Are you trying to quickly find all the devil in the details locations in Spire of the Watcher Dungeon? Then you are in luck, as here we will go through everything you need to know on how to find all the devil in the details locations efficiently.
Destiny 2 is a popular looter-shooter video game created by Bungie, well known for its creation of the Halo franchise of video games. In this MMO RPG, you can select from three distinct classes and earn various weapons from raids and other activities. Additionally, you can complete some Dungeons and Raids to obtain some exotics gears and weapons.
If you want to obtain some exotic gear and high-power-level armor, then you might need to run some dungeons. Dungeons are also the most efficient way to farm materials and other essential items such as enchantment core and enchantment prism. However, Destiny 2’s all loot depends on RNG, and there are specific mechanics to increase these chances.
It all varies from finding some sort of recording or collectibles to getting the highest drop rate and increasing your chance of getting an exotic drop from that specific location. So if you are trying to farm some exotic from this new dungeon, we got you covered.
Read More: Destiny 2: How to Complete the Persys, Primordial Ruin Encounter in Spire of the Watcher
What is Devil in the Details?

Devil in the details are six secret scannable you’ll need to find inside the Spire of The Watcher dungeon, and it will increase your RNG in getting the Exotic bow. All the locations of these recordings are in chronological order from the start to the end of the dungeon.
We will go through every location step by step so that you can find these recordings and increase your RNG and get the new exotic bow as soon as possible.
All Devil in the Details Locations in Spire of the Watcher

- You can find the First Recording immediately after the entrance encounter where you drop down.
- You can find the second recording in the reactor firewall. Shortly after the previous recording, you will progress to the “Reactor Firewall” zone, and the recording is right underneath the platform.
- The third recording can be found in begin the ascent jumping puzzle. Again, shortly after the previous recording, you’ll reach an open area where you will find the third one.
- You can find the fourth recording at the end of the “Begin the Ascent” jumping puzzle. Just before the gravity lift, you take up; there’s a platform to the left where you can find the fourth one.
- The fifth recording is in the rally flag at the “Ascend the Spire” encounter. Once you reach the first rally flag in the dungeon, it’s right behind you.
- You can find the Sixth and final recording after completing the “Ascend the Spire” encounter. After completing the previous encounter, you can find the final recording before the next boss fight.
Read More: Destiny 2: How to Complete the Spire of the Watcher Dungeon
That’s all there is on how to find all the devilish recordings inside the Spire of the Watcher dungeon. Hopefully, this guide was helpful, and you have learned something new. You can also check out our other guides to help you take your Destiny 2 journey to the next level. Good luck out there, Guardians.