Top 7 Best Rings in Remnant 2

Abu Bakar Karim
By Abu Bakar Karim
7 Min Read
Top 7 Best Rings in Remnant 2

Learn about the best rings to equip before ruling out in the cursed realm of Remnant 2.

The world of Remnant 2 will test you till your last breath; doesn’t matter if you breathe oxygen or poisonous gas. Moreover, to roam around these lands, you need to befit yourself with the best gear out there. And to get the gears, you need the best suggestions out there.

Now you are almost halfway there in Remnant 2, you sure know how important Rings are. No, not only for aesthetic reasons but for your own protection as well. And that protection comes with max 4 rings at a time. However, amidst countless rings out there, you need to be aware of only the top 7 best ones. Without further ado, let’s right jump into it.

As already mentioned, Rings in Remnant 4 are for both protection and aesthetics. Apart from wearing Four Rings on your finger, you should also know the best ones to wear. Let’s see what we have gathered below for you today.

7. Stone Of Malevolence

Stone Of Malevolence Ring in Remnant 2

From the Elemental Status source as Burn, Shock, or Poison, Stone Of Malevolence can create 15% additional Mod Power. However, just only modding power might not sound useful to you, but it is pretty special; especially, for the modding community over the edge. Not only it needs low damage input, but it will give you the highest DPS output. Moreover, when the elemental buff is active, you will get the mod energy at most 3 times. So yes, if your build is based on Elements, this is the best ring to wear, cap.

6. Tear Of Kaeula

Tear of Kaeula Ring in Remnant 2

Now, if you are a relic fanatic, you will definitely need this one. Say, you are fighting off against a formidable boss, and you have stored up all your relic charges up until now. There is a huge chance that you will get run out of it in the middle of the night. So to keep cool and safe aside, put on Tear Of Kaeula and it will give you an extra Two slots for relics. Now, you have that extra relic to use the buff. However, not all relic is worth using, and not all relics are usable; crazy world of Remnant.

5. Deep Pocket

Deep Pocket Ring in Remnant 2

To have a lifesaver by your side, Deep Pocket Ring should never be set aside. This special ring can increase your max ammo capacity by 25%. Quite useful for the weapons that eat out lots of ammo either for no apparent reason or the reason stands out by high damage output at the same time. However, as it doesn’t offer any other output, this might not seem handy at first, but at the end-game phase, Deep Pocket Ring will remind you to look deep into your pocket to search for that one extra bullet to fire.

4. Black Cat Band

Black Cat Band Ring in Remnant 2

Black Cat Band Ring gives off a sudden burst in movement speed for 10 seconds as soon as you are in imminent threat and sustained fatal damage. Moreover, the ring even gives off a shield to protect you from the secondary attack that comes just right after the first one. Even though the hp is lost by 1 unit, the absorption is godly. Moreover, after just a minute of cooldown, you are ready to breathe again in the arena.

3. Anastasija’s Inspiration

Anastasija's Inspiration Ring in Remnant 2

From gaining haste for 10 seconds to powering up the wearer with some extra agility, Anastasija’s Inspiration can be quite under the radar for you if you are new to the game. However, you can make this effect permanent, which means from your firing rate to movement, every speed will be permanently buffed.

To make this indefinite trait effective, head to Ward 13 and search for a vendor that goes by the name, Mudtooth. Buy Root Water from him that will regenerate your health for 60 mins at a constant rate. And after consumption, this should be enough to trigger the effect.

However, you can also get a health regeneration trait after you have maxed out your fav Archetype. Put one point into that trait, and you will be good to go.

2. Probability Cord

Probability Cord Ring in Remnant 2

How does it sound to enhance the critical damage by 30%? And to top that with a buff in overall damage, Probability Cord should be a priority ring for any occasion. And if you are bagging a weapon with consistent crit hits, the damage output will increase by severalfold. And the biggest outcome is that you can equip this ring with almost all build and is my personal favorite one till now.

1. Blood Jewel

Blood Jewel Ring in Remnant 2

Let’s come to something totally melee-focused. And talking about focusing on melee, the best one you can put on is the Blood Jewel Ring. After a successful hit, your enemies will start bleeding. This bleeding effect will be in effect for 20 seconds. And these 20 seconds will cause your enemies a continuous 300+ damage. This bleeding state can even scale with your weapon damage. Means, the more you hit, the more they bleed. Moreover, the bleeding effect can even stack up to deal additional damage over time.

By Abu Bakar Karim Deputy Guide Editor
AB Karim is the Deputy Editor of the Guide section at GameRiv. With an insatiable love for RPGs and a knack for puns, AB combines his passion for gaming with a professional touch. He has to polish every word with precision; otherwise, he will keep losing health bar. Keep that aside for now, and let's embark on epic quests and unravel mysteries with AB as your trusted guide. Prosst!