Destiny 2: Top 10 Best Linear Fusion Rifles

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
10 Min Read
Image source: Bungie

Good day, Guardians. Are you having trouble figuring out which is the best Linear Fusion Rifle in the current meta? We got you covered. Let us showcase some of the best Linear Fusion Rifles currently available in Destiny 2.

Due to the massive volume of weapons in this MMO’s current arsenal, players might get confused regarding which one they should go for based on their play style. Keep in mind that not all weapons are made equal, as some weapons are superior to others, and any mediocre weapon can be helpful in certain situations with the correct build.

It can be difficult for beginners to decide which Fusion Rifle to choose since they have many options. But don’t worry. We’ll showcase some of the best Fusion Rifles in Destiny 2. Hopefully, this list should make it easier for you to decide which Fusion Rifle is best for you.

10. The Queenbreaker

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

The Queenbreaker is an Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle that deals arc damage. It first made its debut back in season 4. At a glance, this weapon looks like oil removing funnel, which is quite hilarious. The Queenbreaker has been a popular pick for players because of its high fire rate and moderate magazine size.

Unfortunately, The Queenbreaker is also a non-craftable weapon that Players can only obtain from the Exotic Engram. If you want a weapon with a high fire rate, this is a fantastic choice, but keep in mind that it has lower impact damage. Aside from that, all the other stats are impressive.

How to Get:

Players can get this weapon by focusing on Exotic Engrams.

9. Line In The Sand

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Line In The Sand is a Legendary Linear Fusion Rifle that made its debut back in season 9 as Part of Sundial Gear Set. Since then, it has gained its reputation in the Destiny 2 community. The barrel of this weapon looks like the jaw of a crocodile, which is terrifying to look at, but it is a powerful weapon and deals arc damage to your enemy.

How to Get:

Players can get this weapon from the Sundial activity on Mercury.

7. Corsair’s Wrath

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Corsair’s Wrath is a Precision frame legendary Linear Fusion Rifle that was first introduced in season 12. Following changes, it has become one of the best Linear Fusion Rifles for PvE content. It is an energy slot weapon that uses heavy ammo and deals solar damage to the opponent. It’s perfect for clearing out a horde of enemies. Also, this weapon has a very minimalistic look, which can be a plus for some players.

How to Get:

Players can obtain this weapon from Xûr.

8. Tarantula

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Tarantula is an arc-powered Precision frame Linear Fusion Rifle making waves in both PvE and PvP. This weapon has a black and greyish look with a sharp jaw underneath its barrel. It first debuted in Season 13. Since it is a Free-to-Play weapon, you can easily improve its stats with additional attachments.

How to Get:

Players can obtain this Fusion Rifle from the world loot pool or any non-specific loot source. However, as the core game has a large loot pool at this point, getting it from there may be a tedious task. As a result, we believe that focusing on umbral Ingram or getting it from a gunsmith is the best way to obtain this weapon.

6. Cataclysmic

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Cataclysmic is a legendary Linear Fusion Rifle that first appeared in season 16 without any set. It is a Precision frame weapon that uses heavy ammo. As it is a non-craftable Linear Fusion Rifle with balanced stats, it has become a must-pick if you prefer something with a high impact and low recoil. Additionally, the barrel of this weapon is constantly spinning, which can make it difficult for some players to focus.

How to Get:

Players can obtain this weapon from Vow of the Disciple Raid. But unfortunately, this is an exclusive weapon for the Witch Queen DLC.

5. Threaded Needle

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Threaded Needle is a legendary Linear Fusion Rifle that made its debut back in Season 13. Since then, it has gained its reputation in the Destiny 2 community. With the yellow and green shade, it looks like a creature straight out of the sea. Also, it is a kinetic-based weapon and deals kinetic damage to your enemy.

How to Get:

Players can get this weapon by focusing on umbral engrams.

4. Lorentz Driver

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Lorentz Driver is an exotic Linear Fusion Rifle that was first introduced back in season 15. Since then, it has been great for PvE as well as some of the PvP content in the game. This weapon has a quite unique look with some yellow hue on its barrel. It is a void-based weapon that uses special ammo and deals void damage to the enemy.

How to Get:

Players can obtain this weapon from Exotic Kiosk If they already have the Beyond Light Expansion pack.

3. Sleeper Simulant

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Sleeper Simulant is a solar damage-dealing Linear Fusion Rifle, widely regarded as one of the best Exotic Linear Fusion rifles in the game. It was first introduced back in season 3 and has become one of Destiny 2’s S-Tier Linear Fusion Rifles. This is arguably one of the best-looking Fusion Rifles currently available in the game. Additionally, this weapon has a unique look with a zigzag pattern on its barrel. Sleeper Simulant has the highest base damage out of any Fusion Rifles in the game, paired with great stability. Consequently, the Destiny 2 community has embraced this weapon throughout the years.

How to Get:

Players can obtain this weapon from the exotic kiosk, and it’s a free-to-play weapon.

2. Reed’s Regret

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Reed’s Regret is a fan-favorite legendary Power weapon in the Destiny 2 universe. Reed’s Regret first appeared back in Season 15, and it’s a Linear fusion rifle with heavy ammo. If built correctly, this rifle does have the potential to be a beast. Although it is not a craftable weapon, players can only obtain it through the Trials of Osiris. This weapon is recommended if you are looking for a fusion rifle with niche base stats that can pack a punch with correct attachments.

How to Get:

You can obtain Reed’s Regret from the Trials of Osiris, but you must first unlock the weapon and add it to the loot pool.

1. Arbalest

Best Linear Fusion Rifle

Arbalest is an Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle that was first introduced in season 6 without any set. It has a really cool triangle holding its barrel with a white pipe on its magazine, which looks pretty elegant. Also, it is a kinetic slot weapon that uses special ammo and deals kinetic damage to the opponents. In Destiny 2’s current meta, Arbalest is a strong pick for both PvP and PvE content.

How to Get:

Players can get this weapon by focusing on exotic engrams.

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These are the top 10 Linear Fusion Rifles in Destiny 2. And as with any list, this one is extremely subjective and will change with future updates. Since many of these Linear Fusion Rifles can be fantastic if used correctly with proper load-outs, it all comes down to your playstyle. We sincerely hope you found this guide helpful and learned something new. Best of luck out there, Guardian.

By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.