VALORANT Araxys Skin Bundle: First Look, Price, Release Date, & More

Nazmul Hassan
By Nazmul Hassan
2 Min Read
Credit: Riot Games

We finally have a glimpse into the Episode 6 launch bundle in VALORANT. And it is called Araxys.

Though VALORANT is a free-to-play tactical shooter, Riot Games often launch great-looking skins for players to feel some variety in the game. And VALORANT has launched a massive collection of weapon cosmetics along with different skin bundles with each new update.

With every new patch, Riot Games releases a new Skin Bundle every time, with Cryostasis being the latest of them all, which was released in the 5.12 patch. It seems like Riot Games is going to release many more in the upcoming patches.

As Episode 6 is coming close, Riot Games will release a launch bundle named Araxys. The bundle will feature a robotic and futuristic-looking theme. If you are not into fancy-designed skins, this skin bundle will definitely be worth your wallet.

Read More: All Skin Bundles in VALORANT: Tiers, Weapons, Prices in 2023

Araxys Skin Bundle First Look

Available For



Bio Harvester Melee




Araxys Playercard, Gunbuddy, and Spray

Araxys Skin Bundle Price

As these appear to be Exclusive tier skins, expect to pay around 2175 VP for each skin individually or 8700 VP for the full bundle.

Araxys Skin Bundle Release Date

The Araxys Skin Bundle will go live on January 10, 2023.

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By Nazmul Hassan FPS Editor
Nazmul is GameRiv's FPS editor. He is a marketing graduate with an immense passion for gaming. As an ex-professional CS:GO player, he holds a strong interest in other FPS titles like Apex Legends, VALORANT, and CoD. However, he also tries out other games when he is free.