The Ultimate Dragon’s Dogma 2 Character Creation Guide

Asil Ahsan
By Asil Ahsan
21 Min Read
Credits: Capcom

The character creation module in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is said to be revolutionary. Follow this guide to learn how to make the most out of it!

After the initial release of Dragon’s Dogma back in 2012, fans of the game have been eagerly waiting for a sequel. With the standard being high from the first game, Capcom needed to set something in motion that would get the attention of players, both new and old, to the franchise. Their answer seems to be in the character creation menu.

Read More: Dragon’s Dogma 2 PC Requirements

The character creation feature in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is just out of the world. It is more detailed than any other titles that offer similar mechanics and is actually a determining factor in your overall gaming experience.

So, if you want to create the best possible Dragon’s Dogma 2 Arisen and main pawn for your journey, then continue reading, as I will break down everything in the Dragon’s Dogma 2 Character Creation menu.

Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The first thing that you will have to decide when using the character creation menu is who you are building. You will have two options:

  • Arisen
  • Main Pawn

Arisen will be you, the main character of the story, and unlike other adventure + strategy games, Dragon’s Dogma 2 uses pawns (NPC AIs); a total of 3 of them can be recruited in your party, each with different characteristics and skills. But your main pawn will be from your own design and creation. The main pawn creation should complement your Arisen creation, which I will touch on later.

Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

When you pick your choice (Arisen or Main Pawn) you will be taken to the character creation screen, where you can select from the preset or create your own. There are 14 preset characters for you to choose from. If you pick preset, then there is nothing to worry as you can change the details to fit your preference.

Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

If you go for a completely new character, then you will have to start by selecting your race and gender. Currently, there are two races: Human & Beastern. Therefore, you will get to pick from 4 avatars.

Afterwards, you will proceed to pick a base body from 9 different body types. These aren’t permanent, and you can change the details later.

Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

Next, you will have to select the base head. Here, you will have the option to choose from 45 different head styles. Then, you will be presented with 9 different options on that head preset and another 5 afterwards. These are primarily for jaw styles and skin color, which you can update later. To be precise, the only thing that you can’t change is your race.

Once you are done, you will be presented with the detailed version of the character creation menu, and you will start working on your character from the ground up.

There are 5 base categories with sub-sections and enhancements in the character creation menu:

  1. Body
  2. Head
  3. Body Hair
  4. Makeup
  5. Tattoos/Markings


Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

The most crucial part of the character creation that heavily affects your gameplay is the settings you pick for the body. Here, you will be working with 5 sections:

  1. Body
  2. Head
  3. Upper Body
  4. Lower Body
  5. Posture


In the Body section, you will be able to decide the height and most of the weight of your character. Depending on your build, going higher or lower will be the best option.

Generally, higher height indicates how fast you will be moving, and how long your character’s melee reach is and also has an effect on your encumbrance.

On the other hand, a lower height ensures that your hitbox is low for the enemies, meaning you will get hit less.

Weight affects your stamina consumption, and its overall regeneration rate. High weight will also increase your carrying capabilities. You will also be able to wear heavier armor with more defense than a heavyweight.  

Height– Slider: 160 to 215.
– Adjusts the character’s height and a portion of the weight
Torso Length– Slider: -100 to 100.
– Adjust the torso’s length.
Muscle Style40 Muscle Style options available.
Muscle StrengthSlider: 0 to 100.
Traps Size– Slider: -100 to 100.
– Adjusts the muscle size on the back of the neck.
Upper Body Muscle Mass– Slider: -100 to 100.
– Adjusts the muscles in the upper body.
Lower Body Muscle Mass– Slider: -100 to 100.
– Adjusts the muscles in the lower body.
Upper Body Size– Slider: -100 to 100.
– Adjusts the size of the upper body.
– Greatly affects weight.
Lower Body Size– Slider: -100 to 100.
– Adjusts the size of the lower body.
– Significantly affects weight.


This section is more for the aesthetic of your character. You will shape the head of the character, giving him/her the expression you are looking for.

Head SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Head LengthSlider: -100 to 100
Head WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Head DepthSlider: -100 to 100
Neck LengthSlider: -100 to 100
Neck ThicknessSlider: -100 to 100

Upper Body

Your selection will slightly affect the overall weight especially the arm size, thickness, and forearm thickness. Arm length will not only increase health but also add a bit more reach if you are going for a melee build.

Shoulder WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Shoulder SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Chest ThicknessSlider: -100 to 100
Chest SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Torso WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Torso DepthSlider: -100 to 100
Arm LengthSlider: -100 to 100
Arm SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Upper Arm ThicknessSlider: -100 to 100
Forearm ThicknessSlider: -100 to 100

Lower Body

Similar to the upper body, size factors will have an impact on the weight. Namely increasing them will increase the weight but decreasing them will have a lower effect.

Waist WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Waist SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Rear SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Leg Size (Overall)Slider: -100 to 100
Thigh SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Calf SizeSlider: -100 to 100

Here, the gameplay effects come to an end for character creation. From this point on, everything is about the aesthetic and design of your character. Any alterations or decisions won’t bother your gameplay experience.


This section will decide how your character will walk and move.

Movement StyleSlider: -100 to 100
Elbow AngleSlider: -100 to 100
Knee AngleSlider: -100 to 100
PostureSlider: -100 to 100


Customization OptionsDescription
Fur2 types of fur
Pattern7 pattern options
Pattern Color Presets33 pattern color options available
Color 1 – 4148 default color options for each color
Color 1 – 4 IntensitySlider: 0 to 100
Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

This section offers 8 more subsections for your character’s customization:

  1. Head
  2. Skin
  3. Brow
  4. Eyes
  5. Nose
  6. Ears
  7. Cheeks
  8. Mouth
  9. Jaw/Chin


Base Head38 base heads available for humans
2 base heads available for beastren


Base Skin40 skin types available.
Skin Color59 skin colors available.
WrinklesSlider: 0 to 100
Skin SheenSlider: 0 to 100


Customization OptionsDescription
Brow HeightSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the distance of the eyebrows from the eyes.
Brow SpacingSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the distance of the eyebrows from each other.
Brow Depth (Overall)Slider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the depth of the eyebrows.
Brow Depth (Inner)Slider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the depth of the inner eyebrows.
Brow Depth (Outer)Slider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the depth of the outer eyebrows.
Brow AngleSlider: -100 to 100
Adjust the angle of the eyebrows (Human Exclusive).
Brow BendSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the bend of the eyebrows in the middle.


Eye Height– Slider: -100 to 100
– Adjust the height of the eyes.
Eye WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the distance between the eyes.
Eye DepthSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the depth of the eyes in the socket.
Eye SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the size of the eyes.
Eye AngleSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the angle of the eyes.
Left ClosedCheckbox that closes the left eye.
Squint (Left Eye)Slider: 0 to 100
Adjusts how squinted the left eye is.
Right ClosedCheckbox that closes the right eye.
Squint (Right Eye)Slider: 0 to 100
Adjusts how squinted the right eye is.


Nose LengthSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the length of the nose.
Bridge WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the width of the nose bridge.
Bridge HeightSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the height of the nose bridge.
Bridge Bump (Overall)Slider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the overall bump of the nose bridge (Human Exclusive).
Bridge Bump (Upper)Slider: -100 to 100
Adjust the upper bump of the nose bridge (Human Exclusive).
Bridge Bump (Lower)Slider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the lower bump of the nose bridge (Human Exclusive).
Nostril SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the size of the nostrils (Human Exclusive).
Nostril HeightSlider: -100 to 100


Style7 different ear styles
SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts how big or small the ears are.
AngleSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts which direction the ears are angled.
OpennessSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the ears’ openness.
TiltSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts if the ears are tipped downwards or upwards (Human Exclusive)
TipsSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the largeness of the ear tips (Human Exclusive)
LobesSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the largeness of the ear lobes (Human Exclusive)
Lobe SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the largeness of the ear lobes (Beastren Exclusive)
Tip SharpnessSlider: 0 to 100
Adjusts the sharpness of the ear tips (Beastren Exclusive)
Ear Tip BendSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts how bent the ear tips are (Beastren Exclusive)
Ear Tip RotationSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the ear tips by facing it forward or backward (Beastren Exclusive)
Ear TwistSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts the ear tips by twisting it forward or backward (Beastren Exclusive)


Cheeks/Neck ThicknessSlider: -100 to 100
Cheek BulgeSlider: -100 to 100
Neck FatSlider: -100 to 100
Cheek HeightSlider: -100 to 100
Cheek WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Cheek DepthSlider: -100 to 100


Mouth HeightSlider: -100 to 100
Mouth WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Mouth ProtrusionSlider: -100 to 100
Mouth CornersSlider: -100 to 100
Whisker PositionSlider: -100 to 100
Lip ThicknessSlider: -100 to 100 (Beastren Exclusive)
Adjusts how thick both upper and lower lips are.
Lower Lip PositionSlider: -100 to 100 (Human Exclusive)


Jaw DefinitionSlider: -100 to 100
Jaw WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Jaw PositionSlider: -100 to 100
Jaw ProtrusionSlider: -100 to 100
Chin HeightSlider: -100 to 100
Chin WidthSlider: -100 to 100
Chin ProtrusionSlider: -100 to 100
Chin SharpnessSlider: -100 to 100

Body Hair

Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

There are 4 subsections here:

  1. Hairstyle
  2. Eyebrows
  3. Facial Hair
  4. Body Hair


Hairstyle57 different hairstyle options for humans
56 different hairstyle options for beastren
Root Color183 different options for the hair’s root color
Tip Color183 different options for the hair’s tip color
Root/Tip BlendSlider: 0 to 100
Adjusts how blended the root and tip colors are
Sheen PositionSlider: 0 to 100
Adjusts where the shininess of the hair is positioned
SheenSlider: 0 to 100
Adjusts the hair’s shininess


Shape14 eyebrow shape options
Color178 eyebrow color options
ThicknessSlider: -100 to 100
Adjust eyebrow thickness.

Facial Hair

Customization OptionsDescription
Style44 different facial hair options for humans
6 facial hair options for Beastren
Root Color183 different options for the hair’s root color
Tip Color183 different options for the hair’s tip color
Root/Tip BlendSlider: 0 to 100
Adjusts how blended the root and tip colors are
Sheen PositionSlider: 0 to 100
Adjusts where the shininess of the hair is positioned
SheenSlider: 0 to 100
Adjusts the hair’s shininess

Body Hair (Human Only)

Customization OptionsDescription
Body Hair Style4 types of body hairstyles
Body Hair Color183 body hair colors available
Body Hair DensitySlider: 0 to 100


Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

There are 8 sub-sections all of which are focused on aesthetics:

  1. Eyes
  2. Eyelashes
  3. Eyeshadow
  4. Eyeliner
  5. Freckles
  6. Cheeks
  7. Lips
  8. Teeth


Eye Style3 types of eye styles available
Eye Color Presets48 eye color presets for humans
Iris Primary Color334 primary colors available for the iris
Iris Secondary Color334 secondary colors available for the iris
Iris Tertiary Color334 tertiary colors available for the iris
Sclera Color334 colors available for the sclera
Iris SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts iris’ largeness
Pupil SizeSlider: -100 to 100
Adjusts pupils’ largeness


Eyelash Root Color183 options for root color
Eyelash Tip Color183 options for tip color
Root/Tip BlendSlider: 0 to 100
LengthSlider: 0 to 100
Shape3 eyelash shapes
DensitySlider: 0 to 100


Eyeshadow Style5 eyeshadow styles are available
Eyeshadow Color 149 different colors for inner eyeshadow
Eyeshadow Color 249 different colors for outer eyeshadow
Eyeshadow IntensitySlider: 0 to 100
Eyeshadow CoverageSlider: 0 to 100
Eyeshadow OpacitySlider: 0 to 100
Eyeshadow MetallicSlider: 0 to 100
Eyeshadow SheenSlider: 0 to 100


Eyeliner Style13 eyeliner styles are available
Eyeliner Color42 colors available for eyeliner
Eyeliner CoverageSlider: 0 to 100
Eyeliner OpacitySlider: 0 to 100
Eyeliner MetallicSlider: 0 to 100
Eyelines SheenSlider: 0 to 100


Freckles5 types of freckle styles available
Freckle Color26 different colors of freckles are available
Freckle OpacitySlider: 0 to 100


Cheek Style4 cheek styles are available
Cheek Color118 different cheek colors available
Cheek OpacitySlider: 0 to 100
Cheek MetallicSlider: 0 to 100
Cheek SheenSlider: 0 to 100


Lip Style5 lip styles
Lip Color112 lip colors
Lip Color SpreadSlider: 0 to 100
Lip OpacitySlider: 0 to 100
Lip MetallicSlider: 0 to 100
Lip SheenSlider: 0 to 100


Upper TeethChoose to remove or retain a select number of upper teeth
Lower TeethChoose to remove or retain a select number of lower teeth
Teeth Color20 teeth colors available


Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

There are 13 sub-sections here all of which target different markings and designs that you can dawn in your character’s body. These are:

  1. Tattoo Presets
  2. Body Tattoos
  3. Right Arm Tattoos
  4. Left Arm Tattoos
  5. Right Leg Tattoos
  6. Left Leg Tattoos
  7. Scar Presets
  8. Body Scars
  9. Right Arm Scars
  10. Left Arm Scars
  11. Right Leg Scars
  12. Left Leg Scars
  13.  Dirt

Select Your Vocation & Vocal

Character Creation Menu in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Credits: Capcom

There are 4 starting vocations in the game:

  1. Melee
  2. Archer
  3. Mage
  4. Thief

You will unlock more as you progress, but these are key factors that determine your playstyle throughout the game.

Melee is best for close combat, while Archer is suited for long rage. Mage builds are preferred for long-range to mid-range combat. Thief is best for fast and sneak-based style. You can also pick up 2 different types of vocals for your characters as well.

How to Customize Your Arisen and Main Pawn

Your customization will revolve around the vocation you are going with. For Melee, my personal recommendation would be to go with high height and weight. This will allow you to hit harder and dawn the strongest armors.

The main pawn should go with either a Mage or Archer for longer-range supports. They should be of standard height and lightweight. However, for the mage, high weight is necessary at times as magic requires stamina.

On the other hand, if you are playing Thief, then it is better to be lightweight and short to avoid combat. But your pawn will have to be heavy enough to carry your items without being encumbered.

The Mage or Archer build will be similar to the main pawn for Melee. But this time, high height is necessary. This way, you will be set to have the perfect combo at your early levels.

And there you have it. That’s all the details you need to know to understand character creation in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Best of luck with your journey!

Read More: All Available Classes (Vocations) in Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2)

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By Asil Ahsan Guide Writer
Asil Ahsan is a Genshin Impact writer at GameRiv. Asil is an avid gamer and book reader. He primarily focuses on AAA tittles and Gacha games and loves to watch anime and eat food!