Which Specialization Should You Use in The Finals?

Mahir Faisal
By Mahir Faisal
12 Min Read

Specializations are build specific abilities in The Finals. So, which Specialization will suit you the most for your build? Let’s find out.

The Finals is a combination of fast-paced arena shooters with unique competitive mechanics. This mixture resulted in extremely fun and captivating gameplay. FPS players all over the world are enjoying the heat of The Finals, which helped the title rise in player count rapidly.

In The Finals, you join a team of 3 to loot cash in chaotic and fast-paced gameplay. Members of each team are called Contestants, who can be of three different builds: Light, Medium, and Heavy. Each build is unique, with distinctive Gadgets, Weapons, and Specializations.

In this article, we will guide you through every Specialization for each class so that you can decide which one will suit your playstyle best.

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What is Specialization?

Specializations are unique abilities exclusive to each class. These are the basic abilities that define a build. For example, light-build Specializations specialize in movement, medium-build Specializations specialize in support, and heavy-build Specializations specialize in defense. Every Contestant spawns with 1 Specialization and plays the whole match with that one ability. Players can use these abilities at any time during a game to help them in a fight or to survive a situation.

How Many Specializations Are There?

In The Finals, there are a total of 9 Specializations, 3 for each class. Every specialization is equally important, depending on playstyle and situation.

Which Specialization Should You Use?

Now that you know what Specializations are, let’s go deeper and find out which will suit you the best. Note that none of the Specializations are more impactful than their counterparts. Rather, it depends on your playstyle, preferences, and team combinations. This article will help you know the details about every Specialization and the most impactful use of them.

So, without any further ado, let’s begin.

Light Build

Light-build Specializations are tailored for movement. There are three Specializations available for Light-build: Grappling Hook, Cloaking Device, and Evasive Dash. These abilities give light players an extra boost to engage in gunfights and run away with the cash. We’ll go over every Specialization and try to explain which ability is best for what kind of playstyle and situation.

Grappling Hook

Grappling Hook
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewA rope with a hook you can launch to scale structures and swing past walls
Price to UnlockFree(Default)

Grappling Hook is the default Specialization for the Light Build. It helps you with unrivaled mobility and agility. You can use Grappling Hook to reach high positions to secure advantages during combat.

Once you master the Specialization, you can use it to reposition in between combats. Grappling Hook also comes in clutch when you have a stack of cash in your hand and the time’s running out in your closest deposit box.

Cloaking Device

Cloaking Device
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewA temporary cloak that makes you hard to see when moving, and invisible when motionless.
Price to Unlock800 VRS

The Cloaking Device is best for players who like to take range duels. This Specialization will make you completely invisible when standing still and very hard to see when in motion.

The Finals is a chaotic game. A lot of things happen at once. With the cloaking device, you can take advantage and get close to your enemies. You can pair the Cloaking Device with a Shotgun or Sword, and you can be quite a nuisance for your enemies.

Evasive Dash

Evasive Dash
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewAllows three quick dashes to close distance or dodge out of harm’s way.
Price to Unlock800 VRS

Evasive Dash is another movement-based Specialization. This works just like the Tailwind of Jett from VALORANT or Tracer’s Blink ability from Overwatch. However, the dashes are best used in between combats to throw the enemy’s aim off of you.

You can use Evasive Dash to close the gap between you or your enemies in a gunfight. It is also useful when you secure the cash and want to run away fast.

Medium Build

Medium Build Specializations are made for support. There are three Specializations available for Medium-build: Healing Beam, Guardian Turret, and Recon Senses. These abilities allow Medium players to support the team and secure the cash. We’ll go over every Specialization and try to explain which ability is best for what kind of playstyle and situation.

Healing Beam

Healing Beam
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewA beam that allows players to heal their teammates.
Price to UnlockFree(Default)

Healing Beam is the default Specialization for the Medium Build. You can support your team by healing them instantly. It allows you to take on fights quicker as you won’t have to wait for regenerative healing.

The Healing Beam is a supportive utility. Whenever your teammates get low on health, you can heal them instantly. If your team has someone who can take all the fights and win, you can easily support them by keeping them healed constantly. This will result in winning more fights as a team.

Guardian Turret

Guardian Turret
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewA deployable turret that will fire at any enemy detected in its line of sight.
Price to Unlock800 VRS

Guardian Turret can work as your companion while taking a fight. It doesn’t do much damage. But having an extra target to deal with for your enemies always helps.

The Guardian Turret is your best friend while you are trying to lock down an area. It will shoot any enemy in the range, revealing the position to you. It is best used in modes like Quick Cash, where you need time to deposit the cash; the Guardian Turret will watch your back!

Recon Senses

Recon Senses
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewA tracker that makes targets visible through structures for a limited time.
Price to Unlock800 VRS

Recon Senses works like a wallhack. You can see your enemies’ movement even through objects. It’s just like the Sonar Grenade but for a much longer duration.

The Recon Sense is best used when you need to take fights- it will give you an advantage in revealing the enemy’s positions. Especially in Bank It mode, where you don’t need to hold down a place for longer but rather want to locate your enemies faster. Pair this with an AKM or FCAR assault rifle; you can be a force to be reckoned with in any fight.

Heavy Build

Medium Build Specializations are made for support. There are three Specializations available for Heavy-build: Charge ‘n’ Slam, Goo Gun, and Mesh Shield. These abilities allow heavy players to provide extra protection and cover in gunfights or while securing cash. We’ll go over every Specialization and try to explain which ability is best for what kind of playstyle and situation.

Charge ‘n’ Slam

Charge ‘n’ Slam
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewAn ability that allows the player to charge through walls or the ground.
Price to UnlockFree(Default)

Charge ‘n’ Slam is the default Specialization for the Heavy Build. You can slam through objects and walls like ‘The HULK.’ This can be a devastating ability to have, as it can create havoc. You can use that to create cover to escape a fight or to disorient your enemies.

You can use Charge ‘n’ Slam when you get stuck in any fights and need to get away. You can Charge through walls or obstacles to create new paths to run away from your enemies. While this ability does not help that much with the game’s objective, it is helpful to create destruction around you.

Goo Gun

Goo Gun
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewA gadget that fires Goo at objects.
Price to Unlock800 VRS

Goo Gun is a fun tool to use. It works just like the Goo Grenade but with infinite ammo. You can create a wall of Goos to block an entrance or create a cover for your team.

You can use Goo Gun to create the much-needed cover for your team while you are depositing the cash in Quick Cash Mode. Even in Bank It, this utility is as helpful. With good map knowledge, you can keep your team safe for a brief moment and complete the objective, or rather heal yourselves to prepare for the next fight.

Mesh Shield

Mesh Shield
Credit-Embark Studios
OverviewCreates a shield that blocks off enemy bullets but allows the team to fire through it.
Price to Unlock800 VRS

Mesh Shield projects a huge shield in front of you, protecting your team from enemy damage. It can provide you with much-needed covers in open spaces. Your team can use the shield to fight back while you keep them safe.

You can use the Mesh Shield to create a protective cover for your team while they are completing an objective. You can also help them in a gunfight by projecting the shield. Your team can take cover behind and take the fight with the enemies.

Now you know about all the Specializations available in The Finals. You can now choose the best Specializations based on your needs that complement your playstyle the best.

Read More: How to Add Friends in The Finals?

By Mahir Faisal FPS Writer
Mahir, an Electrical Engineering student currently working as an FPS writer at GameRiv, prefers to introduce himself as a video game enthusiast. Mostly keen on competitive FPS titles like VALORANT and CS: GO, he also enjoys exploring casual story games.