All The ARAM Changes In LoL Patch 14.3

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
4 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

ARAM is getting some massive changes in Patch 14.3.

ARAM, or All Random All Mid, is one of League of Legends’ oldest game modes. Released in 2012, ARAM is one of only two remaining permanent game modes, with the other being Summoners Rift. But unlike Summoners Rift, ARAM is geared more towards the casual player base.

Because of this, the game mode has experienced a surge in popularity over the years. The game mode is extremely popular, especially among players who are merely looking to relax and have some fun with friends.

However, due to its causal-friendly status, ARAM was pretty much neglected by Riot for the majority of its lifespan. But starting in 2022, Riot finally started adding new content and updates to Riot. They even started adding regular balance changes to the game.

In this article, we will talk about one of these balance updates that are coming in Patch 14.3. We have tons to cover, so let’s dive in.

Read More: All The Item Changes In LoL Patch 14.3

Patch 14.3 ARAM Changes

Here are all the changes coming for ARAM in Patch 14.3,

Item Changes

Sundered Sky

  • Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 18
  • Heal AD ratio reduced from 140% base AD to 120%
  • Heal health ratio reduced from 6% missing HP to 4%

Similar to Summoners Rift, Sundered Sky is also getting some nerfs in ARAM.

Sundered Sky’s passive cooldown is going up by a whopping 12 seconds. Heal AD ratio and overall healing are going down significantly.

As an item, it was pretty strong in ARAM, but with these nerfs, Sundered Sky should become a lot weaker.


  • Base damage reduced from 100 – 200 to 100 flat
  • AP ratio reduced from 20% to 15%

Stormsurge is pretty busted in ARAM, even compared to Summoners Rift. The item can easily shave off about 10-15% from squishy targets, and in ARAM, abusing its passive is pretty easy.

That’s why Riot is nerfing its damage quite a bit in Patch 14.3.


  • Base damage reduced from 180 to 120
  • AP ratio reduced from 18% to 8.4%

Due to ARAM’s map size, it is pretty hard to actually dodge Malignance’s passive. Not only that, but it does quite a bit of damage, too. Thus, it is getting nerfed in the upcoming Patch.


  • Passive AD reduced from 15 to 10
  • AD per statue reduced from 2 to 1
  • AD duration reduced from 90 to 45

Hubris is one of the new AD assassin items added with the Season 14 update. It’s a snowball item that gives its users more AD, depending on how much takedown they gained. Since getting takedowns on ARAM is pretty easy, users get tons of AD for free. Thus, it’s AD gain per statute, and passive AD is being nerfed.

Champion Changes


  • W cooldown reduced from 18 seconds to 18 – 16

The previous nerfs to Ashe’s W have made her relatively weak. Thus, Riot is buffing her W in the upcoming Patch.


  • Q cooldown increased from 10 – 8 seconds to 14 – 10

Sivir’s Q provides a tad too much value in terms of wave clear and damage, which is why Riot is nerfing its cooldown.

Release Date

The aforementioned ARAM changes are coming out in Patch 14.3, which is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2024.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.