Destiny 2: How to get the Cloudstrike Catalyst

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
4 Min Read
Image Source: Bungie

Are you looking for the Cloudstrike Catalyst and want to find out how to get it? Then you are in luck, as here we will talk about how to obtain the Cloudstrike Catalyst.

Destiny 2 is an online multiplayer game where you and your friends can join at any time and play in a dynamic world that is constantly evolving. You can change how your Guardian looks and plays by obtaining robust elemental powers, handcrafted weapons, and unique items. You can also upgrade your loadout further with some seasonal gears and weapons.

Bungie releases new weapons and catalysts every season as part of their ongoing content updates for the game. These new items are typically introduced through special events or challenges within the game and can also be obtained through in-game currency.

We will go through everything there is to know about this catalyst and how to obtain it. We will also discuss how you can unlock the catalyst efficiently. So let’s dive in, Shall we?

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What is the Cloudstrike Catalyst?

How to get the Cloudstrike Catalyst
Image Source: Bungie

The Cloudstrike catalyst is a special item you can obtain in the game Destiny 2, and when equipped with the weapon, it enhances its performance by increasing its Handling stat by 25 and adding the Triple Tap perk. The Triple Tap perk allows players to return one round to the magazine after rapidly landing precision hits.

This can be especially useful when paired with the Mortal Polarity perk, which causes all precision final blows to generate a lightning bolt at the target’s location. However, it’s important to note that Masterworked weapons no longer generate Orbs of Power from multi-kills in the game. Instead, players need to equip one of the new Siphon mods to enable this feature.

How to get the Cloudstrike Catalyst

How to get the Cloudstrike Catalyst
Image Source: Bungie

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get the Cloudstrike catalyst:

  • Make sure you own the Cloudstrike weapon: To be eligible to receive the Cloudstrike catalyst as a drop, you must first own the Cloudstrike weapon.
  • Complete playlist activities: The Cloudstrike catalyst has a chance to drop from playlist activities in the game, such as strikes, Gambit, or Crucible matches. The drop rate for this item is based on luck, so you may need to complete a large number of playlist activities before it is obtained.
  • Keep an eye out for the Cloudstrike catalyst: As you complete playlist activities, keep an eye out for the Cloudstrike catalyst to appear as a drop. When you receive the catalyst, it will be automatically added to your inventory.
  • Equip the Cloudstrike catalyst: Once you have obtained the Cloudstrike catalyst, you can equip it with the Cloudstrike weapon by accessing your inventory and selecting the weapon. The catalyst will automatically be applied to the weapon, unlocking its bonus abilities and enhancing its performance.

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That’s all there is on how to get the Cloudstrike Catalyst. Hopefully, this guide was helpful, and you have learned something new. You can also check out our other guides to help you take your Destiny 2 journey to the next level. Good luck out there, Guardians.

By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.