Dynasty Warriors: Origins – All Trainings

Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
5 Min Read
Credit: Koei Tecmo

Every Training Mission in Dynasty Warriors: Origins and how to complete them.

Although you’ll spend most of your time mowing down hordes upon hordes of enemies in Dynasty Warriors Origins, there are also companions who will accompany you throughout your journey. And moreover, these companions will also give you Training Missions.

You can complete Trainings to make your character more powerful and also deepen your bond with your companions.

There are a total of 10 officer companions you’ll meet in your journey, and each of them have 3 Training missions for you to complete.

What Are Trainings

Trainings are missions you can get from your officer companions. They are long-term objectives which require you to reach a target. For example, defeating a set number of enemies with a specific weapon. Moreover, these missions reward you with skill points, which you can use to unlock powerful skills.

Credit: Koei Tecmo

You can progress Trainings during any battle. Furthermore, your progress will carry over after the battle ends. Thus, these are large objectives that you can complete over a series of battles.

Moreover, completing all training missions from an officer will deepen your bond with them.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of all trainings that you can get in Dynasty Warriors Origins.

Read More: Dynasty Warriors: Origins – All Battle Arts (Skills)

All Trainings

Xiahou DunPodao Training: Battle Arts
Defeat 100 foes with Battle Arts using a podao.
15 Skill Points
Podao Training: Charging
Defeat 50 foes with charged strong attacks using a podao.
15 Skill Points
Rage Training
Defeat 50 foes while in Rage mode.
15 Skill Points
Huang GaiSpear Training: Charging
Defeat 50 foes with charged strong attacks using a spear.
15 Skill Points
Battle Art Training
Defeat 100 foes with Battle Arts.
15 Skill Points
Assault Training
Deplete an enemy’s Fortitude and activate a Strong attack Assault 3 times.
10 Skill Points
Sun ShangxiangSword Training: Evade Strike
Defeat 50 foes with directional Strong sword attacks while evading.
15 Skill Points
Wheels Training: Battle Arts
Defeat 100 foes with Battle Arts using wheels.
15 Skill Points
Wheels Training: Strong Strike
Defeat 50 foes with strong attacks using wheels.
15 Skill Points
Guan YuRage Training
Defeat 100 foes while in Rage mode.
15 Skill Points
Spear Training: Battle Arts
Defeat 100 foes with Battle Arts using a spear.
15 Skill Points
Spear Training: Strong Combo
Defeat 50 foes with a triple combo of Strong spear attacks.
15 Skill Points
Zhang FeiStrong Attack Training
Defeat 300 foes with strong attacks.
20 Skill Points
Special Art Training
Stop an enemy attack with Special Arts 3 times.
15 Skill Points
Assault Training
Deplete an enemy’s Fortitude and activate a Strong attack Assault 5 times.
15 Skill Points
Dong ZhuoMusou Attack Training
Defeat 100 foes using Musou Attacks.
15 Skill Points
Critical Conquest Training
Conquer bases 3 times.
15 Skill Points
Large Force Strategy Training
Cause a foe’s large force to collapse 1 times.
15 Skill Points
Xiahou YuanStrong Attack Training
Defeat 100 foes with strong attacks.
15 Skill Points
Special Art Training
Stop an enemy attack with Special Arts 1 times.
10 Skill Points
Sword Training Battle Arts
Defeat 100 foes with Battle Arts using a sword.
15 Skill Points
Gan NingParry Training
Successfully parry 5 attacks.
15 Skill Points
Gauntlets Training: Battle Arts
Defeat 100 foes with Battle Arts using gauntlets.
15 Skill Points
Battle Art Chain Training
Activate 1 Battle Art Chains.
10 Skill Points
Yuan ShaoLarge Force Strategy Training
Cause a foe’s large force to collapse 2 times.
20 Skill Points
Critical Conquest Training
Conquer bases 5 times.
15 Skill Points
Perfect Evade Training
Successfully perform a perfect evade 3 times.
10 Skill Points
Sun CeSword Training: Defense Strike
Defeat 100 foes with LB + Y (Guard + Strong Attack) sword attacks.
Gauntlets Training: Battle Arts
Defeat 150 foes with Battle Arts using gauntlets.
Gauntlet Stance Training: Light
Defeat 50 foes with Light Attacks from either gauntlet stance.
All Trainings

Shui Jing Retreat

Credit: Koei Tecmo

Lastly, you’ll have the ability to automatically complete traninigs once you reach the Shui Jing Retreat by engaging in Meditation. However, you’ll have to pay up 4,000 in-game cash for this service.

Read More: Dynasty Warriors: Origins – All Weapons

By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury Guide Writer
Muhibul Alam Chowdhury is a Guide writer at GameRiv.