Every Overworld Dungeon you can explore in Minecraft
Exploration is a large focus of Minecraft. You’ll need to traverse the varied biomes of your world to find resources, both common and rare, to progress in the game.
While the world in Minecraft may seem barren initially, there are many places to explore in any single world, including dungeons.
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Although dungeons are somewhat rare to come across, they usually contain valuable loot, such as Diamonds and Enchanted Books. Though not all dungeons are built the same, they are still worth exploring for the treasure they hold.
Dungeons can be rare to find, and some only appear in specific biomes. Furthermore, they are technically classified as regular generated structures. You’ll need to explore your world quite a bit to find one, but they can be worth it due to their rewards or simply if you’re itching to fight some monsters.
This guide lists every overworld dungeon you can find in Minecraft, and where they usually generate.
Woodland Mansion

Woodland Mansions are as rare as they are large and are generated only in Dark Forest biomes, which, in turn, are also some of the rarest biomes in the game. To make it easier to find this structure, you can buy a Woodland Explorer map from a Cartographer Villager. You’ll need to trade 14 Emeralds and a Compass for it.
These structures are inhabited by a variety of hostile mobs, including villagers. Furthermore, the layout of the mansion is procedurally generated and can have over 50 different rooms. These rooms may have chests that can contain the following loot:
- Beetroot Seeds
- Bone
- Bread
- Bucket
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Coal
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Hoe
- Enchanted Book
- Enchanted Golden Apple
- Gold Ingot
- Golden Apple
- Gunpowder
- Iron Ingot
- Lead
- Melon seeds
- Music Disc (13)
- Music Disc (cat)
- Name Tag
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Redstone Dust
- Rotten Flesh
- String
- Wheat
Ocean Monument

Ocean Monuments are found underwater in Ocean Biomes, specifically the Deep variants, they are often found surrounded by tall kelp. These are some of the biggest structures of in the game, but they do not contain any chests.
The interior of an Ocean Monument is made up of randomly generated chambers that are interconnected. Furthermore, it contains a central room that houses a column of Dark Prismarine. Breaking through this column will net you eight blocks of gold.
The monument is protected by mobs known as guardians, who have a lot of health and shoot lasers.
To find these structures, you can follow a dolphin. They lead you to the nearest Buried Treasure, Shipwreck, or Ocean Ruins if you feed them one Raw Cod or Raw Salmon.
You can also find Explorer Maps in Shipwrecks and Ocean Ruins. These maps might lead you to Ocean Monuments, but often lead to other structures such as Woodland Mansions.
Jungle Pyramid

Jungle Pyramids are found only in Jungle biomes. They can be hard to find as they are surrounded by a large number of trees. Jungle Pyramids have three floors, the bottom of which contains a Trap Hall and a Puzzle Hall. Each hall has a chest which can contain the following loot:
- Bamboo
- Bone
- Diamond
- Diamond Horse Armor
- Emerald
- Enchanted Book
- Gold Ingot
- Golden Horse Armor
- Iron Horse Aror
- Iron Ingot
- Rotten Flesh
- Saddle
Furthermore, Jungle Pyramids contain no light sources, so there are a lot of mobs that can spawn inside them.
Pillager Outpost

Pillager Outposts are structures with large wooden lookout towers and are manned by hostile mobs known as Pillagers. They can appear in a number of biomes, including:
- Deserts
- Meadows
- Plains
- Savannas
- Snowy Tundras
- Taigas
- Groves
- Frozen Peaks
- Jagged Peaks
- Stony Peaks
- Snowy Slopes
Killing the Pillagers does not stop them from spawning in. Moreover, these outposts have cages that house Stone Golems and Allays.
The top of a Pillager Outpost tower contains a chest which can have the following loot:
- Arrow
- Bottle o’ Enchanting
- Carrot
- Crossbow
- Dark Oak Log
- Enchanted Book
- Goat Horn
- Iron Nugget
- Potato
- String
- Tripwire Hook
- Wheat

Mineshafts are relatively easy to find and great for the early game as a source of loot and XP. They can be found underground in any biome of the Overworld.
Often, an area of the Mineshaft will be blocked with cobwebs. There, you can find a Cave Spider Spawner, which you can use to farm XP
There are hidden chests throughout Mineshafts and they can contain the following loot:
- Beetroot Seeds
- Bread
- Coal
- Diamond
- Enchanted Book
- Enchanted Golden Apple
- Glow Berries
- Gold Ingots
- Golden Apple
- Iron ingots
- Iron Pickaxe
- Lapis Lazuli
- Melon Seeds
- Name Tag
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Rails (Normal, Activator, Detector, and/or Powered)
- Redstone Dust
- Torch
Desert Pyramid

Desert Temples are found in Desert Biomes. They do not contain any mobs and are made of Sand, Terracotta, and Sandstone. The interior of the temple contains Sandstone Pillars and flooring with a Terracotta Pattern.

At the center of the floor is a single blue tile, below which is a pit that houses 4 chests. However, just below the tile is a Pressure Plate, which, when stepped on, detonates TNT, killing anyone in proximity and destroying the four chests. To avoid activating this trap, dig through the Sandstone Blocks, where the four columns are, down to the bottom of the treasure room. There, you can mine the Pressure Plate to defuse the trap.
The four chests can contain the following loot:
- Bone
- Diamond
- Diamond Horse Armor
- Emerald
- Enchanted Book
- Enchanted Golden Apple
- Gold Ingot
- Golden Apple
- Golden Horse Armor
- Gunpowder
- Iron Horse Armor
- Iron Ingot
- Rotten Flesh
- Saddle
- Sand
- Spider Eye
- String

Strongholds are rare structures that only appear underground and are the only place where an End Portal can appear. Like other structures, they have randomly generated layouts and rooms. However, there are four notable rooms that Strongholds can have.
Libraries have a number of bookshelves and a chest that can contain the following loot:
- Paper
- Book
- Enchanted Book
- Compass
- Empty Map
Storerooms have a single chest that can contain the following loot:
- Apple
- Bread
- Coal
- Enchant Book
- Gold Ingot
- Iron Ingot
- Iron Pickaxe
- Redstone Dust
Altar Corridors are narrow rooms with an altar in the middle with a chest at the top. The chest can contain any loot that storeroom chests can have, as well as the following loot:
- Diamond
- Diamond Horse Armor
- Ender Pearl
- Golden Apple
- Golden Horse Armor
- Iron Armor
- Iron Sword
- Music Disc (other side)
- Saddle
End Portal Rooms contain a portal that you can use to travel to the End. To activate the portal, you must place an Eye of Ender in each empty socket. There is a chance that the sockets already have it in place. Keep in mind, however, that not all Strongholds have End Portal Rooms
To find a Stronghold, you’ll also need an Eye of Ender. It can be crafted using:
- Ender Pearls, which have a 50% chance of dropping upon killing Endermen.
- Blaze Powder, which can be crafted using Blaze Rods dropped by Blazes in the Nether Fortress.
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