Ubisoft tweaks the new HUD on Y6S4 Test Server after taking player feedback

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
3 Min Read
Screenshot from Rainbow Six Siege (early version of revamped HUD)

Rainbow Six Siege‘s upcoming redesigned HUD is receiving some tweaks to make it more welcoming to the Siege community.

With the reveal of Rainbow Six Siege’s Y6S4 High Calibre, Ubisoft introduced a revamped in-game HUD, which was met with a lot of criticism from the Siege community. However, the devs have heard your feedback and used it to provide more customizability to suit everyone’s needs.

One of the major concerns was regarding the new compass, which seemed quite bigger than the previous one and players were not really happy about it. Although more information could now be gained from this new compass, players wanted some options to make it smaller and take less space of the screen.

With the new TS update, the “Advanced” compass has been made smaller and more neutral in color, and a new setting has been added in the HUD options to use a “Simplified” compass. As the name suggests the simplified compass offers all the necessary information in a smaller footprint, but you will still miss out on the vertical information.

Additionally, the Action Reminders’, such as vault prompts, the opacity will now automatically dim when you are aiming down sights. There’s also a slider to change the opacity of the action reminders according to your liking.

In Y6S4.1 Ubisoft will also add a toggle to hide the huge operator portrait in spectate mode, and only keep the health and loadout information like before. More changes will be coming in the future like scaling options for the compass, action reminders, loadout, and health.

It is really positive seeing Ubisoft make all these changes quickly after the initial reaction from the Siege community.

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.