A new leak from a possible playtester has revealed the next character who might join the current roster in the next season of Apex Legends.
Apex Legends is a hero-based battle royale game with world-class first-person shooter mechanics developed by the talented devs at Respawn Entertainment. They are former Call of Duty developers from the classic Modern Warfare era.
Respawn made their first foray into the live service genre of games with Apex Legends. Following its official launch back in 2019, this battle royale shooter based on the Titanfall universe garnered a massive concurrent player base. Respawn opted for the freemium model to keep the player base engaged, where the core game is free-to-play. As a result, there is no barrier to entry.
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On top of that, the Apex community gets showered with seasonal content which features new legends, weapons, maps, battle passes, and other limited-time event-related cosmetic items. Unsurprisingly, the revelation of a new legend is always very exciting for the community as the addition of a new character shakes up the current meta and brings new gameplay opportunities for new and returning players to experience.
Hawk’s abilities:
In a recently leaked image, a playtester might have revealed the next legend who could join the game in future seasons. According to the leaks, the next legend might be called “Hawk”. The leaker also revealed what sort of abilities this new character might have.
- Passive Sniper Kit: A meter vision zoom that should help players use sniper rifles.
- Tactical Companion Launch: The tactical might be a bird that the character will be able to control.
- Ultimate Blue Kraber: The Ultimate ability will provide the players with a Kraber.
Multiple data miners have already verified that this leak does hold some merit. However, don’t expect this character to join the Apex game anytime soon since Respawn takes a while to deploy a new legend into the battlefield.
That being said, the Apex community is excited about the possible introduction of a new support-type legend. But, as with any other leaks, take it with a grain of salt since Respawn could vastly change Hawk’s abilities before official release.
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