Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2023 Event Preview: How to Earn Medallions, Medals, and Rewards

Annanda Islam
By Annanda Islam
21 Min Read
Image Source: Bungie

Get ready for the Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2023 event! Our preview guide will provide you with all the information you need to know on how to earn these rewards and come out on top.

Destiny 2 is a popular online multiplayer first-person shooter game developed by Bungie. Set in a futuristic world, players assume the role of a Guardian, a protector of humanity, and embark on missions and quests to defend their civilization against various threats.

One of the most anticipated events in Destiny 2 is the Guardian Games. This annual event pits players against each other in a friendly competition to earn medals and medallions. The event lasts for several weeks and offers players a chance to earn unique rewards, including exotic weapons and armor sets.

In this Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2023 Event Preview, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to participate in this year’s event and earn medals, medallions, and rewards. We’ll cover everything from the event’s start date and duration to the different types of medals and how to earn them.

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Overview of Guardian Games 2023

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

Guardian Games is an annual event in Destiny 2 where players compete against each other to determine which class reigns supreme: Warlocks, Titans, or Hunters. The event typically takes place over a few weeks and offers players a chance to earn unique rewards such as exotic weapons, armor sets, and emblems.

In Guardian Games 2023, players can expect a similar format to previous years. The event will begin with the opening ceremony, which will introduce players to the competition and provide details on how to participate. Players will then compete in daily challenges and earn medals that contribute to their class’s overall score.

Players can earn four types of medals during the Guardian Games event: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Each medal type is worth a certain number of points, with platinum being the most valuable. Players can earn medals by completing various tasks, such as defeating enemies in strikes, completing public events, and playing Crucible matches.

In addition to medals, players can also earn medallions, which are used to track progress throughout the event. Medallions are earned by completing daily challenges, and players can earn up to seven per day.

At the end of the event, the class with the highest score will be declared the winner of the Guardian Games. The winning class will receive a unique exotic weapon as well as bragging rights until the next event.

How Guardian Games Works?

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

Guardian Games is an annual event in Destiny 2 that celebrates the three classes of Guardians: Warlocks, Titans, and Hunters. The event typically runs for a few weeks and offers players a chance to compete against each other to earn unique rewards and claim bragging rights for their class.

During Guardian Games, players can earn medals by completing various tasks, such as defeating enemies in strikes, completing public events, and playing Crucible matches. There are four types of medals: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, with platinum being the most valuable.

To take part in Guardian Games, players need to have a conversation with Eva Levante, the event vendor. Eva will give them all the details about the event and how to participate. Additionally, players can buy event-related items like emblems and shaders from Eva.

How to Earn Medallions

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

Medallions are an essential part of the Guardian Games event in Destiny 2. They are used to track progress and contribute to a player’s overall score in the competition. Here are some ways to earn medallions during Guardian Games:

  • Complete Daily Challenges: The most straightforward way to earn medallions is to complete daily challenges. These challenges are specific to the event and can be found by speaking with Eva Levante, the event vendor. Players can earn up to seven medallions per day by completing these challenges.
  • Participate in the Event: Players can earn medallions by participating in the Guardian Games event. Completing strikes, public events, and Crucible matches will reward players with bronze, silver, gold, and platinum medals, which can be exchanged for medallions.
  • Complete Bounties: Players can also earn medallions by completing bounties specific to the event. These bounties can be purchased from Eva Levante and offer additional opportunities to earn medals and contribute to a player’s overall score.

It’s worth noting that medallions earned during Guardian Games are not transferable between characters. Players will need to earn medallions separately for each character they wish to participate in the event.

Overall, earning medallions is a crucial aspect of Guardian Games, as they contribute to a player’s overall score and determine their class’s chance of winning the competition.

Guardian Game Gamemodes For PvE

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

Guardian Games is an annual event in Destiny 2 that features a variety of game modes for players to compete against each other. In addition to the PvP modes, Guardian Games also offers several PvE game modes for players who prefer cooperative gameplay. Here are some of the PvE game modes that players can participate in during Guardian Games:

  • Strikes: Strikes are cooperative missions that players can complete with two other players. During Guardian Games, players can earn medals by completing strikes and contributing to their class’s overall score.
  • Nightfall Strikes: Nightfall Strikes are high-level strikes that offer additional challenges and rewards. During Guardian Games, players can earn medals by completing Nightfall Strikes and contributing to their class’s overall score.

Overall, Guardian Games offers a variety of PvE game modes for players to enjoy and compete against each other. Players can earn medals by completing strikes and Nightfall Strikes, contributing to their class’s overall score.

Guardian Game Gamemodes For PvP

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

Guardian Games is an annual event in Destiny 2 that features a variety of game modes for players to compete against each other. One of the most popular PvP game modes during Guardian Games is Supremacy. In Supremacy, players must collect the crests of defeated opponents and deposit them in designated areas to earn points for their team.

Overall, Guardian Games offers a variety of PvP game modes for players to enjoy and compete against each other. By participating in Supremacy, players can earn medals and contribute to their class’s overall score in the competition. So whether you prefer PvE or PvP gameplay, Guardian Games has something for everyone.

Event challenges

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

During the Guardian Games event, players can earn medallions by completing various event challenges. These challenges offer an additional way to earn medallions, with a limited number of them offering gold or platinum medallion rewards. Here are some of the event challenges that players can complete during Guardian Games:

  • Pull Some Strings: Get 1500 Strand final blows. Assisting teammates also counts towards this challenge.
  • In the Cards: Complete regular and Platinum Contender Cards.
  • Good Games: Defeat 800 targets in the Guardian Games playlist or Supremacy game mode.
  • Up for the Challenge: Complete Nightfall ops in the Guardian Games playlist.
  • Classy Arsenal: Defeat 200 targets with The Title or Taraxippos.
  • Class Pride: Finish Supremacy or Guardian Games playlist activities with teammates of the same class via team-based matchmaking.
  • Bronze: Earn 100 points by banking medallions at the Tower.
  • Silver: Earn 200 points by banking medallions at the Tower.
  • Gold: Earn 300 points by banking medallions at the Tower.
  • Platinum: Earn 400 points by banking medallions at the Tower.
  • Cloudrunning: Complete patrols, Terminal Overload, and other activities on Neptune.
  • In It to Win It: Earn any medallion by completing activities anywhere in the system and then bank it at the Tower.
  • Circuit Training: Earn 1200 activity points by completing Dares of Eternity, Vanguard Ops playlist activities, or Defiant Battlegrounds.
  • Friendly Rivalry: Play 6 Supremacy or Gambit matches.
  • Talented Scout: Defeat 600 targets with Scout Rifles.
  • Crest Collector: Earn 50 points in Supremacy by picking up crests after defeating an enemy.
  • Going the Distance: Earn 600 points by banking medallions at the Tower. Banking higher Gold or Platinum medallions yield a higher score.
  • Hall of Fame: Finish a Guardian Games Nightfall flawlessly. Also, score at least 30 points in Supremacy and complete the match.
  • Record Setter: Complete 15 Platinum Contender Cards.
  • Grand Slam: Achieve a Platinum Score in the Guardian Games Nightfall playlist.

Players can also work through the Vying for Supremacy quest, which involves earning scores in Guardian Games activities, beginning with Supremacy matches, to reach certain thresholds. 

By completing these steps, players can light the scoring torches at the Tower, which will earn them rewards and glows, helping them to stand out in the crowd and showcase their contributions to their class.

Event Rewards

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

Guardian Games offers a variety of rewards for players who participate in the event. Here are some of the rewards players can earn:

  • The Title: This is a returning Void submachine gun with new perk possibilities, including Repulsor Brace. It can be obtained through Guardian Games activities.
  • Taraxippos: This is a brand-new kinetic scout rifle and is the first Strand scout rifle in Destiny 2. It also has Classy Contender, which grants class ability energy with kills. It can be obtained through Guardian Games activities.
  • Luminous Paragon: This is a new Exotic sparrow that can be obtained by completing the Platinum event challenge, which involves banking a significant number of medallions at the podium during the event.
  • Heir Apparent Catalyst: This can be obtained by completing the Competitive Catalyst quest, which is available during Guardian Games.
  • Class Armor Ornaments: These are new ornaments for each class’s armor that can be purchased outright from the Eververse store or for Bright Dust earned by playing the game.
  • Other Rewards: Completing five matches of Supremacy in a given week will earn players a Pinnacle drop, and redeeming 25 medallions at the podium each week will earn players a Powerful Tier 1 reward.

Overall, Guardian Games offers a variety of exciting rewards for players who participate in the event. Whether you’re looking for new weapons, Exotics, or cosmetic items, there’s something for everyone to earn by participating in the competition. So take advantage of your chance to claim your rewards and show your support for your class in Guardian Games.

Legendary Weapons & God Rolls

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

Guardian Games offers players the opportunity to earn two legendary weapons: The Title, a Void submachine gun, and Taraxippos, the first Strand scout rifle in Destiny 2. Here’s a breakdown of each weapon and what players should look for in their god rolls:

  • The Title: This returning submachine gun has new perk possibilities, the most noteworthy being Repulsor Brace, which grants increased stability and accuracy when players’ shields are full. For a god roll, players should aim for perks that increase range and stability, such as Arrowhead Brake and Zen Moment. Additionally, players can choose Classy Contender as the fifth-column origin trait to grant class ability energy with kills.
  • Taraxippos: This new kinetic scout rifle has Classy Contender as an optional fifth-column origin trait, which grants class ability energy with kills. For a god roll, players should aim for perks that increase stability and reload speed, such as Fluted Barrel and Feeding Frenzy. Additionally, the perk Dragonfly can be useful for clearing groups of enemies.

To obtain these weapons with ideal perk rolls, players will need to grind Guardian Games activities and hope for lucky drops. Alternatively, players can use upgrade modules and other resources to upgrade weapons with desirable perks obtained during the event.

How To Get Guardian Game Armors

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

To obtain Guardian Games armor during the event, players will need to grind out Bright Dust. Unfortunately, the armor cannot be earned through traditional gameplay methods like other event armor. However, players can obtain Bright Dust by completing weekly bounties from Ava Levante, completing seasonal challenges, and completing bounties from core playlist vendors.

Each set of Guardian Games armor will cost 6,000 Bright Dust. Players can focus on obtaining armor for their main character or purchase armor for all three classes if they have enough Bright Dust. Keep in mind that the event runs annually, so players can always obtain any armor they missed out on in future events.

Overall, obtaining Guardian Games armor requires some dedication and grinding, but the end result is worth it. The armor is some of the best-looking in the game and can show off a player’s support for their class during the event. So don’t hesitate to grind out some Bright Dust and pick up the Guardian Games armor sets for your favorite class.

How To Get The Event Seal

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

To obtain the Guardian Games event seal in Destiny 2, players will need to complete a set of triumphs associated with the event. Here’s the complete set of triumphs needed to unlock the seal:

  • Pull Some Strings: Get 1500 Strand final blows. Assisting teammates also counts towards this challenge.
  • In the Cards: Complete regular and Platinum Contender Cards.
  • Good Games: Defeat 800 targets in the Guardian Games playlist or Supremacy game mode.
  • Up for the Challenge: Complete Nightfall ops in the Guardian Games playlist.
  • Classy Arsenal: Defeat 200 targets with The Title or Taraxippos.
  • Class Pride: Finish Supremacy or Guardian Games playlist activities with teammates of the same class via team-based matchmaking.
  • Bronze: Earn 100 points by banking medallions at the Tower.
  • Silver: Earn 200 points by banking medallions at the Tower.
  • Gold: Earn 300 points by banking medallions at the Tower.
  • Platinum: Earn 400 points by banking medallions at the Tower.
  • Cloudrunning: Complete patrols, Terminal Overload, and other activities on Neptune.
  • In It to Win It: Earn any medallion by completing activities anywhere in the system and then bank it at the Tower.
  • Circuit Training: Earn 1200 activity points by completing Dares of Eternity, Vanguard Ops playlist activities, or Defiant Battlegrounds.
  • Friendly Rivalry: Play 6 Supremacy or Gambit matches.
  • Talented Scout: Defeat 600 targets with Scout Rifles.
  • Crest Collector: Earn 50 points in Supremacy by picking up crests after defeating an enemy.
  • Going the Distance: Earn 600 points by banking medallions at the Tower. Banking higher Gold or Platinum medallions yield a higher score.
  • Hall of Fame: Finish a Guardian Games Nightfall flawlessly. Also, score at least 30 points in Supremacy and complete the match.
  • Record Setter: Complete 15 Platinum Contender Cards.
  • Grand Slam: Achieve a Platinum Score in the Guardian Games Nightfall playlist.

Players must complete all these triumphs to unlock the Guardian Games event seal. Before starting, players must pick up the Guardian Games class item from Eva Levante at the Tower; without it, progression won’t count.

Overall, unlocking the Guardian Games event seal requires significant effort and dedication. But the end result is worth it, as players can show off their dedication to the event and their class in Destiny 2.

Tips for Success

Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

Here are some tips to help players be successful during the Guardian Games event in Destiny 2:

  • Plan Ahead: Look at the event challenges and triumphs ahead of time and plan which ones you want to focus on. This will help you prioritize your activities and maximize your time.
  • Join a Clan: Joining a clan can help you find teammates to play with and coordinate efforts to win the event for your class. It can also make some of the more challenging activities easier to complete.
  • Maximize Your Medallions: Earn as many medallions as possible and bank them regularly to earn points for your class. Focus on the higher-ranked medallions for more progress.
  • Work on Triumphs: Completing triumphs can earn you rewards and help your class win the event. To maximize your progress, look for ways to complete multiple triumphs in a single activity.
  • Use Effective Loadouts: Experiment with different weapons and gear to find the best loadout for you. Consider using weapons that grant class ability energy or can complete multiple triumphs at once.
  • Have Fun: Guardian Games is a fun event that celebrates the community and the classes in Destiny 2. Enjoy the event and have fun playing with others in the community.


Guardian Games 2023 event guide
Image Source: Bungie

The Guardian Games event in Destiny 2 is a fun and exciting way for players to show support for their favorite class and earn rewards in the process. With a variety of challenges, game modes, and rewards, there’s something for everyone to enjoy during this annual event.

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Players can earn medallions, complete triumphs, and participate in special activities to earn points for their class and help them win the event. In addition, players can earn new weapons, armor, and other rewards by participating in the event and completing challenges.

By Annanda Islam Guide Writer
Annanda Islam is a passionate gamer and writer at GameRiv. With an innate passion for gaming, Annanda loves FPS action and RPG.