Here is the complete guide to finding Captain Hoz in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom includes a plethora of exciting tasks for the players to complete throughout the game. Right from the very beginning of the game, players are required to make use of their skills to finish these tricky tasks and continue through the main storyline.
The first quest of The Legends of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom requires the players to find the captain of Link and Zelda’s search team, Captain Hoz. However, considering the stage of the game, this task might be a bit tricky for beginners to complete.
If you are on your way to complete this task as part of the quest, here is a detailed guide for you to find out Captain Hoz with his location and the easiest way to do this.
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Where to Find Captain Hoz in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
As soon as you land at Hyrule, the Crisis at Hyrule quest will get automatically unlocked. It is the first main quest of the game, and the first task of this quest requires the players to meet Captain Hoz, who is leading the search party to search for Princess Zelda.

As soon as you reach Lookout Landing, you will find Purah and Robbie. Purah will tell you to meet with Captain Hoz at the Hyrule Castle. The Hyrule Castle can be located from Lookout Landing. Make your way out of Lookout Landing and start heading for Hyrule Castle ruins, following the quest marker.

As you reach the castle gate, you won’t be able to open the gate or get through the gate in any way. Although, there is a little portion of a broken wall on the left side of the gate. Pass through the wall and get to the other side of the gate.

On the other side of the gate, you will interact with Raseno, who will tell you that Captain Hoz is on top of the first gatehouse up ahead. Now keep heading towards the gatehouse following the path you are already on. At the base of the gatehouse, you will find Wingo, who’ll tell you that Captain Hoz is atop the gatehouse.

This point of the task might be a bit tricky for beginners to understand. As there are no stairs to get on top of the gatehouse, and also it is tough to climb the walls of the gatehouse due to the rain, players must make use of their Ultra hand ability at this point to craft something and help themselves climb the gatehouse.

Outside the gatehouse, you will find some planks lying on the ground. Now use Link’s Ultrahand ability and attack two planks together. After that, place them leaning against the roof of the first floor and climb using this ramp.

Repeat the same process, and using the Ultrahand skill, place the ramp again, leaning against the roof of the second floor where Captain Hoz can be found. Now climb through the ramp again to find Captain Hoz and interact with him. Captain Hoz can be found at the corner of the roof wearing a red and silver vest and armor.
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