Deadlock – How To Play As The Unreleased Heroes

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
4 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

As players are finding out about the unreleased heroes in Deadlock, here’s how you can play as them.

Valve is one of the biggest video game companies in the world. They are known for their classic games like Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal, etc. Not only their multiplayer games are highly regarded as well like Counter-Strike, Dota 2, Team Fortress 2, etc. But since the release of Dota 2, they have not made any significant multiplayer games. Although they did make 2 Dota multiplayer spin-off games which are Artifact and Dota Underlords. However, these two games barely got any long-term support.

Earlier this year leaks and rumors started circulating that Valve was making a 3rd person shooter called Deadlock and many players are getting access to it. And ever since the creator embargo was lifted, now the game is more popular than ever, even though it is still invite-only.

With that said, since the game is still on the development branch, many unreleased and incomplete assets in the game are easily accessible. Some of those interesting assets are unreleased heroes.

Using the in-game console commands, players can transform into those unreleased characters. Here’s how you can play as these heroes.

Read more: All Unreleased Deadlock Characters.

How To Play As The Unreleased Characters / Heroes

Head Into Sandbox/Private Mode

First thing first, you should head into the sandbox mode or any kind of private match, where the match is being run by a local server. That way you will have full control of your server.

deadlock menu
Image: Deadlock

Then select any random character you want as it doesn’t matter.

Open Your Console

Once you are in your game, you can open your console. In Deadlock, the default bind for your console is F7.

deadlock console
Image: deadlock

Dumping The Name Of All Of The Heroes

While this part is completely optional, you can check out the technical names of all of the characters by typing “dump_hero_name”. By typing this out and pressing enter, you should see the technical or development name of all the heroes.’

deadlock unreleased heroes names
Image: Deadlock

The names you see here are all of the characters available in the game. Some characters go by completely different names like Abrams’ technical name is Atlas, Pocket is called Synth in the dump, etc.

Selecting the Hero

Now finally, you can select your hero by writing this line of command “selecthero [hero technical name]”. For example, you can type “selecthero hero_astro” to transform into the unreleased character Holliday.

deadlock character select
Image: Deadlock

That’s all, now you can try out any released or even unfinished Deadlock heroes.

All Technical Names For All Unreleased Deadlock Heroes

Here are all of the names of all unreleased Deadlock heroes.

  • Holliday: hero_astro
  • Calico: hero_nano
  • Kali: hero_kali
  • Gunslinger: hero_gunslinger
  • Big Boss/Yakuza: hero_yakuza
  • Tokamak: hero_tokamak
  • Wrecker: hero_wrecker
  • Rutger: hero_rutger
  • Thumper: hero_thumper
  • Mirage: hero_mirage
  • Slork/Fathom: hero_slork
  • Cadence: hero_cadence
  • Bomber: hero_bomber

All you have to do is write “selecthero [insert character name]”, in the console command, and you will be transformed into that character.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.