Are you looking for the easiest way to obtain the Unbroken Title in Destiny 2? Then you are in luck, as here we will go through all the challenges you need to complete in order to get the Unbroken Title.
Destiny 2 is a popular looter-shooter video game created by Bungie, well known for its creation of the Halo franchise of video games. In this MMO RPG, you can select from three distinct classes and earn various gears and exotics to customize your Guardian’s appearance.
Bungie is constantly adding new content to the game with each new update as it is a live service title. With those seasonal content drops, they also add new Titles and Seals to the game, which players really appreciate. You can earn these various Titles and Seals by completing specific challenges. However, sometimes these challenges can be extremely difficult, and players might need months to complete them.
Similarly, players need to complete all the crucible challenges to earn the Unbroken Title in Destiny 2. There is a total of nine challenges you need to complete before getting the Unbroken Title, and you have to complete some additional challenges to get the seal.
How to Earn The Unbroken Title

The Unbroken seal is by far one of the most challenging seals to unlock, but that does not mean it’s impossible to obtain. You basically have to complete some of the toughest challenges in the Crucible. However, with the proper loadout and good game sense, you will be able to complete these challenges easily. It would really help if you have decent teammates and you can properly communicate with them.
The Unbroken Title Requirements

Forever Valorous
- Earn Crucible ranks across all seasons.
You have to earn a total of ten valor ranks across all seasons to complete the Forever Valorous challenge. It is pretty easy to earn valor ranks in Destiny 2. You can do various crucible bounties and win matches to earn valor ranks faster. You can complete this challenge within a single season with the proper loadout. However, it would be best if you could wait for the double or triple valor weeks to complete this challenge.
- Reset your Crucible rank three times across all seasons.
You have to reset your crucible rank at least three times to complete the Prestigious Challenge. The best part is that it doesn’t have to be in a single season. You can easily reset your rank across three seasons to complete this challenge. However, if you don’t want to wait for that long, it is also possible to reset your rank three times within a single season.
Unbroken Valor

- Earn the maximum Crucible rank win streak bonus in any season.
The maximum Crucible rank win streak is five. This means you have to win five consecutive matches without losing a single match. If you cannot win five matches in a row, you have to start from the beginning to complete the Unbroken Valor Challenge. If you lose any match, don’t worry; try to change the loadout a bit and keep trying.
A Glorious Legend
- Achieve a Glory rank of “Legend” in multiple seasons.
You have to achieve a Glory rank of Legend for at least three seasons. Achieving glory ranks means you have to play a lot of survival games without losing any. You can lose one or two matches, but keep in mind that it will hamper your progress, so try not to lose any if possible, and you should be more focused throughout these matches.
Legendary Valor
- Achieve a Crucible rank of “Legend” in any season.
This one is pretty easy compared to others. All you need to do is earn 1800 valor points in order to complete the legendary valor Challenge. Although losing any matches doesn’t reduce your valor points, a winning streak gives you more valor points. So you should bring the best loadout and try not to lose any matches.
Right back at it again

- Reset your Crucible rank five times within a single season.
This is one of the most demanding challenges compared to others. You must reset your crucible rank five times within a single season to complete the Right back it again challenge. In addition, you have to complete every single bounty each day for the rest of the season. You can, however, boost your progress by winning some crucible matches. Since you will need 10000 points every time you want to reset your rank, it would be best if you could play with some friends or good teammates.
Fight for Glory
- Earn Glory ranks across all seasons.
You have to earn five glory ranks across all seasons. You can earn glory rank by completing some of the extreme PvP playlists in Crucible. You should keep in mind that if you lose any matches, you will lose your glory points, and it can be very difficult for Guardians not to lose any glory points during PvP. So naturally, You will need the best loadout and great game sense to complete this challenge.
Become Legend
- Achieve a Glory rank of “Legend” in any season.
Achieving glory ranks means you have to play a lot of survival games without losing any. You can lose one or two matches, but keep in mind that it will hamper your progress, so try not to lose any and keep focused throughout these matches. This one, however, is pretty easy compared to the “A Glorious Legend” challenge. Here you have to achieve the Glory rank one time instead of three.
Unstoppable Glory

- Win consecutive matches in any season.
You must win five consecutive Crucible matches to complete the Unstopalble Glory challenge. This challenge is similar to the Unbroken Valor challenge, where you have to win five consecutive matches without losing a single match. If you cannot win five matches in a row, you have to start from the beginning to complete this challenge.
These are all the challenges you need to complete to earn the Unbroken Title in Destiny 2. Hope this guide was helpful and you have learned something new. And if you find this guide helpful, you may also want to check out our other guides as well.