AC Mirage: How To Farm Money (Dirham)

Akib Aditya Khan
By Akib Aditya Khan
3 Min Read

Learn how to farm money (Dirham) fast in AC Mirage.

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage is the latest addition to the legendary Assassin’s Creed franchise. In this edition, you will take on the role of Basim, who is a renowned street thief. You will embark on several daring missions in the historic city of Baghdad. Throughout your journey, you will be required to earn a lot of currencies for different activities.

Dirham is the primary currency of Assassin’s Creed Mirage, and you will use this currency in almost every financial activity of the game. However, the game will give you enough chances to earn a lot of dirhams only by completing the tasks of the game and progressing through the storyline. But there might come a lot of situations where you might require some extra Dirhams. In this guide, we will show you how to farm Dirham fast in AC Mirage.

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How to Farm Money (Dirham) in AC Mirage


AC Mirage Pickpocket

The easiest way to earn money in Assassin’s Creed Mirage is to pickpocket passer-byes. While traveling through different locations in the game, you will often come across NPCs with pouches of the coin on their back. To pickpocket others, get closer to your target and press the button E on your keyboard.

The most effective place to find your victims is the road between Cartographer and Basra Gate. Start from any of these two points and make your way to the other end to earn a lot of coins fast. After you are done doing so, sit on a bench and take some rest to spawn the lootable NPCs again.

You can also make sure that you can pickpocket others successfully in Assasin’s Creed Mirage just by turning an option on. Follow the given steps to do so.

  • Open the Options menu.
  • Now, click on Gameplay settings.
  • Next, click on Combat and Stealth settings.
  • Turn on the Guaranteed Pickpocket option.

Loot Chests

You will find a lot of lootable chests at different locations in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. These chests can be a good way for you to earn some extra Dirhams. Make sure to open these chests whenever you come across one. You can also use your Eagle Vision to make sure that you do not miss any of these chests.

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By Akib Aditya Khan Guide Writer
Akib Aditya Khan is a Guide writer at GameRiv. He is also a university-going student who was born and raised in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Akib is an esports enthusiast, which made him passionate about writing on his favorite topic "Esports". If he isn't spending time writing some articles, you can almost always find him watching his favorite esports titles or being a terrible mid-laner in MOBA games.