Rainbow Six Siege’s Reputation System (Beta) is getting some new changes to bring a better balance.
Ubisoft introduced the new Reputation System (Beta) to Rainbow Six Siege in Y7S4 Operation Solar Raid, and now some new modifications are being made after taking in player feedback.
Ubisoft acknowledged that Siege’s Reputation System has some flaws and they are monitoring the situation to make it better. One of the most confusing aspects of the system is not knowing what you have done to make your ‘Reputation Status’ suddenly change.
Players have already figured out that abandoning Quick Match, event, or Newcomer Playlist affects your rating negatively. This was done to discourage players from ruining the match experience for others, but the community did not appreciate this feature very much.
So, Ubisoft has now decided to temporarily disable this effect, while they try to bring a better balance to this system. Additionally, the devs are working to bring improvements to report validation and creating new systems to address the behaviors that are reported.
Rainbow Six Siege’s reputation system is still in the BETA period, so players don’t have to worry too much about their current rating. However, we should all try not to ruin the gameplay experience of other players, while Ubisoft should look further into fixing the network and server-related issues.