Donkey Kong Country Returns HD – All Levels

Mahirul Alam Chowdhury
By Mahirul Alam Chowdhury
5 Min Read
credit: Nintendo

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD features offer loads of challenging levels.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is now playable on Nintendo Switch in all-new HD. The Wii’s beloved Donkey Kong title returns with all its difficulty, and stages intact but now with much better visuals.

Following its predecessors Donkey Kong Country Returns HD has a lot of content with its varied levels, boss fights, and collectibles. When combined with its challenging gameplay, Donkey Kong Country Returns is a highly rewarding and satisfying game to play. The game features two simultaneously playable characters: Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, in addition to multiplayer where players can control each Kong.

Furthermore, the game is lengthy since it offers quite a lot of stages to play through. So how many levels does Donkey Kong Country Returns HD offer? find out below, as we list them all.

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Donkey Kong Country Returns HD – How Many Levels Are There?

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD all worlds and levels
credit: Nintendo

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD has a total of eighty levels, divided into nine worlds. This also includes the 3DS-exclusive cloud world. Each of the original 8 worlds has a secret level, unlocked by collecting the KONG letters, and a locked level which requires a Map Key from Cranky Kong’s shop.

Jungle1-1Jungle Hijinxs
1-2King of Cling
1-3Tree Top Bop
1-4Sunset ShoreUnlocked by buying the Map Key from Cranky Kong’s Shop (20 Banana Coins).
1-5Canopy Cannons
1-6Crazy Cart
1-BMugly’s MoundBoss Fight
1-KPlatform PanicSecret level unlocked by collecting all KONG Letters in this world.
Beach2-1Poppin’ Planks
2-2Sloppy Sands
2-3Peaceful Pier
2-4Cannon Cluster
2-5Stormy Shore
2-6Blowhole BoundUnlocked by buying the Map Key from Cranky Kong’s Shop (20 Banana Coins).
2-7Tidal Terror
2-BPinchin’ PiratesBoss Fight
2-KTumblin’ TempleSecret level unlocked by collecting all KONG Letters in this world.
Ruins3-1Wonky Waterway
3-2Button Bash
3-3Mast Blast
3-4Damp DungeonUnlocked by buying the Map Key from Cranky Kong’s Shop (20 Banana Coins).
3-5Itty Bitty Biters
3-6Temple Topple
3-BRuined RoostBoss Fight
3-KShifty SmashersSecret level unlocked by collecting all KONG Letters in this world.
Cave4-1Rickety Rails
4-2Grip ‘n’ Trip
4-3Bombs Away
4-4Mole PatrolUnlocked by buying the Map Key from Cranky Kong’s Shop (20 Banana Coins).
4-5Crowded Cavern
4-BThe Mole TrainBoss Fight
4-KJagged JewelsSecret level unlocked by collecting all KONG Letters in this world.
Forest5-1Vine Valley
5-2Clingy Swingy
5-3Flutter Flyaway
5-4Tippin’ Totems
5-5Longshot Launch
5-6Springy SporesUnlocked by buying the Map Key from Cranky Kong’s Shop (20 Banana Coins).
5-7Wigglevine Wonders
5-8Muncher Marathon
5-BMangoruby RunBoss Fight
5-KBlast ‘n’ BounceSecret level unlocked by collecting all KONG Letters in this world.
Cliff6-1Sticky Situation
6-2Prehistoric Path
6-3Weighty Way
6-4Boulder Roller
6-5Precarious PlateauUnlocked by buying the Map Key from Cranky Kong’s Shop (20 Banana Coins).
6-6Crumble Canyon
6-7Tippy Shippy
6-8Clifftop Climb
6-BThugly’s HighriseBoss Fight
6-KPerilous PassageSecret level unlocked by collecting all KONG Letters in this world.
Factory7-1Foggy Fumes
7-2Slammin’ Steel
7-3Handy HazardsUnlocked by buying the Map Key from Cranky Kong’s Shop (20 Banana Coins).
7-4Gear Getaway
7-5Cog Jog
7-7Music Madness
7-RLift-Off Launch
7-BFeather FiendBoss Fight
7-KTreacherous TrackSecret level unlocked by collecting all KONG Letters in this world.
Volcano8-1Furious Fire
8-2Hot Rocket
8-3Roasting Rails
8-4Smokey PeakUnlocked by buying the Map Key from Cranky Kong’s Shop (20 Banana Coins).
8-5Bobbing Basalt
8-6Moving Melters
8-7Red Red Rising
8-BTiki Tong TerrorFinal Boss Fight
8-KFive Monkey TrialSecret level unlocked by collecting all KONG Letters in this world.
Cloud9-1Crushin’ Columns
9-2Gushin’ Geysers
9-3Spiky Surprise
9-4Mischievous Moles
9-5Topsy Turvy
9-6Tar Ball Fall
9-7Robo Factory
9-8Lavawheel Volcano
9-9Golden Temple

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Mahirul Alam Chowdhury is a writer and HR Manager at GameRiv.