Apex Legends Escape introduced the Dual Shell Hop-Up.
Hop-Ups are special attachments in Apex Legends that greatly impact the performance of a weapon. Each weapon in Apex Legends can equip only one Hop-Up, except the Bocek Bow. Respawn changes up the available Hop-Ups each season to keep the game feeling fresh and give new functionality to old weapons.
Recently, Respawn released the patch notes for the upcoming Apex Legends season, Escape. In the patch notes, we saw a new Hop-Up called the Dual Shell. Below, you will find everything you need to know about how it works, which weapons support it, and more.
Apex Legends Dual Shell Hop-Up Details
Supported Weapons
The weapons that the new Dual Shell Hop-Up can be attached to are:
- Mastiff
- 30-30 Repeater
How it Works
The Dual Shell Shotgun is an Epic Hop-Up that can be found starting from Apex Legends Season 11. It can be attached to the Mastiff and the 30-30 Repeater, greatly improving their reload time.
According to the patch notes, the Dual Shell Hop-Up reloads two rounds when reloading the Mastiff and the 30-30 repeater. This makes the reload speed of the two guns double, which is a massive upgrade.
Watch the video guide below to find out more details about the Dual Shell Hop-Up.
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