Here is all you need to know about finding Diamonds in Minecraft.
Minecraft is a 2009 3D sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. Dive into a world where everything as far as your eyes can see are made out of square blocks. Don’t let this simplicity fool you though, as the number of mechanics in this game is more than you can count! You can take the game at your own pace and slowly build up your home or rush and take down the Ender Dragon, its all up to you.
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You can either decide to play the game in Creative Mode, where you’re given unlimited resources to make and build whatever your imagination can come up with or you can decide to play it in Survival Mode where you’re left on your own to gather resources to survive.
The game is a lot more fun to play if you have friends to play with as well. Whichever way you decide to play, one thing is for sure, you’re in for an epic adventure!
Minecraft has a staggering number of items. But it is without a doubt that the most sought after item in the game is Diamond.
Although it is not as rare as some of the items in the game, it still takes an obnoxious amount of time to find if you don’t know where to look. So we’ll go over the best places you can mine diamonds in Minecraft, just keep on reading.
Best Place for Mining Diamonds in Minecraft
After the recent update, Diamond ores can be found in any level below Y 16. However, the ore distribution changes in the update 1.18 made it so that diamond ores spawn more frequently the lower you dig.

This means that while you can find diamond from Y level 16 or below, its much better if you go deeper in the mine. Currently, the most common level you can find diamond is at Y -53. However, you do want to remain careful as underground lava lakes also are common around these levels.
Other Places You Can Get Diamond From
Although mining underground will be your most go-to place for finding diamonds, there are other places you can get this valuable resources from, these include:
- Shipwreck treasure chests
- Stronghold altar chests
- Village chests
- Fortress chests
- Jungle temple chests
- Desert temple chests
- Mineshaft chests
- Buried treasure chests
- End city chests
Extra Tips
- Remember to mine diamond ores with an Iron Pickaxe or something better. Breaking the ore block with anything else is going to give you nothing.

- Toolsmiths, Weaponsmiths and Armorers when leveled up to 5 will trade you a full set of diamond armor, tools and weapons for emeralds! So you dont have to go mining everytime one of your equipment losses its durability and breaks.
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