With High Noon Leona Skin coming out, it’s a good time to look back on all of her skins and rank them from worst to best.
Leona is one of the most popular support champions in League of Legends. Leona is the perfect pick for players who want to play aggressively in the lane and provide good engages throughout the game. As soon as you hit level 3, you can start looking for engages as Leona. You can also roam with your jungler to mid or even top lane and carry your whole team.
Leona provides a lot of CC while being reasonably tanky as well. On top of that, she is fairly easy to play. So even new players can pick her up quite comfortably. But if you want to look extra cool while carrying your team on your back, you need some skins. Luckily, Leona has tons of good skins to choose from, and I’m here to help you choose the best one.
13. Defender Leona
- Release Date: July 13, 2011
- Price: 750 RP (Legacy)
- Chroma: No
Defender Leona is one of the worst Leona skins in the game. There are no new animations or effects. And the character model looks worse than her base skin. So you will be spending 750 RP on getting a downgraded skin. A big no from me.
12. Barbecue Leona
- Release Date: September 07, 2016
- Price: 750 RP
- Chroma: No
While the concept seems funny, the execution of Barbecue Leona is awful from Riot. She has a grill for a shield and a big fork for her sword with a sausage on top. Because this skin uses the animations and effects of base skin, her E animation looks out of place with this skin, not worth the RP.
11. Iron Solari Leona
- Release Date: February 10, 2012
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Iron Solari Leona also doesn’t come with new animations. But the character model is at least an improvement. The armor and shield look decent. But is that worth spending 975 RP? Probably not.
10. Valkyrie Leona
- Release Date: July 13, 2011
- Price: 520 RP
- Chroma: No
Valkyrie Leona is a very cheap skin. It is also very old. Valkyrie Leona doesn’t come with any new animations or effects. But I think the idea of a Leona skin that looks like a Valkyrie is great. And if Riot updates the skin in the future, it could be a decent skin.
9. Battle Academia Leona
- Release Date: March 18, 2021
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: Yes (8 Different Chromas Available)
Battle Academia skins always give me My Hero Academia vibes. Though some champions look great in that theme, I don’t think Leona fits with Battle Academia. But still, this is an excellent skin overall. The animations and effects are clean, as expected from a newish skin from Riot.
8. PROJECT: Leona
- Release Date: September 07, 2015
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: No
Project is another successful skin line in League of Legends. PROJECT: Leona is an excellent skin with good animations and effects. But recently, it feels a little outdated compared to other skins. Even if you like the futuristic look, Mecha Kingdoms Leona offers far more than PROJECT: Leona at the same price.
7. Pool Party Leona
- Release Date: September 09, 2013
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: Yes (3 Different Chromas Available)
Pool Party Leona is a massively popular skin in League of Legends. Most of the Pool Party skins look amazing. Pool Party Leona is also a decent skin with new animations and effects. But just like PROJECT: Leona, this skin also feels a little outdated. The splash art looks great. The only thing that looks odd is her recall animation. The way she lays down will surely give her back problems.
6. DWG Leona
- Release Date: April 29, 2021
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: Yes (Only 1 Chroma Available)
DWG Leona is a very well-designed skin. The color theme of this skin is new for Leona; we are more used to gold and orange. She certainly looks fantastic in this color. Also, the animations and effects are excellent. But if you are not a fan of esports skins or don’t like DWG, you won’t rate this skin so high.
5. Debonair Leona
- Release Date: December 09, 2021
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: Yes (9 Different Chromas Available)
This may be recency bias from me to put this skin so high up here. Maybe the other good skins felt outdated, and this shiny new skin made it up here. But still, Debonair Leona is an amazing skin with bright green color effects and new animations. She looks gorgeous in that outfit.
4. Prestige Battle Academia Leona
- Release Date: March 18, 2021
- Price: Special Pricing (Will Cost Mythic Essence to Unlock when Unvaulted in the Mythic Shop)
- Chroma: No
Prestige Battle Academia Leona might be a little better than the regular one. But it still is a Prestige Skin or ‘Glorified Chroma.’ Riot is beginning to change the splash art and other things to make prestige edition skins feel like an actual skin. So there is hope that they will update this skin as well to make it even better.
3. Mecha Kingdoms Leona
- Release Date: January 15, 2020
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: Yes (8 Different Chromas Available)
Now we come to the best of the best. Mecha Kingdoms Leona is everything PROJECT: Leona wished she could be. The skin looks absolutely badass. The animations and effects are great. Also, you can choose from a lot of different chromas to get a fresh look in every game.
2. Solar/Lunar Eclipse Leona
- Release Date: November 27, 2018
- Price: 1820 RP
- Chroma: No
No, these are not chromas. Solar and Lunar Eclipse Leona are two different skins, costing 1820 RP each. The price is justified because of how good these skins are. Her armor, sword, and shield all look very detailed. The animations and effects are also excellent, as you would expect from a legendary skin. But it would be perfect if you could purchase two at the cost of one.
1. High Noon Leona
- Release Date: May 12, 2022
- Price: 1820 RP
- Chroma: Yes (6 Different Chromas Available)
This time, I am sure it’s not recency bias. High Noon Leona is by far the best Leona skin I’ve seen. Just the look of her shield can make other skins feel awful. Everything about this skin just works. The animations and effects are incredible.