Udyr Receives Big Changes On LoL Patch 12.23B

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
3 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

After Udyr was a top-picked jungler in this preseason, Riot will adjust him in the upcoming patch 12.23B.

Udyr is by far one of the oldest champions in League of Legends. While he was released over a decade ago, his kit remained the same. Moreover, compared to newer champions like K’Sante, his abilities and visuals were very outdated. So in 2022, Udyr received his much-needed VGU.

After his rework, Udyr became one of the strongest champions in the game. Even though Udyr remained a tank, he out-damaged many ADCs with his tank builds. As a result, Riot nerfed his tank builds while buffing his DPS in patch 12.18.

While his win rate did tank a bit after the nerf, players quickly discovered that with lethality builds, especially with Prowlers Claw, players could one-shot almost any champion. Moreover, after the preseason item and jungle changes, players could build Ravenous Hydra and the new jungle pet, Mosstomper.

Read more: Riot is Changing the Bait Ping in League of Legends.

Udyr Changes Patch 12.23B

  • Q – Wilding Claw:
    • Damage: 3 – 10% + (6% per 100 bonus AD max HP) >>> 3 – 8% + (5% per 100 bonus AD max HP).
    • Empowered Damage: 2% – 5% + (3% per 100 bonus AD max HP) >>> 2% – 4% + (2% per 100 bonus AD max HP).
    • On-Hit Base Damage: 5 – 45 + (20% Bonus AD) >>> 5 – 35 + (30% Bonus AD).
  • W – Iron Mantle
    • Mana Cost: 45-28 mana to 40-23 mana.
  • E – Blazing Stampede:
    • Mana Cost: 45-28 mana to 40-23 mana.
  • R – Wingborne Storm:
    • Mana Cost: 45-28 mana to 40-23 mana.
    • R base damage per second: 10-50 >>> 10-60.

With the lethality builds, players would first max out Udyr’s Q-Wilding Claw. Udyr’s claw stance would increase his attack speed, and his attack would deal physical damage with on-hit effects. With this, players were able to one-shot most champions, even tanks.

Now Riot nerfed the base damage and empowered damage of his Q significantly. Udyr’s Prowlers builds might not be as strong as before with the said changes.

Moreover, Riot also buffed his R’s damage and mana cost, meaning that many AP items might be even more viable with Udyr now with the changes. In addition, Udyr is also getting another set of changes in the upcoming patch, 13.1. During that time, we should see an even more drastic number of changes to his kit.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.