Ubisoft bans Siege streamer SuperMaxxii for cheating which he claims he didn’t do

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
4 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

On July 1st, Rainbow Six Siege Twitch streamer and YouTuber SuperMaxxii realized that his main R6S account was permanently banned for cheating. The Australian Siege content creator shared out his frustrations today on Rainbow Six Siege’s official subreddit in an effort to get his account back.

SuperMaxxii also shared proofs he had to defend his claim and show his innocence. He even went the extra mile and even contacted the CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, to look into this matter. Here are the full details he shared on Reddit:

“I’m an Australian Siege streamer/YouTuber with a decent following, I also used to edit videos for NarcolepticNugget.
I’ve built my entire career around this game, and waking up finding out that not only can I not play on my account, but I also have a mark on my steam account marking me as a “cheater” which means I’m auto-banned from certain other games (Rust, etc.) is heartbreaking,” stated SuperMaxxii.

I received an email, which I didn’t see, at 2am the morning of my ban, telling me that my account had been logged in, in the UK.
The email was confirming that this was me.
It wasn’t, I’m from Australia, I live in Australia, I had even played that night, from my apartment in Australia. I also have 2FA on.

r/Rainbow6 - I was banned (I didn't cheat & I have proof)
false login email

At 8am that morning I recieved the email saying that I had been “permanently banned for multiple cheating offences” note: I have never been banned for cheating before this.

ubisoft bans supermaxxii
ban email

So I sent an appeal in, explaining that hey, a mistake has been made, and I just want it fixed.

supermaxxii appeals
my first appeal

and I recieved this as response:

appeal denied

So at this point, I was very upset, so I start asking around in my community, tweeting at people.
I even sat down with Nugget to ask him his advice and he responded: “you need to get the community behind you, that’s really the only way they (Ubisoft) might possibly listen to you” and to also buy another account on stream and play on it to PROVE that I’m not cheating.

Nugget DM’s

I even emailed the flipping CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot (hail mary) begging him to look into my case for me as I KNEW it was unfair. and I was desperate.

ubisoft bans supermaxxii
my email to Yves

and I recieved this:

ubisoft bans
my final appeal response

TL;DR I was banned for cheating when I have NEVER cheated or used any programs that help me with Siege at all, I have appealed and been denied by the CEO of Ubisoft, I need the community’s help getting my story seen.

All of SuperMaxxii’s effort to contact support has gone in vain till now. So with the help of Reddit, he wishes to get some attention and eventually get his account back.

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By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.