Riot, to keep their current Skin Pricing Strategy.
Riot Games has been under fire since the Cosmic Erasure Jhin debacle. Last month, Riot revealed a new skin for Jhin called Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin. The skin resembled a Mythic Chroma, with a few color palette shifts here and there. However, Riot stated that it will be a standalone skin.
That alone would not be a problem, as Riot has been doing it on the Chinese server for a while. The problem arose when Riot revealed the process of obtaining the skin.
Players are required to open Cosmic Erasure 2023 Capsules to obtain the skin. With each capsule having a 1% chance of dropping Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin, getting the skin is almost impossible without phenomenal luck.
However, Riot made Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin a guaranteed reward for opening 30 Dark Cosmic Erasure 2023 Capsules. Each capsule costing 750 RP would require an absurd 22500 RP to get the chroma. So, essentially, it’s a 200$ skin.
The players did not receive the decision by Riot to create such a predatory system. It was nearly unanimously derided, resulting in a massive reaction for Riot. Riot recently responded to these criticisms by stating that they want to maintain their existing skin pricing.
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Riot To Continue Their Current Skin Pricing
Riot acknowledges that Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin is costly, but it is not for everyone. Most players in free-to-play games like League of Legends spend no money across several years of play. As a result, high spenders effectively subsidize the game for everyone else, allowing Riot to pay for servers, employees, and so on.
This does not imply that Riot intends to favor solely high-spending players. Riot will continue to offer the vast majority of content at the same rates and tiers that have been in place for years. They are also considering creating better/more extensive content for low-to-medium spenders as well as improved experiences for totally F2P users.