All Unreleased Deadlock Characters

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
15 Min Read
Image Credits: Valve

As the early test of Deadlock is getting popular, turns out there are a lot of unreleased characters you can try out in the game. Here’s all of them.

Valve is one of the biggest and most well-known video game companies in the world. They are responsible for influential titles like Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Portal, DotA 2, etc. Moreover, they also created the biggest PC storefront, Steam.

With that said, since the release of Dota 2 back in 2013, their game production has slowed down drastically. Since then, their only substantial game was Half-Life Alyx and that was a VR exclusive game. Valve did make some Dota-based multiplayer games like Artifact and Dota Underlord. However, they are not popular at all. Therefore, these games did not get any long-term support from Valve.

Surprisingly Valve was making a 3rd person MOBA game similar to games like Smite and Paragon called Deadlock (formerly known as Citadel). This game is very similar to Dota and since it is a 3rd person shooter built in the Source 2 engine, you have all the movement freedom of a Source engine game.

Additionally, since it is a MOBA game, it features many unique and memorable characters. While some are still work in progress, most of the accessible characters are very fun to play with. However, as this game is still in early development, there are many unreleased characters. Some barely even have any animations and have placeholder assets. Here are all of the unreleased characters in the game that you can try out using console commands.

Read more: Everything We Know About Valve’s Upcoming Game ‘Deadlock’.

Deadlock – All Unreleased Heroes / Characters

Here is the list of all of the unreleased characters or heroes in Deadlock.

  • Holliday
  • Calico
  • Kali
  • Gunslinger
  • Big Boss / Yakuza
  • Wrecker
  • Tokamak
  • Rutger
  • Thumper
  • Mirage
  • Slork / Fathom
  • Cadence
  • Bomber


deadlock holliday
image: Deadlock

Holliday is a gunslinger character who is very similar to Gangplank from League of Legends. Her weapon is very similar to Lady Giest. She can throw a powder keg, and a jump pad, and can also pull enemies like Skarner from League of Legends. She seems to be the next hero that is coming out in the game.

1 – Powder Keg

Place a barrel that explodes when shot, or on landing after launched via melee attack or bounce pad. Has a minimum arm time before it can explode.

2 – Bounce Pad

Drop a bounce pad in the world that sends you and other heroes flying. You will stomp down on landing, dealing damage to any nearby enemies.

3 – Hat trick

Throws out her hat to strike enemies, slowing and revealing them through walls

4 – Spirit Lasso

Grab an enemy with your lasso and drag them along behind you. The enemy is stunned and Astro (Holliday) is slowed slightly during the lasso.


deadlock calico
Image: Deadlock

Calico is a character who is very “catlike”. She can jump to any target like a cat. Then she can throw out her cat to do damage like Raze’s boombot from Valorant. One of her ultimate even gives her lifesteal. Additionally, with her ultimate, she can even turn invisible. However, it will take a lot of time for her to release as she is missing a lot of assets and her ultimate doesn’t even have any texts.

1 – Perched Predator

Send a Spirit Cat forward that grabs targets in its way. Grabbing a Hero will cause an explosion soon after. Press the ability button again to manually create the explosion.

2 – Siamese Strike

Leap at a target. Targeting an enemy will cause damage and slow on nearby enemies. Targeting an ally will have reduced cooldown and recharge times.

3 – Deadly Decor

Spawns a statue that life steals from a nearby enemy giving health to itself and Calico. Statues activate only when Calico is nearby.

4 – Queen of Shadows

No texts are given in the game. However, when testing she turns invisible and becomes empowered.


kali deadlock
Image: Deadlock

Kali is an animal character with no animations. Even his gun is misplaced. He can throw a boomerang, a projectile-looking thing, a bolo that stuns enemies, and a speed boost. There are no texts in his ability toolbox. I don’t think we will see this character any time soon.

1 – Occiloblade

Using this ability you can throw a boomerang that deals damage.

2 – Pack Hunter

Gains movement speed alongside his allies in a small area.

3 – Dust Storm

Throws a projectile that stays for a long time

4 – Trapper’s Delight

Throws a bolo that stuns opponents


gunslinger unreleased characters deadlock
Image: Deadlock

Gunslinger looks even more unfinished than Kali. And his abilities seem very basic. He’s definitely just a prototype character that might become something unique.

1 – Rapid Fire

He fires at one opponent constantly.

2 – Rocket Launcher

Gunslinger fires a projectile that deals damage

3 – Tenacity

It is some kind of passive ability. I am unsure of what it is since it doesn’t have anything written in its toolbox.

4 – Sleep Bomb

Enemies in a certain range get stunned for a short amount of time.

Big Boss / Yakuza

big boss yakuza unreleased characters deadlock
Image: Deadlock

Up next another prototype character. But he is kind of interesting. His gimmick is that he can spawn his own puppet called gangsters. In the current build, they only follow around. But if done correctly, this character will be very interesting.

1 – Shakedown

Throws a Molotov that deals damage.

2 – Hired Muscle

Spawns NPC units called gangsters that currently only follow around. But they can deal damage.

3 – Protection Racket

Gives himself or an ally a shield for a short period

4 – Setting Sun

Throws a huge projectile at a distance that deals damage.


wrecker deadlock
Image: Deadlock

Now Wrecker is a character who is finished compared to a lot of heroes in this list. His gimmick is related to the fire rate. Normally, he has a very slow fire rate. But he can use his 2nd ability on creeps. With each CS with his 2nd ability, he gains a stack. And with those stacks, he gains more fire rate. If enough stack is collected he becomes a machine gun. Though these stacks have a duration. But if he keeps on using his 2nd ability then he might become a very strong character.

1 – Wrecking Ball

Creates a large ball of scrap that can be thrown, damaging and stunning anything that hits. The ball takes time to create and you move slower while carrying it.

2 – Consume

Stuns an enemy trooper or NPC, damaging them while held. A successful kill provides a fire rate bonus and restores a Bio Blast charge. This bonus stacks independently.

3- Bio Blast

Shoots out a blast of consumed remains, damaging and slowing enemies. Multiple hits increase the slow.

4 – Astral Walk

Launch a flying shadow copy of yourself that you can control, teleporting your original body to wherever it lands. The teleport explosion slows enemies and deals damage based on how long you are flying.


Tokamak deadlock
Image: Deadlock

Tokamak is another very early character. The only gimmick is that instead of ammo, he uses heat, similar to Rumble from League of Legends. In this build, none of his ability works properly. So it will take a very long time for him to be properly implemented.

1 – Hot Shot

Equips a flamethrower and uses the fire to damage opponents in a short distance.

2 – Dying Star

Leaps to a targeted distance and deals damage to nearby opponents.

3 – Blinding Radiance

In the game, he starts sparking, and nothing else. According to the upgrades, he gains evasion and DPS.

4 – Pulse Cannon

I think it is supposed to be Lux’s ultimate, but it seems to be bugged as you don’t shoot anything, and firing just cancels the ability.


Rutger deadlock unreleased characters
Image: Deadlock

One of the unreleased characters in Deadlock is Rutger. He reuses the rocket launcher from Gunslinger and has an ability called “Cheat Death”. And it does exactly what it sounds like but less anti-climactic. We can expect Rutger to completely different character when he officially releases in the game.

1 – Rocket Launcher

Fires a projectile that deals damage.

2 – Force Field

Fires an AOE projectile that knocks back enemies and deals damage.

3 – Cheat Death

When Rutger’s health falls below 0, he gains a shield that blocks all damage and gains an increased health regen.

4 – Pulse

Deals an AOE damage around him


thumper deadlock
Image: Deadlock

Thumper is one of the most buggiest unreleased Deadlock characters. Most of the abilities either don’t work or make sense. Understandably it’s very early in development.

1 – Shatter Cannon

Deals damage in a targeted area.

2 – Spike Strip

Throws a long spike in the aimed direction. Spikes deal damage.

3 – Badger Drone

Selected opponents get damaged.

4 – Vortex

Similar to a spike strip, but instead of spikes, you throw a vortex in an aimed direction.


mirage deadlock
Image: Deadlock

Similar to Holliday, Mirage is one of the few unreleased Deadlock characters who seem almost well-developed. This character is definitely a few enjoyable characters in this list of unfinished and unreleased Deadlock characters.

1 – Tornado

Sends out a tornado that damages enemies and lifts them up in the air.

2 – Fire Beetles

Start launching fire beetles. Each beetle can be launched separately, applying a lifesteal over time to enemies they hit. Once the launch window ends, this ability goes on cooldown.

3 – Whirling Dervish

Become enveloped in a whirlwind, gaining bullet evasion and bonus movement speed.

4 – Djinn’s Reach

Charge up and then launch a projectile that strikes the first enemy hero it hits, tethering it to up to two other enemy heroes nearby. Tethered heroes have their movement constrained to each other have reduced bullet resistance, and suffer a portion of the damage any of the other tethered heroes receive.

Slork / Fathom

Image: Deadlock

Another very weird character. Not only in terms of design but also the kit. His passive is that he can turn invisible after a few seconds just like Evelynn from League of Legends. and he can leap to an enemy enemy and keep on biting them like Warwick from League and his first ability is like the aforementioned unreleased character.

1 – Riptide

Throws a projectile that deals damage and burns opponents.

2 – Chomp

Jumps to an opponent and keeps on biting them.

3 – Deep’s Embrace

Gains a shield that blocks damage.

4 – Ambush Predator

This is basically Evelynn’s passive from League of Legends. And this is also a passive ability. Slork becomes invisible and his first attack is empowered.


Image: Deadlock

Cadence is the strangest unreleased character in Deadlock. Their design is unique, to say the least. And their abilities just feel like a joke. Besides their first ability, the rest of their kit only stuns the opponent.

1 – Anthem

Cadence and the allies around them gain a bonus fire rate.

2 – Silence Contraptions

Cadence dashes to an opponent and disarms both Cadence and them.

3 – Lullaby

Enemies around Cadence get stunned

4 – Crescendo

Similar to Lullaby, the enemy gets stunned. However, this time they also get damaged slightly.


bomber deadlock unreleased characters
Image: Deadlock

The last unreleased character in Deadlock is the Bomber. His model in the game is just the training dummy. And the only functioning ability is his 1.

1 – Ability_charged_bomb

Bomber explodes himself and gets knocked back.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.