraderieReached the maximum Bond Lv. with all officers.Silver
Living Well of KnowledgeUnlocked all stories and records.Gold
UnrivaledDefeated 200,000 enemies.Bronze
Army of OneDefeated 1,000 enemies in a single battle.Bronze
Fighting for PeaceWon 30 skirmishes.Bronze
Killing BlowWon 10 duels.Bronze
Defying FateRescued an officer fated to die.Bronze
The StrongestDefeated Lu Bu at Hulao Gate.Silver
Battle Art MasteryMastered a battle art.Bronze
Versatile WarriorUsed every battle art.Gold
Clever TacticianAttained dramatic success with a tactic.Bronze
Masterful TacticianUsed 10 different tactics.Bronze
A Helping HandRescued an officer 50 times.Bronze
In UnisonExecuted 10 Battle Art Chains.Bronze
Weapons MasterWon a battle with 9 different types of weapon.Bronze
Capable CompanionsWon battles with 9 different companions.Bronze
The Ultimate WarriorWon a battle on Ultimate Warrior difficulty.Bronze

Dynasty Warriors: Origins – All Xbox Achievements

Dynasty Warriors Origins Trophies Achievements
credit: Koei Tecmo

On Xbox, the game has 44 Achievements. Total of 1000G of Gamerscore.

Achievement NameHow To UnlockGamerscore
True Warrior of the Three KingdomsObtained all trophies in the game.150G
The First BattleCompleted the first battle.10G
Suppressing the Yellow TurbansCompleted Chapter 1.10G
Bringing Down Dong ZhuoCompleted Chapter 2.10G
The Struggle for SupremacyCompleted Chapter 3.10G
To Each Their Own PathCompleted Chapter 4.10G
The Path to PowerCompleted the Wei story.10G
The True Path to PowerCompleted the Wei story with the true ending.30G
The Future of WuCompleted the Wu story.10G
The True Future of WuCompleted the Wu story with the true ending.30G
A Just WorldCompleted the Shu story.10G
A Truly Just WorldCompleted the Shu story with the true ending.30G
Guardian of PeaceCompletely restored peace to every region.70G
Supreme CompetenceCompleted all missions.30G
Loyal AllyCompleted all requests.30G
Avid LearnerCompleted all training.30G
TravelerUnlocked all waymarks.10G
Peerless WarriorAcquired a Musou Rage.10G
The Pinnacle of ProwessAcquired all skills from the skill panels between Knight-Errant Rank and Musou Rank.30G
Pyroxene HunterCollected 100 pyroxene.10G
WeaponsmithReforged the traits of a weapon.10G
Deadly PerfectionFully upgraded a weapon.30G
Abundant ArmoryObtained all weapons.30G
Accessory AddictObtained all accessories.30G
Eminent EquestrianObtained all horses.10G
Officer of RenownLed a unit of 30 or more soldiers.10G
Unbreakable BondReached the maximum Bond Lv. with an officer.10G
Spirit of CamaraderieReached the maximum Bond Lv. with all officers.30G
Living Well of KnowledgeUnlocked all stories and records.70G
UnrivaledDefeated 200,000 enemies.10G
Army of OneDefeated 1,000 enemies in a single battle.10G
Fighting for PeaceWon 30 skirmishes.10G
Killing BlowWon 10 duels.10G
Defying FateRescued an officer fated to die.10G
The StrongestDefeated Lu Bu at Hulao Gate.30G
Battle Art MasteryMastered a battle art.10G
Versatile WarriorUsed every battle art.70G
Clever TacticianAttained dramatic success with a tactic.10G
Masterful TacticianUsed 10 different tactics.10G
A Helping HandRescued an officer 50 times.10G
In UnisonExecuted 10 Battle Art Chains.10G
Weapons MasterWon a battle with 9 different types of weapon.10G
Capable CompanionsWon battles with 9 different companions.10G
The Ultimate WarriorWon a battle on Ultimate Warrior difficulty.10G

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Mahirul Alam Chowdhury is a writer and HR Manager at GameRiv.